Its a pretty day out right now, supposed to start raining tomarrow for like 3 days straight though, yeah. I hate rain. I like what it does, but not while it does it, lol. I'm getting so ready for summer and the water! I love being in it. Lee got the battery charger out and went and tried to charge the sea doos battery but it wouldn't, boo. Guess we're gonna have to buy another one. Apparently they have to have a new one every year, ugh. I need to get it out and wash it! I know its still another 2 months, 1 1/2 shortest, before its going anywhere, but still, lol. Lee needs to go get his boat license put on his drivers, otherwise its not valid and he could get a ticket! I hope I can find his certificate, I DO NOT want to take that test for him again!! My dad said he has his boat apart fixing it, so yeah! Maybe I will be able to learn how to ski this year. I tried like seriously 15 times in a row last summer to get up, I did for like 1 second, but that was it, haha. What can I say, Im stubborn. Which the boat wasn't running right, so maybe it will be easier this summer.
My younger bro has a polaris jet ski, but its broken. He was hoping to fix it for the summer but found out it needs to be rebuilt so that means 800$, OUCHY.
I wish I could get in better shape and look smokin in a bathing suit, but no matter what I do I still have that layer of fat on my lower stomach. I just can't get rid of it!! I worked out at the gym at least 2 times a week all spring/summer last year and didn't BUDGE it!!!! I dunno, maybe I need to stop eating as much? But I dont feel like I eat that much, everyone always says I dont eat enough...grr, my mom says it runs in her side of the family. Great. I know I dont eat very GOOD, lol.
Thanks for all the nice comments Michelle!! Here is a few pics of our shed:

So anyway had a pretty good weekend. Mom called Thurs wanting to know if I wanted to go riding Sat again. I was like sure. Lee had to mow the church yard, so I just had him drop me off there before he went. It was nice to wake up next to him that morning, rare these days!
So we had a pretty good ride, Dixie was slightly more annoying then she was last time, so I got a little frustrated with her. Cisco was still raring to go, even tho it was a lot warmer out. He usually poops out not even half way through, lol, but he was hyped the whole time, but still a good boy! We went down to my bros house, then back up, and over to the neighbors, then back home. Dixie was wired the whole time and getting sweaty, so I didn't want her to over do it, so we didn't go real far. Besides, you can't do 'trail' riding with these two really, they get to going so fast and worked up that if you tried to take them through trails that are pretty primitive, they'd be falling all over themselves. Gravel roads is where they need to be, haha, or open fields! At one point Dixie got into her REALLLY smooth running walk and it was heaven.
We went and visited with the grandparents for a few minutues, and my meme took a pic of us:

That night we had another easter practice, which went well. I also got fitted for my costume.
So Sunday, had to get up early for choir practice, then we had a dilemma. That afternoon before mom told me they were going to take my meme out to Red Lobster for her birthday (that was mon) and I was like, yeah, we'll be there. LOVE it. So then I meet up with Lee later and he says that his bros birthday is TOMORROW. What?? I swear he told me it was the 24th the other day. So of course they are wanting to eat right after church that afternoon. Right when we are supposed to be going to eat with my meme. GAAA, so we tried to get them to move red lobster to that night, but of course they wouldnt, so we didn't get to go. I'm sure I'm in the dog house with my grandparents now. I forgot about her birthday (I just dont keep track of anyones but my bros and lees, lol) and now didn't go when I said I would, -_-. I told mom to tell her that Lee had made plans I didn't know about, etc. And Jamie said they didn't seem upset, soo....
Anyway, we had a pretty good time. (Lee and I had a really good time right before going over there, hahahha, he kept saying your face is gonna be red!!) We ate some deer steaks and talked. Josh (birthday boy) wanted to ride my horse, so he went out there to the other pasture and we could see him from time to time through the trees, lol. We were sitting out on their porch. Kristy had decided to get her colt out and brush him. I thought about getting Tuff out but then itd be like I was just doing it cause she had hers out, etc, and I was pretty lazy that day anyway, so I just sat and talked with his parents and Lee.
Then we heard Rusty start screaming and he ran by, in the pasture where Josh had been riding...we were like what the? Cause he locks him out in the other pasture when he rides. Well then I call him and I said we just saw Rusty go by, where are you? And then we see him trotting Daisy up the hill at the house right there with us! Lol, he had sneaked his way through the pasture where the babies are all the way up to the house without us knowing, lol. And Daisy was such a good girl. After he rode off again his mom said, that is the kind of horse he should have bought...
Anyway, my younger bro had called earlier wanting to come out to our house and eat and watch a movie, and let Lee shoot his new handgun. So I was kinda antsy for Lees bro to hurry up and put the horse up and come open presents. Well it took him FOREVER, and finally he got up there, did presents (we bought him a cd player for his truck) and before we got done eating his cheese cake my bro and his wife got to our house. I was like great, the house is a WRECK. So I chugged the cake down and we left and my bro had already gotten my bow out and was shooting my target, lol. And they had already used the bathroom in the bathroom I DIDNT want them to be in, ughhh. Oh well. I picked it up while they shot guns and Jamie watched tv, and all was well, I guess. I just hate for people to see my house a mess. I know what I think when I see peoples dirty houses, I'm like, ughh!! Whats wrong with them?? lol
So they had picked up dominos, and we ate that and then us girls wanted to watch Just Married, THEY wanted to watch Max Payne, UGHHH, so finally we just watched our movie and they went in and played on the work out machine and played darts, lol. Then they left and we went to bed!
Yesterday was pretty boring. Lee wasn't sure where he'd be for lunch, so I didn't take that to him. So I left earlier then usual to go get grocerys. But I first went by the Christian thrift store to look around, sometimes they have good stuff REALLY cheap, and they have good used books by an author I really like. Well I found THREE books! All 99 cents and a dress!! Its really pretty and it was 70% off! And it was only 6.99 to begin with, bonus!! My books were all half off too! I spent 3$! There was another really cute dress there but it was JUST a bit small, and JUST a bit short, our dresses for church have to go below our knees so they wont come above them when we sit (cause I'm in choir). Boo...I might go buy it anyway, haha, for other times, I just thought it was super cute. And its like 4$. I would have got it yesterday if I had know all my stuff was that cheap to begin with. They also had a used treadmill, but someone had bought it already, bummer!!
Anyway, after that I headed to Freds, (a few steps up from the dollar store) found some flip flops for the hubby (that will work great for just wearing AND the play!) and some dog bones Bowser loves, almost bought some reeboxes too, how do you spell that??? they had NO box, no price, but the guy said they were still 30$, I was like uh uh! I was hoping theyd be at least 20 something. I should have bought them anyway prolly. Then I went on to the grocery store, and then back home! Cleaned some more, did some more laundry, and vacuumed AND mopped the floors, go me!! Then Lee Lee came home. We did a few things outside, but he was really tired. So then we ended up back inside, then in the bedroom, lol, then by that time it was time to make dinner (we had spaghetti) and watched some tv, then off to bed at about 10!
Phew, okay, better shut up now, until later!
The shed is so cute! It even has a little window!
I bet that jet ski is fun, sadly I've never been on one! Weird since I lived in FL for so long. Ride sounded like fun. I wanna go riding!
Nice bargain hunting! I miss shopping in a store .. one that has stuff I'd even consider trying on! I did online window shopping today .. how pitiful.
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