Friday, January 29, 2010 2 comments

I've 'Popped'!

My belly that is! Actually it happened last week, my 12 week mark. I noticed the day after my doctors appointment that it felt a little strange, my pants weren't fitting as well, etc. Then as the days went by I realized it wasn't just bloating anymore! My baby is growing! :)

They say that your uterus becomes too big to fit inside your hip bones anymore, so it starts moving up and out. So I guess thats what happend! Here's a few pics for comparison!

I was around 7-8 weeks stupid cameras
date wasn't set right so I'm not sure!

And here I am last week at 12, nearly 13!

So anywho, def got a belly out there now! It feels strange. I still look more fat then pregnant, so I will be happy when that stage is over! Though it is fun to see a difference now! WE know its not fat! Hehe. I am doing okay in my pants with the hair band, although I like my maternity pants (thats what I have on in the last pic) better. But only in fit, I'm not crazy about the looks.

Still haven't felt my baby move yet, I can't wait for that. I hope its soon! Although I'm also kind of worried about it because then you have to start worrying about it. Like, oh, it hasn't moved since -- and then you wonder why, is it okay, sleeping, what? Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to tell myself to cut it out and just enjoy it and trust God.

So! I don't remember if I mentioned it but we cleaned out the nursery a few weeks ago. One Saturday we just got in there and cleaned it out and threw a bunch of stuff away and got it and the room that we moved a lot of the stuff from there into, all organized! We have 3 extra rooms, but none of them are very big, and the nursery is the smallest. The other room is a guest bedroom and then we have the workout room which is now also the office since we moved the desk and computer in there. As well as a bookshelf! I'm so glad it all fit!

Here is the nursery, lots of work to be done! But at least it is cleaned out. This is like the only room that was a reasonable color when we moved in, so we didn't paint it. But I have plans on doing that soon! More on that in a minute.

This is my 'baby corner' hehe, a few things I have gotten
from people for 'baby Mickle'. Those other things are air mattresses
that need to go back to my mom and dads!

So its not a very big room, but we think big enough for a crib, glider, and some sort of changing table. Lee and I are thinking of buying an old desk or dresser and refinishing it, instead of a baby changing table. You never use that again, but you can definitely use a dresser or desk later! (cheaper too!) All you have to do is buy a changing pad and set it on top and you are good to go. Lots of people are going this way no a days I have noticed.

As for the theme, or decorating I want to do, I think I am going to base it all around a crib set I found at Babies R Us. Its called Bunny Meadow and is SO STINKING CUTE! I just love it. Its in greens and browns and tans and its very outdoorsey without being wildernessy, if that makes sense. We both love being outdoors and summer, etc, so I think it will be great. Its also pretty gender friendly. It leans towards boy, but a few pink accents here and there would work fine.

Here it is!

I love the wall color as well, so I emailed asking the manufacture if they knew the name of it, of course not. -_- So I guess we will have to do our best ourselves! Here is an up close picture of the set: Bunny Meadow

Theres just ONE small problem...hehehe....the set is $180.00. Yeah. CHOKE! I would have to pick an expensive one. I swear. I'm hoping some one will take mercy and go in together on it for my shower, lol.

Anyway, I also have found a crib I am in LOVE with. This item also has a problem though. No, its not expensive, quite cheap actually! Its just out of stock. -_- I emailed wal mart asking if they knew when they would get it back in and of course they sent me some generic email that helped non at all. Here it is though! Cape Cod Crib - Cherry

I've so got my heart set on it, so hopefully they will get it back in soon...PUHLEASE???

Well thats about all for now. Until later!

Friday, January 15, 2010 2 comments


Can you believe it?!

I sure as heck can't! Okay, I'll back up now!

Yesterday Lee and I went for our first appointment with my actual doctor. I was so nervous that day for some reason! I guess because it could all come crashing down around me. I could get in there and have bad results fom my blood work, and them tell me that the baby was gone/had never been there...etc. I worry too much I know!!

Anyway, we got there for my appointment at 3:30, fast forward to 5:00 and we finally get in there, lol. The husband was having kittens. I was like darlin, this is the way doctors office visits go, you might as well get used to it! (turns out she had an emergency, she apologized very nicely)

Anyway we got in there and I saw them. THEM, the little vest and lap paper. UGH, I knew it was going to be, "all right, go ahead and get all your clothes off and she will be in here shortly!" And I was right! BOO! Oh well, I had a feeling that might happen so I had shaved and all that mess the night before, haha. It was a little awkward having Lee there while I got undressed and situated with the little that they give you to wear. He thought it was pretty amusing, lol, but I could tell he was a little uncomfortable too.

So we sat another 10-15 minutes and she finally came in. She's so nice. She sat down and asked if we had any questions, and then asked me a few things like if anyone smoked around me, and told me what not to eat, etc. She told me all my blood work came back great (thank God!) and my pap test that had been taken that summer was good. Yeah! She said somewhere in there she thought it was too early to hear the heartbeat yet, and I just went DANG IT inside. I was so looking forward to that.

Anyway, then she had me lay back and checked my breasts over and then pushed on my stomach and such, checked my back for any strange looking moles, etc. Then the FUN part. She had me put my knees up and stuck what FELT like a 2 foot pole up in me. UGH! You should have seen the looks that went across my face, lol! I'm still not sure what she was feeling for or doing, I couldn't hear her well laying on my back. Then she said everything felt/looked good.

Then! She said, "well, lets just see if we can take a peek in there, that won't hurt your feelings will it?" WHAT?! Heck no! I was like in a daze! She told the nurse to wheel the machine in there and they shut the lights off and I couldn't believe it! She smeared the ultrasound gel on my stomach and started moving the wand around (and pushing really hard on my stomach!) trying to get a good picture.

At this point the monitor was turned away from me and I couldn't see so I was anxiously watching her facial expressions. When she started frowning I thought, OH NO! But then it turns out it was because she wouldn't be able to get us a good picture because of the position the baby was in. BUMMER. Anyway after that she turned the machine towards me and then had Lee come over to look over my shoulder. There it was! OUR BABY. Our little blob. LOL! It was really hard to distinguish anything about it. But then it started moving all over the place and Lee and I were like OH! It was so so neat. The doctor said she saw a heartbeat and it was moving, so all looked well! Way too soon she shut the machine off and that was it! I wish I could have watched it for another hour!

So she left and I got myself wiped off and clothed again and we were out of there! I made an appointment for Feb 11th. So long from now! Ugh. By then I should be feeling it move and have a little baby belly finally.

In other news, still feeling pretty good! I think the nausea time is past and I should be good to go. I'm just starting to freak a little about the money. I still have a $240 bill hanging over my head that needs to be paid and then we have to have $311 at our next appointment and for another 3 months after that. And its like we are already living paycheck to paycheck! WHERE IS IT GOING TO COME FROM?

We have about $250 saved up now, so this Feb payment will be okay. And we are getting our income tax refund probably in march/april sometime. So we should have only one month we really have to scrape up for. God is more then able to provide for us, we just have to get our silly minds wrapped around that!

I've been looking at my stomach a lot today, my pants I've been wearing all week are feeling different today. I can't keep them up over my belly. I keep looking at it and thinking it looks like I might have 'popped'. I dunno...its still a little early. I bet I'm just bloated, lol. But that usually doesn't set in until later at I guess we will see!

I bought a baby journal! Its to document what goes on during my pregnancy. Its called The Belly Book. Its super cute. Here it is: The Belly Book. Its been a lot of fun already to fill out. And it will be so fun for me, and my child, to look at later!

Well thats about all for now! I'm pretty excited about tonight. My bros wife invited us over for hamburgers and then we are goin bowling, yay!

Ta ta!
Thursday, January 7, 2010 2 comments

First Appointment

Well it finally happened! And yet nothing really happened, lol. A bit anti climatic!


Anywho, I met Lee this morning in the parking lot, and we headed on in. I was so happy to have him there with me! Signed in, then went and paid, (was strange writing such a big check!) and then on into the exam room. Well Lee got to go in there, I had to go pee in a cup first. Which I did quite well! Last time wasn’t so good, haha. I have a feeling I’m going to have this down to a science before too long since you have to do it every appointment.


After that I was weighed (121lbs with shoes on, yay! I was afraid I’d gained already) then back into the room. The nurse followed me in and we went over the medical conditions in my family, whether I smoked/drank, etc. Then she had some things I had to sign, a few papers and a pregnancy book to give me, and that was it! I asked if I could hear the heartbeat and she said they can’t hear it until 12 weeks. What?! Everything I’ve read has said even 6 weeks you may be able to hear it. I guess every Dr is different…


The good news is she said I could come in as early as next week to see the actual doctor, so that should be when we get to hear it, I hope! I’m also really happy with the nurse. She was there when I went in last time and is really nice and sweet.


So we went out of there and on down to the lab room where a scary looking grey chair was. I had to sit there and the lady came and put a rubber thing on my upper arm to take my blood. I was a little nervous about this. I don’t think anyone likes needles! Lee was standing against the wall laughing at the expressions I was making, lol. She told me to make a tight fist and then straighten my arm out and then said “are you ready?” and I said “No!” Lol, but it wasn’t bad at all! She poked me and it was nothing major! She took like 5 vials of blood, two big ones, and about 3 smaller. Man! I’m hoping they will tell me I have positive something blood type and not negative. Negative causes a bit of problems for baby, nothing serious but you and baby have to get a shot after delivery or something…not real sure. And I hope they don’t find anything wrong with it!


So after that she stuck a cotton ball on it and we were done. Back out to the desk to make my appointment and and give my paperwork and we were out of there. Thankfully they had a opening next Thurs at 3:30, I was afraid Id have to wait 2 weeks. So I’ll be 11 weeks and 5 days by then. And I better hear that heartbeat!!! ;)


I was so hoping to lay to rest that niggling feeling I’ve had that there isn’t really a baby in there, or something is wrong, etc today. Ugh!! Disappointing. Another week to wait. Sigh.


So the nurse told us we should go and pre register for my delivery stay as soon as possible. Lee and I decided to do it today since we had a bit of time. That was pretty easy, just had to fill out a page of paperwork and sign a few things. While we were in there a new dad walked into the waiting area to tell his family that was out there their baby was born and how much he weighed etc, hehe. It was neat.


The lady there told me to go see a financial advisor asap. She tried to get a hold of two of them but no one was answering. Probably stayed home cause of the snow! (Its so pretty, and luckily not sticking!) She told us about a thing called a ‘mini-stay’ which is supposed to be VERY reasonably priced, she said she didn’t know how they do it its so cheap. She said we could go to the desk where they are and try to get one of them that way. We went down there and the lady said it would be a little bit if we wanted to wait. I told her we would be back next Thurs and could we make an appointment? She said yes and gave me her number. So gotta do that!


After that we headed back to the entrance and said our good byes and off to work for both of us! Although I got a call from my sis in law and we went out to lunch first. That was fun.


So now I’m sitting at work eating grapes, yum, and watching the snow fall. Pretty dead here. I’ll be here till 6 tonight, I’m hoping the freezing ice/slick stuff they are forecasting doesn’t start until I get home!   


Until later!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010 2 comments

The Big Day

So for WEEKS now I’ve been waiting to go to my first prenatal appointment. I was in agony for about a week and then decided to try and totally forget about it so I wouldn’t be totally frustrated with how long it was taking to get here!

But finally I am only about a day away! Yeah! I’m excited, but also a little scared. What if we get in there and they find out I’m not even pregnant, or something is wrong, or who knows what else! Lee says I am the most negative person he knows, lol. I just hate the unknown. I like to know everything about everything! And I haven’t been in to the doctor since I was 6 weeks, I’m 10 now. Who knows what could have happened between then and now?!

My friend had a miscarriage in October. She was 10 weeks as well. She went in to her appointment and they couldn’t find the heartbeat. :(

Okay, I need to stop! And trust God that everything is fine, and if it isn’t its all in His hands anyway and He has a perfect plan for us.

I am really happy that Lee is probably going to be coming with me. I don’t want him to miss hearing the heartbeat for the first time. Which I’m HOPING they will let us hear. I know for sure they are going to be taking blood, etc, and then we have to fill out a family hisory report. I called yesterday to confirm my time and asked if it was okay if he came back with me and the lady said oh yeah! That will be good because he will need to help you fill out the history. So ha! You are supposed to come Lee Lee! He wasn’t too thrilled, lol. Its at 9:30 so he can leave work at 9 and then he should be back at least by 11.

It is supposed to snow/ice on Thursday. Thats just PERFECT! –_-‘ I don’t care though! If they are open I am going! Although I can’t say I’m thrilled about driving my camaro about in that. There are a lot of long, big hills out towards the hospital.

Anywho, not much change from last post. Still nauseated off and on throughout the day, having a hard time eating anything, tired early in the night etc. Bought time to buy a new bra, lol, that is a nice perk! But I feel bad for Lee since I really haven’t felt like that very much lately. But I know I’ll make up for it in the 2nd trimester, or so I heard, hehe ;).

I’m wearing my maternity pants a lot now, and my looser fitting jeans. I’m not showing yet (just bloated!!) but any kind of tightness on my waist is unbearable now. Its weird. So I’m glad I found these maternity pants before Christmas, cause they are sure coming in handy! Once I really start showing (which probably won’t be until February sometime) I am going to hit the Motherhood Maternity store in Huntsville. Better save my money! I have been meaning to check out the nicer consignment stores here in town. I bet they have some cute things at good prices.

I’m so excited for Valentines Day this year. By then I should have a cute little bump popped out, and its just going to be so special, knowing we have a baby on the way. I hope we have the money to go out to eat at least.

Well I guess thats enough for now. I’ll blog about my appointment Thursday!
