Friday, January 15, 2010


Can you believe it?!

I sure as heck can't! Okay, I'll back up now!

Yesterday Lee and I went for our first appointment with my actual doctor. I was so nervous that day for some reason! I guess because it could all come crashing down around me. I could get in there and have bad results fom my blood work, and them tell me that the baby was gone/had never been there...etc. I worry too much I know!!

Anyway, we got there for my appointment at 3:30, fast forward to 5:00 and we finally get in there, lol. The husband was having kittens. I was like darlin, this is the way doctors office visits go, you might as well get used to it! (turns out she had an emergency, she apologized very nicely)

Anyway we got in there and I saw them. THEM, the little vest and lap paper. UGH, I knew it was going to be, "all right, go ahead and get all your clothes off and she will be in here shortly!" And I was right! BOO! Oh well, I had a feeling that might happen so I had shaved and all that mess the night before, haha. It was a little awkward having Lee there while I got undressed and situated with the little that they give you to wear. He thought it was pretty amusing, lol, but I could tell he was a little uncomfortable too.

So we sat another 10-15 minutes and she finally came in. She's so nice. She sat down and asked if we had any questions, and then asked me a few things like if anyone smoked around me, and told me what not to eat, etc. She told me all my blood work came back great (thank God!) and my pap test that had been taken that summer was good. Yeah! She said somewhere in there she thought it was too early to hear the heartbeat yet, and I just went DANG IT inside. I was so looking forward to that.

Anyway, then she had me lay back and checked my breasts over and then pushed on my stomach and such, checked my back for any strange looking moles, etc. Then the FUN part. She had me put my knees up and stuck what FELT like a 2 foot pole up in me. UGH! You should have seen the looks that went across my face, lol! I'm still not sure what she was feeling for or doing, I couldn't hear her well laying on my back. Then she said everything felt/looked good.

Then! She said, "well, lets just see if we can take a peek in there, that won't hurt your feelings will it?" WHAT?! Heck no! I was like in a daze! She told the nurse to wheel the machine in there and they shut the lights off and I couldn't believe it! She smeared the ultrasound gel on my stomach and started moving the wand around (and pushing really hard on my stomach!) trying to get a good picture.

At this point the monitor was turned away from me and I couldn't see so I was anxiously watching her facial expressions. When she started frowning I thought, OH NO! But then it turns out it was because she wouldn't be able to get us a good picture because of the position the baby was in. BUMMER. Anyway after that she turned the machine towards me and then had Lee come over to look over my shoulder. There it was! OUR BABY. Our little blob. LOL! It was really hard to distinguish anything about it. But then it started moving all over the place and Lee and I were like OH! It was so so neat. The doctor said she saw a heartbeat and it was moving, so all looked well! Way too soon she shut the machine off and that was it! I wish I could have watched it for another hour!

So she left and I got myself wiped off and clothed again and we were out of there! I made an appointment for Feb 11th. So long from now! Ugh. By then I should be feeling it move and have a little baby belly finally.

In other news, still feeling pretty good! I think the nausea time is past and I should be good to go. I'm just starting to freak a little about the money. I still have a $240 bill hanging over my head that needs to be paid and then we have to have $311 at our next appointment and for another 3 months after that. And its like we are already living paycheck to paycheck! WHERE IS IT GOING TO COME FROM?

We have about $250 saved up now, so this Feb payment will be okay. And we are getting our income tax refund probably in march/april sometime. So we should have only one month we really have to scrape up for. God is more then able to provide for us, we just have to get our silly minds wrapped around that!

I've been looking at my stomach a lot today, my pants I've been wearing all week are feeling different today. I can't keep them up over my belly. I keep looking at it and thinking it looks like I might have 'popped'. I dunno...its still a little early. I bet I'm just bloated, lol. But that usually doesn't set in until later at I guess we will see!

I bought a baby journal! Its to document what goes on during my pregnancy. Its called The Belly Book. Its super cute. Here it is: The Belly Book. Its been a lot of fun already to fill out. And it will be so fun for me, and my child, to look at later!

Well thats about all for now! I'm pretty excited about tonight. My bros wife invited us over for hamburgers and then we are goin bowling, yay!

Ta ta!


Michelle said...

Awe, sounds good! I hate that moment when you walk in that room and see it all layed out for you and you know what they're going to say. You described it pretty well! I don't think my hubby has had the joy of accompanying me on that adventure lol.

So you got to see your baby and the heart beat but not hear it? What's up with that!

Wuuu tax return! That'll help you guys out. That's good you only have one month where you have to really scrape up. Your dad will probably lend it to you though!

Britnie - Riding During Naps said...

Yeah I know I cant wait to hear it, hopefully next month! Yeah, tax money will be gooood ;)

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