Tuesday, July 1, 2014 0 comments

7 Months!

Well, I suck at posting lately! Haven't even thought of it, really. Anyway, lets get to what is going on at the moment!

So on Fourth of July Shelby will be 7 months! That is this Friday. She is such a sweet, happy baby, thank GOD! We finally got her over all her sickness and ear infections, hopefully. (I say hopefully because something has been bothering her this week and not sure what it is yet, hopefully teething!!)

She is officially an outdoors baby now! Last weekend she went with us on an overnight canoe trip, was so fun. We camped Friday night at a place just over the TN line, then went canoeing all morning and afternoon. She was really good until she got sleepy, then she never did get a good nap, so I ended up nursing her a lot.

Anyway, lets get into what Ms Shelby Marie is doing lately! She sits up really good now, but still topples if she leans too hard the wrong way. She is now in her OWN room, thank God, and sleeping much, much better. I kicked Lee's brother out of Chloe's room (they are still living with us) so she could get out of Shelby's bed and back in her big girl room. The last two weeks she has been waking up twice a night most nights, but she isn't hard to get back to sleep. Probably just a phase.

She LOVES our food and sweet tea, lol. But not so much on the baby food. She does like the puffs things pretty good though. She is eating about every 4+ hours now, yeah. Here schedule is usually wake up around 9, drive to work and fall asleep in the car, sleep from 2-3 hours. Usually about 12 then, so we go get lunch, I feed her, then she plays a bit before going back to sleep in the back room for a bit. Usually doesn't last long unless it stays pretty quiet in the shop. She has been sleeping in there now for quite a while though, yeah! She did an hour 45 the other day, been about an hour in there today. Like I said before, something has been bothering her so she usually sleeps a lot when she is not feeling good. I have her a chiro appointment Thursday, new dr. A good friend of mine worked at our normal chiro and had a falling out there, so I decided to switch. Never got a real good vibe off him anyway. If I like her I might ask about prices for me. I have been having some weird shoulder pain for over a month now.

So! Shelby is around 16+ lbs right now. And really not a whole lot more to report. She rolls around on the floor good, and today when I had her on her mat every time I turned back around she had spun herself a new direction, lol.

It's freaking HOT around here right now! 90's and tons of humidity. UGHH, sucks to be outside after 8am and before 7pm. I can't believe its July already though. Gosh, the summer is flying by.

Lee's family  is finally about to move out I think, they are going to rent a house in town for a while till they get something going over at their place. Probably going to be a double wide. I will be SO glad to get back to normal. It's been 6 months. Crazy. We only lived in our house with Shelby for a month before things got crazy.

My old QH Daisy died the other day. :( Really going to miss her. She was a great horse. I haven't been horseless for a long time. Feels strange. And immediately makes me want to buy another one like NOW. When it's in your blood, it's in your blood, lol. She was a good old girl and lived a great life. She got to eat as much as she wanted and just be a horse most of her life. Was a great mama to three foals... She only started looking even part of her age this last winter. So I'm thankful!

Well, started trying to get our finances in place again last month. I sat down with Dustin and he set me up a system, let me know where we are and where we need to be. The problem is IMPLEMENTING it! I am really struggling. Numbers just wig me out!! I'm trying though. We have got to get it under control. I hope by next post I will be able to talk about my sucess with it.

Chloe is doing well! She will be FOUR next month! Holy crap!! SNIFF! Time slow down! I can't believe she will be in school next year, makes me want to cry! I'm so proud of the girl she is. She is so sweet and caring, and loving. She loves her little sister and will do anything for her. She goes potty all by herself (hardly EVER has an accident) brushes her teeth by herself. Can get dressed by herself. She is learning some letters and can count to 14 or so. She is a little artist. She loves drawing. And playing with water, lol. She is still definitely my drama/girlie girl. She wants to do ballet so bad but I just don't know...I think she will have a hard time. I put her in cheerleading on Wed nights at church for three weeks and she ended up not liking it at all. Ballet is too expensive to be a waste of time, you know?

My grandpa died last month as well. It was time. He was miserable. Meme is doing ok, but definitely sort of lost without him. Thankfully her sisters are here to help her for a while, and then are going to take her back to OR with them in a few weeks. I sang Grandpa by The Judds for him at his funeral. It's really opened me up to playing my guitar again, its a lot of fun. I even brought it on the canoeing trip and we sang some praise and worship songs that night around the fire.

Well better get some work done, tata!

Thursday, May 8, 2014 0 comments

Spring Time!

It finally decided to STAY warm around here! Well, for now at least, lol. It has been mostly 80's for a few weeks now, so maybe we are safe!

So! Lets run down current events. Um, Easter was okay, it rained so much they couldn't hunt in the yard. Lee's family is STILL living with us. *Sigh* Lee bought a new truck, a 2004 F250 diesel that he loves. I have a new car too, got it in Feb or something, its a '03 Expedition, love everything except putting over a $100 in it a week for gas, sigh. We have had never ending sickness running through the house for 2 months. I think we MIGHT be done with it for now, please Lord. My poor babies have been sick so much. Chloe had a AWFUL ear infection last week that caused her to throw up and have a terrible fever of 103+ for two night. It was kinda scary.

Shelby is doing good except for SLEEPING. You know how I bragged on her last post?? Hahahaha. I read that again and was like, SIGH, why can't she still be like that??? So for about two weeks now she has been waking up at LEAST twice, and then again in the morning early, between 5 and 7. And she will NOT be put back to sleep by anything but nursing. I used to be able to pat her hiney or a bit and she would be fine. No more! I CAN get her to sleep by holding her laying down and bouncing on the bed while patting her hiney, but as SOON as I put her in her bed she wakes back up and I end of having to feed her ANYWAY!! GRRRRRRRRR. I know, I know, these days shall pass. But um, they can go already, we have had enough!! Right at 4 months she started this crap. Like the day after. And its gotten worse and worse. We tried leaving her out of her swaddler thing last night thinking maybe it would help, but nope. She is really too big for it anyway. I would be putting her in her new room (and already having her sleep in there for naps) BUT we have house guests still which makes that out of the question.

So, Lee and I keep hoping it will soon PASS. She has slept all night once in like a month. BOO! Poor Jesse and Josh have to hear her every night too, lol.

Anyway! She is doing great otherwise. She is so good at picking up toys now, and sitting up by herself very well. She still topples but doing really good most of the time. She turned 5 months old a few days ago! I started her on rice cereal a fe weeks ago and she loves it. Its just kind of a pain for me because I have to pump milk to put in it. She also likes apples, but not as much as her rice cereal. She did NOT like squash and ate a little of bananas and carrots, but then started gagging, lol. She will drink out of a cup! But its a messy process.

She started touching faces a few weeks ago, its so cute, and she will reach for you if you are near her. She smiles all the time. She is generally a happy baby. She loves playing under her play mat, and rolling around on the floor. She is pretty good at rolling over from her belly to her back now!

Our daily routine has changed now. She hardly every sleeps in the morning now. Usually we get here around 10, she plays for a bit and then eats around 11. Then we go get lunch and she takes her a hour to two hour nap in the car. Then she eats again and plays then we are gone to the park to jog! Today was a bit different though, she took a short nap after we got here in the car. Then ate at 11, then we played a bit before going to lunch and she is still sleeping out there. Only about an hour to go! I think tonight we are going to jog then let Chloe play on the swing set a bit. Then take Lee some dinner over at his side job and hang out there. I just don't like being at home without him.

Well, about time to get outta here, till later!

Monday, March 24, 2014 0 comments

3 Months!

So here we are! Bad needing an update on how little bit is doing!

She is 3 months old now, probably around 14 lbs. She was 13 a few weeks ago. But we won't go back to the pediatrician until next month.

She is such a smiley happy baby. She is starting to talk even more and making squealing high pitched sounds, too cute. She loves to stand up, and really likes laying on the floor as well. She started picking up and pulling on her blanket a few weeks ago and is now playing with toys too. Well, she is picking them up and putting them in her mouth! Lol. Unfortunately I think she is teething already, yeah, I know. My first one didn't get them till a year and now my second is going to have them EARLY, ugh. I know she won't have teeth for a while yet but her gums are definitely bothering her.

She still sleeps AWESOME at night! Although she is very ready for bed around 8 o'clock. She gets very fussy. Last night we were watching Catching Fire and she Lee got her to sleep in her bunny rocker around 8, that never happens! She actually slept till 9:30 and we were able to finish the movie, that never happens anymore! The house shuts down at 9, lol. Well, for the four of us. The rest of Lee's family stays up a bit later. Yeah, they are still with us.

So anyway I wrap her in her swaddler and then nurse her on the right side for awhile, then I lay down with her and nurse her on the left, usually dozing in and out until she is done. Burp her and then lay her in her bed. I pat her hiney a few minutes to make sure she is going to stay asleep and then she is down until 8! Thank you Lord! Every so often she might wake up in the middle of the night but I just pat her a few times and she goes back to sleep. Or in the morning she might wake up early around 7 so I either put her in bed with me and she goes back to sleep or I feed her on one side and she goes back to sleep.

I get up at 8 to go to work so usually I get up, sometimes I get dressed, sometimes I feed her first. Usually I go get Chloe who is awake and she plays on the bed with me or watches tv while I feed sister. Then I lay Shelby on the bed and get ready the rest of the way. Head into her room and get her dressed and then I give her to her papa who talks to her while I get my food and such ready and load everything up and then we are gone to work! She usually sleeps from the car till around 12, sometimes 1. Though this past week she has been waking up around 10 or 11. Boo! She is still asleep today though, and its almost 12, so she might make it. Then we go get lunch and I come back and feed her. She plays for a little bit and then is ready for another nap. And then she is awake again to eat (maybe) and play and usually gets sleepy again right before its time to go home at four. Which works good for me, I've been jogging again right after work so she sleeps all through our time at the park, thankfully!

So here I am again to finish this post! Like a week later, lol. Monday boo, spent half of last week in bed with the stomach flu. NO FUN. Specially trying to nurse poor Shelby with a ever diminishing supply of milk. I think today it might have finally picked back up. Throwing up and not eating or drinking will do that! -_-

So sweet baby finally laughed the first time on Saturday!! It was so cute, I was giving her kisses on her cheek and neck and she did it a few times, it was adorable! I have got to get her 3 month pictures taken!! Here are her 2 month and some other random pics from 2 months:

I got a double jogger the other day! So  now I can go on the days I have Chloe girl too. I went the first time with them the other day and it was really not any harder then just Shelby! (Which it might help if I aired up Shelby's strollers tires, haha) I felt pretty bad A running around there pushing them. Wonder woman! I even had one guy tell me what a strong mama I was, haha. Shelby was ready to sleep so wasn't real happy, plus the sun was in her face. I tried putting her hat on but she didn't like it either. We made it around without her having too big of a problem and then I got her out and she was happy to watch Chloe play for quite a while on the playground. Here they are trying it out at work the first day I got it:

And just a sweet Shelby pic :)

Well as for what else is going on, not much. Still have a house full with no end in sight...I got a new phone the other day that I LOVE. Its an LG G2, its freaking awesome. Um, Lee got his shop finished, its really nice. Starting to get warmer around here finally, though it is supposed to be in the 20's tonight, good grief. It was nearly 80 on Saturday. This winter has been so annoying!! Worst I can remember in a long time.

My grandpa is still in the hospital. He has been in and out for months and months now. He's getting closer to the end I think. My poor meme is so exhausted.

We have a new small group we really love right now. All the couples in it are so neat and we have a TON of fun together. Its weird because its the first group we have had without my little bro and sis inlaw being in it. We hardly ever see them now though :( Which really bothers Chloe, she loves her Lukey.

Well guess thats all for now, tata

Tuesday, January 21, 2014 0 comments

Welcome Shelby Marie! 6 Weeks Old

Yeah, so somebody doesn't have a computer at home and did not post about our new little arrival! Yeah, that was me, ;)

So here she be!!

Shelby Marie
7lbs 9 oz 21 inches

Yes, she is in a special care bed, I'll get to that later!

After being pregnant for what felt like all of 2013 (and really almost was) she finally made her appearance on December 4th, just a day after her due date! Good girl, hehe. I actually went into labor on the 3rd but she wasn't born until that next afternoon.

So I had been contracting a few days before this off and on with nothing progressing. Then that day at work I was having some more and also happened to think, hey, I haven't felt her move much the day or so. Which they always say is a big red flag. So I thought, well I'll call my dr and see if they can get me in just to make sure she is okay. So turns out my doctor was about to leave to Birmingham for a meeting he could not postpone. Boo. Then they were like well we want you to come into labor and delivery so they can monitor you. WHAT!? I just wanted to see my dr and be done with it! But they insisted and said they were going to call down there and tell them I was on my way. Sigh. I felt like such a dodo head, like one of those first time moms freaking out about nothing.

So I left work kind of wigging out, on the verge of tears. What if there WAS something wrong with her?? I call Lee (who is working an HOUR away of course) and then head to the hospital. I'm sure I'm going to get there and they are going to say your not really having contractions, or, worst of all something is wrong. Well they put me in a room and I have to get all my clothes off yeah, and put that gown on. They hooked me up to the machines and little girl is perfectly fine. She THEN proceeds to start being a wild child in there of course, lol.

The cool thing was the nurse taking care of me was BECKY!! My nurse with Chloe that I was praying I would get again. Thank the Lord! So she went out at one point and came back in with guess who?? My wonderful awesome doctor!! He said he came by to check on me before he left for Birmingham, I thought he was long gone! I love that man! So he looked at my stats and such and started talking about how long they would keep me and observe, etc, then he goes, "well, heck, you aren't leaving here without a baby". Hallelujah! So they then took me and put me in a BRAND new delivery room! I thought I was stuck in the one I was being observed in, it was smaller and had an awful tv in it, lol.

I settled in and made all my calls and here we go! I started having more contractions throughout the night but they would never get real consistent. I wanted to walk but with baby still breech they said I probably shouldn't until the doctor got back from Birmingham, since he is the only one that will deliver me breech.

IV still sucked, but not as bad as last time. That morning early Lee and I started making rounds of labor and delivery. The contractions had pretty much petered to nothing during the night, boo. So walking started them up again but I decided to go ahead with a little bit of pitocin as suggested by my doctor to get things going. That did it! I started getting pretty uncomfy so since I came IN 4 cen I could have my epidural whenever I wanted. I don't remember what I was dilated at that point but I went ahead and got it. I felt it this time! But it really did just feel like a bee sting, which is how she described it. But my contractions never did really 'hurt' they were definitely not fun and uncomfy but nothing awful. After my epidural I felt real itchy and warm, kind of sleepy.

So after that we really were waiting on my water to break. It finally started leaking, but that was it. Doctor didn't want to break it because of her being breech. So they had me sitting on my bottom as far as I could in the bed, that didn't work, then the nurse asked me if I wanted to try turning on my side. Well not long after she left the room Lee's brothers had arrived. They came in to see me and all of a sudden I felt SOMETHING come OUT. I knew it couldn't be her head but I really didn't know what it was!! Mom said she will never forget the look on my face, lol! So I said real fast "something just came out and yall need to leave!!" to his brothers, haha, poor guys.

I frantically pushed the nurse button and here she came running, she checked me and said it was my WATER BAG. What?? Then all of a sudden I had four nurses in there staring at my water bag lying on the bed, lol, so funny. They were all like wow, we've never seen that! Haha. Glad to be your entertainment, ladies! So everything got kind of fast and blurry at this point. The doctor was called (he was in the other building doing his patient appointments) and then all of a sudden her heart rate DROPPED big time and everyone started getting pretty busy. They put a oxygen mask on me and told me to breathe real deep in and out and Becky got on the phone again with the doctor telling him very calmly, for my sake I'm sure, that he really needed to HURRY, lol. As for me I was lying there silently FREAKING OUT and praying. I was so scared she would stop breathing or something and get stuck in there and die, ugh. But her heart rate jumped back up to normal and was fine from then on, thank GOD!

So doctor gets there and here we go. Lee said he finally broke my water, though I don't remember this and I started pushing. And I gave it all I had! I really only pushed like twice and she was out to her head but then I hear people saying she has her arm up in her face, and I can feel him pulling and dong all sorts of stuff down there. Gahhh kid!!! So the doctor had a HECK of a time getting her to move her arm so I could get her out and I was so worried all I knew was I needed to push her out and FAST. At one point the nurse even jumped up on me and was pushing on me to pop her out. I was just about done for when they finally got her out! They laid her on my chest and she is not moving, shes white, all sprawled out and lifeless! But I wasn't worried, I knew they can be stunned sometimes when they come out backwards, I was just so relieved she was out.

So they took her over pretty quickly to the warming place and worked on her there getting her to breathe and cleaning her up, checking her out. And as they are doing that the doctor is delivering the placenta and checking me out and he says, "now I heard her arm pop when she came out, she might have a broken arm or shoulder." WHA....WAIT WHAT?! Then he starts saying but that will heal, its no big deal, yada yada. And I'm laying there thinking, I should have just gotten a c-section!! Then my baby wouldn't have a broken arm!

They brought her over to me so I could see her, but I really just wanted them to go ahead and take her for xrays! They thought she was probably okay because she had started moving it and wasn't crying when they messed with it. But I was so afraid to touch her if it was broken! They took her pretty quick after that and I rested and ate some food. I was starving! Hadn't ate since lunch the day before and it was late afternoon the next day.

Everything turned out great, God is so good. She was completely healthy and the xrays came out normal. So thankful! The family got to see her through the nursery window while Lee was back there with her, and then they came in after I had nursed her the first time. We had Chloe came in first and it was so sweet. She kept saying, shes so beautiful! :) Love that girl.

So! We are nearly 2 months old now! 7 weeks. Overall impression is she likes to eat A LOT, not a calm baby unfortunately. She likes her schedule, 9:00 is bed time and she will not sway from it! (found that out a few times the hard way!) She was nursing nearly every hour the first two weeks, lol, still every 2 hours now unless she is sleeping. She started smiling about 3 weeks, so sweet! And a bit after that with coos and such. If you get her in just the right spot in front of you she will smile and talk at you for the longest time. She really loves talking to her daddy and papa Mickle. The best thing ever is she SLEEPS ALL NIGHT! She will sleep from 10 or so all the way to 6 or 7 in the morning. No joke. THANK GOD! I love it! She is in a co sleeper next to my bed, the one my sister in law used which is my other sister in laws, lol. We swaddled her for about a month or so and then she started busting her arms out of it so now she is swaddled in it below her arms to keep her warm. But this week she has started busting out of it too! So I may have to do a blanket soon, boo.

She sleeps a lot still. I started back to work this past week and she usually eats before work, sleeps a bit after we get  here, eats around lunch time again, and then sleeps nearly until time to go home at four. Pretty easy! Sometimes she is awake when we get here and fusses until I feed her around 11:30. Then sleeps the afternoon away.

OH! I forgot another awesome thing, she drinks a bottle! Hallelujah! We have her on a Avent natural and she does great with it. I am able to pump about 5 or 6 ounces every other day or two or so and have been freezing it. I don't have enough to leave her all day but plenty for an occasional bottle while we are out, or for date nights. She also takes a paci at times, but not easily.

So Chloe is a GREAT big sister! She is so helpful fetching things for me or the baby, gives her kisses all the time, etc. She loves her. She isn't really jealous too much, but sometimes she wants us to hold her TOO. Or she wants a blanket too, etc. Its been a bit hard at bed times sometimes, when Shelby wants to eat NOW and Chloe wants me to put her to bed, etc. Like last night she was screaming wanting to eat and Chloe wanted me, and I hadn't been able to put her to bed for quite a few days so I went ahead and put her to bed. When I walked into the bedroom this is what I saw, lol:

Such a good daddy! He has been great helping with Chloe and the new baby. She can get pretty fussy at times so its nice to have someone to hand her off to. She likes the big swing Chloe loved too thank goodness so she sleeps in it a lot at home. I also have a rock n play she likes pretty good. And a bouncer, she likes movement!

Here are a few pics of sweet Shelby:

Sweet babies!

First day back to work!
2 Weeks old! Just before Christmas

One month old!

Well in other news my husbands childhood home burnt the ground two weeks ago. It was awful. Thankfully they were all gone on vacation. I still feel awful I didn't see it. I was home the whole time and never even knew until I saw a car go by the road really fast and I jumped up to see where it went and saw flames coming out of every window. The really bad thing is they only have insurance enough to cover paying off the loan on the property. But not to build again. So they still really don't know what they are going to do.

So right now they are living with us, yeah, 5 extra people in our 1300 sqft house, heh. His mom and dad are sleeping in the fifth wheel and his two brothers are in our workout room and his sister in Chloes room. We moved her back into the nursery, took the front off the crib to make it a big girl bed. She is cool with it! So we are just in a holding pattern right now! It was a bit rough to begin with but I'm okay with it right now. Hopefully I will stay that way!

Bout all right now, till later, tata!
