So Friday, gotta try and remember what went on, geesh my memory is bad. Okay, I'm having a total blank. Anyway, Sat we got up and decided to go to Lacon (flea market) and check it out, we hadn't been in awhile. And I'm so glad we did! We found some SUPER good deals. This little mexican woman was selling this 3 tier metal rack thing, its about 3.5ft tall, that you can put plants on, books, whatever, for 5$! Not sure what I'm gonna do with it yet. Lee likes it on the porch, but I want to decorate the house not the PORCH. Anyway, we also found an old coleman camping stove for SIX BUCKS! Then I found a decorator table, you know those ones that are just wood with 3 legs and you put a table cloth over them? I needed another one for the bedroom but didn't want to spend the money on it, lol, and found that for 4$! Thennn I found a fold up lounge chair for tanning for ONE DOLLAR, yessss. It looks brand new but dirty. Very excited, been wanting one of those for like 2 years, lol, no more laying on the ground with the bugs/ants! HALLELUJAH! I think that was it, we had a lot of fun. I also saw this little kitten I wanted so bad. It was SO CUTE!!! I know better then to go over by the animals but I heard their little high pitched meows and I couldn't resist!! This little light cream one was adorable, I stuck my finger in there and it just rubbed and rubbed on it, then licked it!! So CUTE!! It was so sweet and friendly. But alas, Lee said NO, and I knew better anyway...sniff.
So after that we headed back to town, I told Lee I wanted to go to hobby lobby and buy a picture that was 50% off this week, that I didn't have money for earlier. It is SO PRETTY. I'll have to take a pic. Its like wood that looks like something off a barn, kinda has slats, and its painted white, with hydrangeas on it and Live Well Laugh Often Love Much. So pretty, and in the middle it has a spot for a 5x7.
GOOD GRIEF!! The durn UPS man is here at 10 oclock!! Oh great, and he is getting out the dolly. That means I'm going to be stuck with a bunch of work. Okay, maybe not too much, he just put 2 boxes, one is big, they have luggage in them. Yeah, not much at all.
Okay, trying to beep Lee (on the nextel) to tell him about Bowser. He was acting REALLY strange this morning. He was limping??? And then after he came in from going potty I touched his head and he YELPED. This dog NEVER yelps, even when I beat the crap out of him for something. I did it a few more times and he yelped, but theres nothing there! I have no idea whats wrong with him. He was cowering around acting scared, etc. So strange. Dumb dog, I swear if its not one thing its another with him!! I'll prolly have the bro in law check on him a little later...
Okay, Lee has no clue...and its raining at his job, great. He's worried they wont get 40 hours in this week becaue its supposed to rain like EVERY BLOODY DAY and he already didn't work monday, I highly doubt his boss will pay them for it. He sucks. They only have a little bit of inside work...GO AWAY STUPID RAIN!
Okay, so on Sat I got my picture and then we called Chris and Jamie to see what they were doing, Lee thought he might have picked up a Land Rover Jamies dad was giving them. Its to play in the woods/trails with. So finally got a hold of him, no he hadnt, but wanted to know if we would go get it with him cause our truck is bigger then his and it has to be hauled (needs a water pump). So by that time Lee and I had already gotten all the way home. So we unloaded our loot and went to the inlaws real quick to help with a four wheeler problem (what would they do without Lee?? lol) and get some chains to hold the rover on the trailer with and then Lee got stuck helping his mom with something too. His dad did get our new stove working tho, so that is good.
Then we went over to a church friend who has a good car trailer, picked that up (saw some SUPER cute baby goats) and then picked up chris at his house. Got to his inlaws, FINALLY got the rover running long enough to get it on the trailer, and headed went to a car wash to clean it up. I mostly slept in the truck, I was so sleepy and headachey that day. Although I did watch a horse in the pasture near there for quite a while. He was upset his buddy was gone and was trotting around and calling a lot. Got back to their house and got the rover unloaded (jamie was at a bd party) and they messed with it for quite awhile. I slept some more, lol.
So finally Jamie got home and we decided to go out and eat. She and I wanted Olive Garden, of course the boys vetoed that, so we finally settled on Carrabas, since my mom and dad and a few other pepole have been telling us how GREAT it is. Lee, total homebody, didn't see why we had to go all the way to huntsville to eat (hour away) since we have plenty of places here. I was like yeah, and we eat at them ALL THE TIME. I like to try new stuff. Anyway, we had to take the trailer back, so we did that and met up later. They have a really nice '03 chevy avalance that we ride in everywhere, hehe.
So got up there (its in a mall) and got our little buzzer thing and walked around the mall a bit. Jamie wanted to go into forever 21 (never been in one) so we ditched the guys and had A LOT of fun looking in there. They have GREAT prices, and such cute stuff!! Then we walked out and Lee had found a buddy of his and was talking to him, and Jamie happened to know the buddies sis in law, so she talked to her, lol. Lees buddy had a little 4 month old boy, cute cute, and he was like, so, about time for yall to have one, right?? We both went EHHHH...and looked aside, hahaha.
So our thingie went off so we went and got our table. And about gagged at the prices. UGH! So I got a chicken pasta thing with mushrooms and peas and it was REALLY GOOD. REALLY good. Jamie liked hers all right, the boys were NOT IMPRESSED, lol. So there went 35$ bucks! But it was still fun. Our waiter was kinda ugh tho, he thought he was funny, but wasn't, and you could tell he had the same speel for EVERYONE. He did get us a free desert though since it was our first time :).
So we drove back to our town and got dropped off, then went on home. Church the next day, then small group, then we decided to drive around the lake a bit, to see if our old ramps were still there for the sea doo. They were, also found some other ones. And got caught in torrential rain and loud thunder storms. Lee was going to show me a huge house he built on the lake but I wouldn't let him go down the driveway it was STEEP and its someones house! He got kinda ill with me, and then I got ill with him for being ill with me, and well, not good, lol. So we went on home, and did a buncha nothing, then I made some fish sticks and fries and we watched tv, and then to bed.
Yesterday I was hoping someone was going to call and say hey, we're having a memorial day thing, come bring some food and party with us! Well, no one did. Oh well. My dad is sick and so I kinda figured we wouldn't do anything. So we went over to lees parents and hung around there all day. It was okay. She fixed us biscuits and gravy (which we didnt eat till 1:30!! They are so late with everything) and then we sat around and talked, oh and lees younger brothers went to the store and got stuff to make bombs with. -_- Something with toilet cleaner shaken up in a bottle?? They were kinda scary, lol.
I also went out and to feed the new mare with Jesse. I grabbed Tuff while I was out there and brushed his mane and tail out, got some more of his shedding hair off. Then messed with his feet some. I remembered they had lunged Skip the other day so I got the lunge line out to see if he remembered his lessons from last year. He did, and was a good boy. We mostly walked but did a little slow trot. It was sloppy out there. And SUPER humid, with the gnats driving you bonkers!!
Then we decided to do a cook out, so lees dad and us went and got some ribs and other things and he grilled those and I fixed these appetizers I've been wanting to try, and it was all REALLY good. I loved the appetizers, these are them: Won Ton Appetizer. They are UNBELIEVABLE! And so easy. Everyone seemed to really like them. Your supposed to use won ton wraps but our little hick stores don't have those, so I used some premade bowls from the freezer section. Worked great.
So then we watched Australia, well most of it, at 11 we decided to head home, since they had like 40 more mins, lol. That movie is forever long. Its good though.
Okay, so now we are on Tuesday, yeah, I like having another day that feels like the weekend, cause that gets the NEXT weekend there much earlier!
Okay, shutting up now, gosh I'm boring!!
I leave you with a simply adorable picture of my nephew Dawson in dads '66 GTO from the grand opening last sat.

What a cute pic! Looks like an ad...
Some good deals at that flea market! Too bad you couldn't get a kitty. Someone to help you terrorize Bowser.. hehe ... hopefully he's acting normal now..
I think Carrabas is ok. I don't think the price is worth the dishes. I am just a mad Macaroni Grill fan .. mmmm... first place I'm gonna eat at when I get to the states!
Does the new mare not have a name yet? Just calling her mare? ;)
Your post about food is making me hungry!
Well your weekend sounded like more fun than mine was!
haha, yeah, I do need someone to help me! lol, poor Bowser, I'm not very nice to him sometimes. He is better, turns out it was a tick inside his ear! UGH, and he also had fleas. So he's better now, took care of all that.
Ya we were gonna go to macaroni but we decided to try a new place, the bro and sis in law loove macaroni grill. I havent been enough to know.
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