To top it off, our $300 in state refund, which was put in the savings, is now ALL GONE. GONE. To pay for our mess. Well part of it went to that. :sniff: So now we have to build it up from the ground. The hard way. And it probably won't get done. We SUCK at saving. :sigh: Well at least I can probably get my check today and deposit it, so MAYBE we won't overdraw AGAIN. I'm glad Lee has a bit of overtime this week. Hopefully he can get more. He also has a side job that is needing done. But who knows when he'll get it done/get paid for it. He has to work on top of a building that is RIGHT by power lines, so it can't be windy. And its been windy THREE DAYS IN A ROW. Unbelievable.
You know what, I can probably trace this all back to one thing. That started it all. I didn't tithe this week. I knew we would be short on money and didn't have it, we just didn't have it. But your supposed to trust God and do it anyway, and He will bless you with the money you need. But I didn't. And I have felt bad/worried about it all week. And here we go, the fruit of my stupidity. GOOD JOB BRITNIE. :sighhhh:
So anway, enough of that, I'm getting more depressed. Not much has been going on. We really do lead quite boring lives. And sigh again, its only 1:30!!! At least I get off at three today though. And then a mad rush to the bank.
Umm, dad had his grand opening for his new garage this Sat. (hes a Chevrolet mechanic)
It went okay, not many people came out. Apparently the strawberry festival was going on along with another car show (dad said on his flyers and ads that his grand opening was also a car show/cruise in for muscle cars etc) and it was also threatening to rain, so muscle car owners do NOT want to bring cars out if its going to rain, generally, lol. But we had a few cars there and we did have a good bit of people come, so it was okay.
Lee and I drove my bros super charged mustang convertible there, since they were out of town this weekend. That was fun, love that car. I want a convertible! hehe, I have t-tops on my camaro but it is a lot of work to put them on and off. Not just unsnap a few things and push a button! Plus the hydraulics on my back window, that hold it up, are broke, so that mother is HEAVY, and I have to use a pole to keep it open and I'm always worried its going to fall and break my back, lol. (that is where I store the t-tops when I take them off)
I got a new phone! Well new to me. Its actually Lee's, his boss gave him one of his phones he hardly used, thats military grade. So I got his, this is it: Motorola i880

Its not great, but much better then the one I have. I wish Nextel would get with it and have CUTE, cool phones with the direct connect, not boring ones. I loved my cingular Samsung phone, so neat. Oh well, at least this one has a music player on it. Although I don't know where the memory card adapter went, so I can't load more on it, lol. Great.
So we went over to the in laws last night, his mom made chicken fingers and fries, then we watched Mall Cop. SO STUPID. I knew it would be. Oh well. It was nice to hang out and not have to make dinner though, I really like his mom. Whoda thunk??
We watched Star Trek this weekend. Sunday matinees rock! Anyway, it was pretty good, better then I was expecting. I don't know much about Star Trek, so it wasn't as enjoyable as it might have been if I knew all the characters well, etc. I want to see the new Terminator this weekend, but we need to stop SPENDING!!
The weather has been CRAP lately. RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN. Finally this week we have had like 3 days in a row without it, its AMAZING. I swear, last year we were begging for it and now we are like GO AWAY! So many HUGE trees are falling down everywhere because the ground is so wet it just wont hold the roots when the wind blows hard. I think we are finally drying out tho. Now it just need to get HOT. I swear, we should be at the lake with the sea doo by now!! Not that we have it tagged and reg in our name yet, lol. Lee also needs to find his marine license. I have only been able to lay out ONCE so far. So not cool.
Okay 30 more mins, yeahhh. Lets see, can't think of anything else really, hopefully next time I write we will have our finances reined back in and not bolting off insanely. -_-

ps okay, have no idea why my new signature thing looks so crappy, but i dont feel like messing with it, ill check it later
Tsk Tsk! I know what you mean though, I'm the spender in the family and Gian is the saver. We wouldn't have a savings account if it wasn't for him. But at least you guys don't have debt!
Sounds like you guys need to practice on your self control! New phone is really neat! I always wondered how those T Tops work. Sounds like a buncha work.
Ugh I know! I am a bit more of a spender then Lee, but not good enough!! Be very glad for Gian!
Yeah, they are HEAVY and usually HOT and there are two of them, haha. But I think I might take them off today, its so nice out! Gotta do it before it gets too hot! Then its miserable.
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