Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Big Day

So for WEEKS now I’ve been waiting to go to my first prenatal appointment. I was in agony for about a week and then decided to try and totally forget about it so I wouldn’t be totally frustrated with how long it was taking to get here!

But finally I am only about a day away! Yeah! I’m excited, but also a little scared. What if we get in there and they find out I’m not even pregnant, or something is wrong, or who knows what else! Lee says I am the most negative person he knows, lol. I just hate the unknown. I like to know everything about everything! And I haven’t been in to the doctor since I was 6 weeks, I’m 10 now. Who knows what could have happened between then and now?!

My friend had a miscarriage in October. She was 10 weeks as well. She went in to her appointment and they couldn’t find the heartbeat. :(

Okay, I need to stop! And trust God that everything is fine, and if it isn’t its all in His hands anyway and He has a perfect plan for us.

I am really happy that Lee is probably going to be coming with me. I don’t want him to miss hearing the heartbeat for the first time. Which I’m HOPING they will let us hear. I know for sure they are going to be taking blood, etc, and then we have to fill out a family hisory report. I called yesterday to confirm my time and asked if it was okay if he came back with me and the lady said oh yeah! That will be good because he will need to help you fill out the history. So ha! You are supposed to come Lee Lee! He wasn’t too thrilled, lol. Its at 9:30 so he can leave work at 9 and then he should be back at least by 11.

It is supposed to snow/ice on Thursday. Thats just PERFECT! –_-‘ I don’t care though! If they are open I am going! Although I can’t say I’m thrilled about driving my camaro about in that. There are a lot of long, big hills out towards the hospital.

Anywho, not much change from last post. Still nauseated off and on throughout the day, having a hard time eating anything, tired early in the night etc. Bought time to buy a new bra, lol, that is a nice perk! But I feel bad for Lee since I really haven’t felt like that very much lately. But I know I’ll make up for it in the 2nd trimester, or so I heard, hehe ;).

I’m wearing my maternity pants a lot now, and my looser fitting jeans. I’m not showing yet (just bloated!!) but any kind of tightness on my waist is unbearable now. Its weird. So I’m glad I found these maternity pants before Christmas, cause they are sure coming in handy! Once I really start showing (which probably won’t be until February sometime) I am going to hit the Motherhood Maternity store in Huntsville. Better save my money! I have been meaning to check out the nicer consignment stores here in town. I bet they have some cute things at good prices.

I’m so excited for Valentines Day this year. By then I should have a cute little bump popped out, and its just going to be so special, knowing we have a baby on the way. I hope we have the money to go out to eat at least.

Well I guess thats enough for now. I’ll blog about my appointment Thursday!


Michelle said...

Stop being negative woman!
Unnecessary stress can't be helpful during a pregnancy!

Britnie - Riding During Naps said...

I know it!! Lee tells me to quit all the time!

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