Thursday, January 7, 2010

First Appointment

Well it finally happened! And yet nothing really happened, lol. A bit anti climatic!


Anywho, I met Lee this morning in the parking lot, and we headed on in. I was so happy to have him there with me! Signed in, then went and paid, (was strange writing such a big check!) and then on into the exam room. Well Lee got to go in there, I had to go pee in a cup first. Which I did quite well! Last time wasn’t so good, haha. I have a feeling I’m going to have this down to a science before too long since you have to do it every appointment.


After that I was weighed (121lbs with shoes on, yay! I was afraid I’d gained already) then back into the room. The nurse followed me in and we went over the medical conditions in my family, whether I smoked/drank, etc. Then she had some things I had to sign, a few papers and a pregnancy book to give me, and that was it! I asked if I could hear the heartbeat and she said they can’t hear it until 12 weeks. What?! Everything I’ve read has said even 6 weeks you may be able to hear it. I guess every Dr is different…


The good news is she said I could come in as early as next week to see the actual doctor, so that should be when we get to hear it, I hope! I’m also really happy with the nurse. She was there when I went in last time and is really nice and sweet.


So we went out of there and on down to the lab room where a scary looking grey chair was. I had to sit there and the lady came and put a rubber thing on my upper arm to take my blood. I was a little nervous about this. I don’t think anyone likes needles! Lee was standing against the wall laughing at the expressions I was making, lol. She told me to make a tight fist and then straighten my arm out and then said “are you ready?” and I said “No!” Lol, but it wasn’t bad at all! She poked me and it was nothing major! She took like 5 vials of blood, two big ones, and about 3 smaller. Man! I’m hoping they will tell me I have positive something blood type and not negative. Negative causes a bit of problems for baby, nothing serious but you and baby have to get a shot after delivery or something…not real sure. And I hope they don’t find anything wrong with it!


So after that she stuck a cotton ball on it and we were done. Back out to the desk to make my appointment and and give my paperwork and we were out of there. Thankfully they had a opening next Thurs at 3:30, I was afraid Id have to wait 2 weeks. So I’ll be 11 weeks and 5 days by then. And I better hear that heartbeat!!! ;)


I was so hoping to lay to rest that niggling feeling I’ve had that there isn’t really a baby in there, or something is wrong, etc today. Ugh!! Disappointing. Another week to wait. Sigh.


So the nurse told us we should go and pre register for my delivery stay as soon as possible. Lee and I decided to do it today since we had a bit of time. That was pretty easy, just had to fill out a page of paperwork and sign a few things. While we were in there a new dad walked into the waiting area to tell his family that was out there their baby was born and how much he weighed etc, hehe. It was neat.


The lady there told me to go see a financial advisor asap. She tried to get a hold of two of them but no one was answering. Probably stayed home cause of the snow! (Its so pretty, and luckily not sticking!) She told us about a thing called a ‘mini-stay’ which is supposed to be VERY reasonably priced, she said she didn’t know how they do it its so cheap. She said we could go to the desk where they are and try to get one of them that way. We went down there and the lady said it would be a little bit if we wanted to wait. I told her we would be back next Thurs and could we make an appointment? She said yes and gave me her number. So gotta do that!


After that we headed back to the entrance and said our good byes and off to work for both of us! Although I got a call from my sis in law and we went out to lunch first. That was fun.


So now I’m sitting at work eating grapes, yum, and watching the snow fall. Pretty dead here. I’ll be here till 6 tonight, I’m hoping the freezing ice/slick stuff they are forecasting doesn’t start until I get home!   


Until later!


Michelle said...

Sounds like a pretty chill appointment! It's great your nurse is so sweet. I hate having grouchy nurses!

Britnie - Riding During Naps said...

Oh yeah, Im already praying for good delivery nurses!

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