Thursday, December 10, 2009

Shes Gonna blow!

Well, seeing as I have skipped the whole ‘throwing up’ symptom of most pregnancies so far (knock on wood) I was hoping I also skipped the rolling emotions (screaming one minute and crying like a baby the next) but apparently I’m not that lucky!


Last night was a complete come apart. It was terrible. It really started the night before. But that was nowhere near as bad as last  night. We went to wal mart to get some groceries. I saw a SIX DOLLAR shirt that I really liked so I got it. Lee is going on and on about how we don’t have the money ect, and I’m like SHUT UPP, well I didn’t say that. I knew we had enough for a blasted shirt, and I have very few long sleeve shirts!


So then to get to the groceries you have to go by the baby stuff. I NEVER go into the baby area, I have never had a need to before now. So I wanted to look at the baby stuff! Well immediately Lee starts pulling on me going “the baby isnt born yet, you dont know what it is etc” I’m like ARGH! And I look at him and go “well when can I start looking at stuff?? When I’m 9 months pregnant and two days from my due date??” and he just looks at me and walks off. Great.

So from then on I am totally upset and annoyed with him. And I wanted this to be special! To look at stuff together! RUINED!!


So we get our groceries and drive home. And he’s saying hes sorry, etc. and I’m like you just aren’t getting what is important to me, you don’t care that I want to look at things like maternity clothes and baby stuff. And he keeps going on about how he knows me and I’m going to start buying stuff and we already don’t know where we’re going to get the money for the doctor. UH NO. I never said a WORD about buying ANYTHING! –_- ‘


Sigh. So we get home and I go to the room and slam the door and get in my pajamas and get in bed. I’m SO TIRED and hungry and just want it all to go AWAY. Lee puts the groceries up and comes in there saying he’s sorry again and wants to know whats wrong, and I’m like we just went over this. And I-CAN-NOT-STOP-CRYING. It got pretty ridiculous. Any time he looked at me or said anything it started all over again. SO ANNOYING! So finally he tucked me into bed and told me to go to sleep. So I laid there for a few minutes and decided I was too hungry to sleep and I didn’t want to be in there alone anyway. So I got up and ate like 5 or 6 of those chewy chips ahoys lol. Then off to bed.


So yeah, I’m like a ticking time bomb apparently. At any moment I could have a serious issue and not be able to stop crying! Fun fun. Poor Lee.


SO other then that I’ve been doing good. I’m getting increasingly tired and hungry though. I usually feel like taking at least one nap a day. I eat a LOT too. Well, not a lot, but frequently. I have to eat something at least every 2 hours or I get that hungry feeling in my stomach and feel ick. I’ve started bringing little snacks to work with me. Otherwise I’d starve! LOL. I’ve started to drink just water, I figure I don’t NEED to, but it definitely will be a benefit I’d say. Sometimes I have apple juice.


I’ve been having period like cramps for a few weeks now. At first of course I thought I was about to start, but now I know it is part of early pregnancy. They have subsided this week though. I also am a little light headed at times, and of course pee a lot, lol. In the mornings my stomach is a little upset, but not nauseous thankfully. If I don’t start throwing up in the next few weeks I think I’m home free.


So I called my OBGYN Monday and yesterday they called me back to tell me my first appointment isn't until JANUARY 7TH!! I’ll be 10 weeks! And thats a MONTH AWAY! Most people at least get in at 8 weeks! BOO. They are so overcrowded there. So I only see the nurses at that appointment, to go over family history and do some lab work. Then at 12 weeks I see the actual doctor and maybe have a ultrasound or hear the heart beat! I’m so excited about that.

But not that I won’t be getting in until after new years! Grr.


We have to come up with about $1,200 at our first appointment and then we have a balance of about another $1200 or so more to pay over four months. We are just trusting God that He is going to get us what we need. I know He will.


We are trying to sell Lees ‘65 mustang that he was going to restore. We bought it for $1,000 a few years ago so hopefully it will sell for that or more. Its on ebay and craigslist. We’ve had a few bites on craigslist, but no follow through yet. Three bids on ebay but they haven’t reached the reserve of 1,000 yet. It goes till Monday.


I’ve got my bow and accessories I could sell, Lee’s got a nice revolver…so we will see. I’m just glad we have stuff we can sell that has value.


YAWN, I could use a nap right NOW. So sleepy. I have started exercising, lol. I walk around in a big circle in the store in the morning for 30 minutes. Hey, it works! I just read my bible first and then grab another book and just walk around reading. I’ve done it three days in a row so far. I think after a week or so I might bring my 8lb weight and start lifting it as I walk. Hey, I have to be here anyway I might as well do something useful! Lee thinks I’m crazy. What does he know!


Well guess thats about all for now, until later!


Michelle said...

Oh man, I have a feeling I will be just as emotional when the day comes that I'll be pregnant. I already get real emotional around a certain time of the month!
If it makes you feel any better, it took my friend almost a year to get seen by an orthodontist here. When they finally gave her an appointment it was a month away. I'm going to have to make an appointment soon too. Boo.
That's good you've got some things to sell. We were thinking of what we could sell to pay off our credit card faster ... but no luck. I think Gian should sell some gaming systems. Do we really a ps3, xbob, psp, and a wii? Noooope.

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