I did get a new puppy!
I have already taught her to sit and speak and sit up, we are working on laying down. That one is really hard for her. She did it once! Haven’t seen it again, lol.
I’ve been thinking about something ever since last night. Something I’m afraid to say out loud to anyone but Lee…something that scares the you know what out of me, but also excites me to unheard of heights. Something that is probably totally not what I’m thinking it is…but at the same time could be… Something that I really hope is not, and yet if it is not, I’ll be more disappointed then I want to be…shhh, just pretend I didn’t say anything!!
I will definitely be updating if this something comes about/is true. But I gotta keep my mouth shut. I gotta stop thinking about it! Okay! No more.
Gosh its only 4:30 and it looks like 6 outside. I hate when it gets dark so early. Doesn’t help that its really cloudy out.
Choir practice tonight. We have been practicing for the Christmas service lately. Its all the same songs we do every year and we all know them backwards and forwards, but its fun to sing them. And just hang out with each other. I have to close at work though and that means I have to rush home change to a skirt and run back to church. I only have to close the first Wednesday of the month though, thankfully.
I hate working here around Christmas. It gets really busy and I have to work more hours/days. I have to work the next two Saturdays after this. BOO, and Christmas Eve. Ugh. This is the first year where its only me and the boss. We usually have one other co worker to take the pressure of one of us if we are sick, worked too much, have a party, etc. But now its jus us two. I’ll be glad when December is over!
Well Lee and I went deer hunting last Saturday morning. That was fun. We got up at about 5:30 and went out there before it got light. I wasn’t too keen on getting up in the tree stand, even though its pretty substantial compared to some! Its a two seater.
Well thats about it! Almost time to head home. Ta ta!
Your puppy is so darn cute!
What do you guys do when you see a deer? Try to kill it I assume, but then what do you do with a deer?
Yeah, Lee tries to shoot it with his rifle, then if it runs off we have to wait a bit and then try to follow the blood trail. Hopefully it will drop tho and then we have to clean it and get the meat off of it, deer meat is YUM if done right. I think we really want to take it to a proff butcher tho because they can package and label it and its just a lot easier!
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