There hasn't been a whole lot to report. Its just a waiting game at the moment! It seems like my early pregnancy was more interesting! I'm pretty much feeling normal, as if I weren't pregnant. I don't eat much more, if any, I'm sleeping about normal, not feeling overly tired...
There is one change though!

Lol, not a big difference from before, but noticeable to me! And starting to be so to my close friends and family. They like to rub it, lol ;) I don't mind at all. Now strangers, or acquaintances? Uh, no, not so much. By the time I hit 8 or 9 months I'll probably start going NO TOUCHY to anyone but Lee anyway, haha.
So another bit of big news! This is our ultrasound week!! Friday at 3:00. Only 3 more days! Well, 2 if you don't count today, because really, its more then half over! Sooo excited! My mom and dad and bros and sis in laws are all planning on going out to dinner that night after so I can share the news! And pics! My sis in law wants me to show her the pictures and let her guess before I tell her, lol. I can't ever see a THING in those dang pictures but maybe a head and arms/legs. I don't know how those people do it!
My sis in law had a bit of a scare the other day, some spotting/bleeding, but it quit so we are hoping all is well. I think she is crazy for not going in and getting it checked out...but it was over the weekend and by Monday she was fine...I still would have went! She has her appointment Thursday so we are praying all is well still!! I'd be so nervous if I was her. Thank GOD I had no spotting in my early pregnancy. She is still at risk for miscarriage. Really until 12/14 weeks. She is 9 now I believe. My other pregnant friend is doing well, she had a miscarriage at 10 weeks last time. She is 12 weeks now, almost out of the woods! They heard the heartbeat the other day and it sounded great the doctor said. Yeah!
So we have the nursery going along well! The trim and chair rail is all up. Just needs paint! And the blinds. We are waiting to find out if we have a little girl or boy cooking before deciding. I think I have my girl color picked out, not the boy though. I want some sort of green but haven't found one I like yet. The bottom under the chair rail will be white. Here is a bit of it!

A lot of people have been asking me if I want a boy or girl more...I always answer boy, but I really don't know how to answer that truthfully. I want a boy OR a girl! Lol, not either or. I guess I could say I want a boy FIRST, just to have the big brother thing. There are good things and bad things about both.
- I could have me a mini Lee Lee!
- Boys are easier to care for (so they say)
- Not as expensive as girls!
- Lee would have a little buddy to follow after him
- I could have a mini Lee Lee!!! (wait, did I say that already??)
- They pee in your face!! haha (or their own, lol)
- Boys are just plain gross most of the time
- I am not a boy, so it will be harder to understand him
- They always say you are close to your daughter
- You get to dress them so cute
- I would have that woman to woman bond with her
- She could be my horse riding buddy! (please God let her love horses too!!!)
- We could have fun getting our hair done, etc, all that girly stuff you don't do with boys
- I could look at a little piece of me every day (wait, that might be a good one for the cons!!)
- They are expensive
- Highly emotional!
- Get sassy later on!
So there you have it. More pros then cons in both of them, so I have NO PROBLEM with either one! I just want to KNOW which one. So I can stop calling the baby IT, lol, and be able to plan for clothes/nursery, and just associate it in my mind as my little girl or boy. I need that distinction. Those POOR PEOPLE that didn't have ultrasounds back in the day! That would drive me crazy wondering. I don't know how people wait now a days to find out. They are PHYSCO!
Well not much more to report! Oh, on a good note, I may have a four door car lined up! Dad bought one for $200 the other day and is fixing it up (hes a mechanic) so if it seems to be a good vehicle we will trade him the camaro for it! Its a Cadillac Catera, it has a SUN ROOF!! I am in love...also all the leather seats are heated, it has dual climate controls, the seats that remember who is driving...etc. It is a little used, but not bad. We will see! Hopefully dad will have it running by this week.
Ta ta!
I like the nursery! Love the white rail.
What color you going to paint it now you know it's a girl? Your list of pros and cons made me chuckle. Sounds pretty truthful though!
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