So anyway! Are you ready to hear it???
It is a.......GIRL! Yeah, can you believe it?? We couldn't! I mean we were both so sure it was a boy. Not that we wanted a boy over a girl, it was just there are so many boys in both our families that we thought that would be it! SURPRISE!
Anyway the ultrasound went GREAT. I couldn't have asked for a better tech, she was wonderful! And even a Christian! We talked the whole hour nearly and she was just so friendly. She printed us a ton of pictures off, it was great. She seemed pretty upbeat etc the whole time so I think everything looked good to her, we just have to wait and see what my doctor says at our next appointment. It is next Thursday afternoon.
She made EXTRA certain it was a girl, so no surprises later! Its pretty clear to me even that we've got a little girl in there. Its made everything so much more real clear. I love thinking of my baby as a 'her' now and knowing we will see a little girl in just a few months time! I CAN'T WAIT!!
That night was so fun. I knew everyone was going to be shocked it was'nt a boy! We met at a mexican restaurant I like a lot and after everyone sat down I told the news and passed around the pictures. They were definitely surprised! Except my dad, he said it was a girl all along, haha! Now I'm really hoping my sis in law has a girl too!! (Although I have this feeling its a boy for her!) She wont find out till prolly the end of April.
So here is the belly today!

Sorry for the weird background, I'm at work. Its getting pretty out there, right? I still feel like I look more fat then anything, can't WAIT till that is over!!
So my dad has finally decided to take me on a the shop! Yeah! So I'll be working there Mon-Thurs and have Friday off, yeah! That car I was talking about it still getting fixed, its closer. I drove it around yesterday and really liked the way it handled! Still not sure if it is something we should get into though...its got quite a few issues...
Look what we got this morning!

Okay, I like snow, but its March now so okay, buh bye!! Time for spring!!
Anywho, thats about it! Adios!
Yay! A baby girl!! Congratulations! I'm super excited for you! I don't know how people can stand not knowing the sex until the little bundle of joy is born... I'd go crazy!
Glad to hear all is well in the belly too. It is getting bigger, that's for sure!
Any name ideas? :)
Congratulations again!
Thanks Becca!! I know, I would too! They are insane!
We are pretty set on Chloe!
I had to go back to find this post! I was lost reading your more recent one! I'm so excited for you! Chloe is a beautiful name! Can you already see the ponies and walk/trot lessons in the future?? I can!!
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