Friday, March 13, 2009

Its Friday, but not a TGIF Friday...

Its not a Thank God Its Friday kind of Friday because I have to work tomorrow, thus, its not the last work day of the week, this week. Sad. Sniff. But I guess I have to get over it, or be miserable. So I'm gonna get over it.

Its been VERY quiet here at work today. Maybe 6 customers all day. None until nearly 12 o'clock. Good for me, but not good for the store. (I work at a womens accessories store, purses jewelery, luggage, etc)

So I was talking to my friend on IM and she suggested to blog since I was so bored. Good idea Michelle! It really has kept me entertained for quite a while today.

Its raining. Been threatening to all week, finally got 'er done today. And its supposed to rain all weekend until Sun afternoon. Boo. But I have to work 12 to 6pm tomorrow, so it doesn't really matter to me. Can't be out in it anyway! I want to go ride again, been over a week now. Boo. I can't wait till Tuff is riding good so Lee and I can head out and do some trail riding. I hope he turns out to be a good 'husband' horse. One I can really trust anyone on. He seems to be so far! And should only get better with age and experience. Daisy is pretty trustworthy, although she can pull some tricks. You really just have to make sure she knows that you are calling the shots no matter what she does, and she gets over it pretty quickly.

Oh yeah, only 2 more hours! Less then that, almost an hour and half. Still raining, still no customers. Boss is not gonna be happy. Wonder what Lee is doing...haven't heard from him all day. He was sweet this morning when he said goodbye to me before work. I love my fuzzy face. Thats what I'm calling him right now because he is growing a goatee sorta thing. I like it pretty good. His mama doesn't, haha. ;)

Well not much more to say. Adios!


Michelle said...

Awe, we want to go riding too! Gian would love to grow a mustache, go-t (no idea how to spell it) or anything but I am just such a sucker for smooth faces that it doesn't work for me! It's like a turn off for me ... so I tell him to wait and do it next time we're forced apart.

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