Yeah! I'm THRILLED! I never would have thought before I got pregnant with Chloe, or even after she arrived I would ever want, or have, three kids! I never even LIKED kids! ;)
So I found out when I was almost 4 weeks, July 11th, to be exact. The weekend after fourth of July. We had went over to Lee's parents to do our firework celebration and I had just happened to pick up some of those dollar pregnancy tests that day as I was getting a few other things to take over there.
We had decided the month before to go ahead and start trying. Well, actually I THOUGHT we had, until Lee found out I was off my pills and said he had no idea I was serious. WHA??
Anyway, we got that worked out, and we didn't even really TRY real hard the next month, but I went ahead and grabbed one of the tests out of the truck and went into the in laws bathroom to do my thing. Well low and behold as I'm standing there watching it I see something start showing up and I say to myself, hm, that looks kinda like a line...THAT IS A LINE!!
SO! There you have it! As far as I know right now I am 8 weeks 3 days going off when my last period was. Which I know exactly because I was using this neat fertility app. But, until we do our first ultrasound I won't know for sure. You can ovulate late, or early, so when the egg actually got fertilized can be different for everyone.
But FINALLY our first ultrasound is Thursday! Two more days! Whoop whoop! I went in two weeks ago for blood work and family history junk, but didn't see the doctor. I will go in Thursday at 3:30 for the ultrasound and then see Dr. Wideman at 4:00. SO EXCITED! But I will also be a bit nervous. I know of two of my friends who had a miscarriage just within the last month or month and a half. Both found out because they couldn't see the heartbeats on their ultrasound. SNIFF. It's been rough, they are doing okay now, but it just makes me more aware, you know? I know I have had two perfectly healthy babies, but still. Anything can happen.
I have been feeling pretty good so far! The nausea crap started about week 6 and is still here, but it's not been too awful. I haven't been real tired like I was with Shelby. I do get out of breath but if I remind myself to take deep breaths until it passes, I do fine. We went on a canoing trip with our small group a few weeks ago and I did better then all the other girls there, lol.
Here is a bitty belly pic! YES, already I have a belly. This is kind of alarming me. One - because that means I will be BIG AS A HOUSE in March before I deliver. Two - It's starting to freak me out that it may be twins or something!! EEP.
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8 weeks 3 days |
So in other news, Chloe is starting KINDERGARTEN TOMORROW! I know, what the mess??? We could have held her back another year since she JUST turned 5 the 5th, but Lee and I both talked/prayed about it and feel this is best. Much to the dismay of the in laws -_-.
We had her open house last night and it went well! Her teacher seems nice.
It was kind of neat being there and knowing we are part of a school system, team, family etc again. I think it will be great. I definitely plan on helping in the classroom when I can!
UPDATE! So I didn't get this published yesterday. And today was her first day! I CANNOT believe how awesome and great she did. She didn't cry a bit! I had a little bit of trouble getting her to take off her backpack and sit at her desk but once she did she just started coloring and was so good. I flashed her a I love you sign and she waved at me as I walked out. SO PROUD! SNIFF!
I can't wait to hear how her day went. I'm probably going to text her teacher about 12, lol, just to see how she's doing. It was only girls today and only boys tomorrow, so she will have tomorrow off. Which works great because my dr appointment is tomorrow and I wanted her to be there to see the ultrasound! Then back to school all together Friday.
Here is my big girl!
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Scotty had to help take pics, too, lol |
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Flashing me the I love you sign as I walked out ;) |
So, I guess thats it! I will update after our ultrasound tomorrow! Adios!
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