Today the sleepiness is settling in again...I think I'm going to ask dad if I can get off an hour early so I can do my grocery shopping and get home!
I'm hungry AGAIN, couldn't eat much at lunch. I might get into my apple I brought...its SO HARD to find something I actually want to eat. That doesn't make the nausea come up in my throat. Which I am nauseated all day off and on anyway. But at least I still haven't thrown up! Yeah baby!
I hit the 9 week mark this week. Or so I am assuming. Still haven't been in to the doctors again. Only a little over a week tho! Finally! Its not this Thurs but the next. I hope they give me good news. We still have not sold that darn mustang of Lee's. But I know my dad will loan us the 1k if we need it. Then we have four months of $311 to pay. Yeah. Oh and get this. I got a bill in the mail the other day for $240 from my OBGYN appt in AUGUST! Yeah, thanks for the heads up guys. I had NO idea I was going to be billed additionally from what I paid in the office. Thanks a LOT. I was hot when I called them. I told them they had better not be doing that when I come in for my pregnancy. So we have to get that money up now. -_-' Its not like we don't already have enough to worry about. Oh well, its in Gods hands! They are more then capable.
So I got a food processor for Christmas! And the pioneer womans cookbook I've been wanting. Its awesome. I need to pick something to make out of it before I head to the store.
Well not a whole lot else going on. Till later!
Well, seeing as I have skipped the whole ‘throwing up’ symptom of most pregnancies so far (knock on wood) I was hoping I also skipped the rolling emotions (screaming one minute and crying like a baby the next) but apparently I’m not that lucky!
Last night was a complete come apart. It was terrible. It really started the night before. But that was nowhere near as bad as last night. We went to wal mart to get some groceries. I saw a SIX DOLLAR shirt that I really liked so I got it. Lee is going on and on about how we don’t have the money ect, and I’m like SHUT UPP, well I didn’t say that. I knew we had enough for a blasted shirt, and I have very few long sleeve shirts!
So then to get to the groceries you have to go by the baby stuff. I NEVER go into the baby area, I have never had a need to before now. So I wanted to look at the baby stuff! Well immediately Lee starts pulling on me going “the baby isnt born yet, you dont know what it is etc” I’m like ARGH! And I look at him and go “well when can I start looking at stuff?? When I’m 9 months pregnant and two days from my due date??” and he just looks at me and walks off. Great.
So from then on I am totally upset and annoyed with him. And I wanted this to be special! To look at stuff together! RUINED!!
So we get our groceries and drive home. And he’s saying hes sorry, etc. and I’m like you just aren’t getting what is important to me, you don’t care that I want to look at things like maternity clothes and baby stuff. And he keeps going on about how he knows me and I’m going to start buying stuff and we already don’t know where we’re going to get the money for the doctor. UH NO. I never said a WORD about buying ANYTHING! –_- ‘
Sigh. So we get home and I go to the room and slam the door and get in my pajamas and get in bed. I’m SO TIRED and hungry and just want it all to go AWAY. Lee puts the groceries up and comes in there saying he’s sorry again and wants to know whats wrong, and I’m like we just went over this. And I-CAN-NOT-STOP-CRYING. It got pretty ridiculous. Any time he looked at me or said anything it started all over again. SO ANNOYING! So finally he tucked me into bed and told me to go to sleep. So I laid there for a few minutes and decided I was too hungry to sleep and I didn’t want to be in there alone anyway. So I got up and ate like 5 or 6 of those chewy chips ahoys lol. Then off to bed.
So yeah, I’m like a ticking time bomb apparently. At any moment I could have a serious issue and not be able to stop crying! Fun fun. Poor Lee.
SO other then that I’ve been doing good. I’m getting increasingly tired and hungry though. I usually feel like taking at least one nap a day. I eat a LOT too. Well, not a lot, but frequently. I have to eat something at least every 2 hours or I get that hungry feeling in my stomach and feel ick. I’ve started bringing little snacks to work with me. Otherwise I’d starve! LOL. I’ve started to drink just water, I figure I don’t NEED to, but it definitely will be a benefit I’d say. Sometimes I have apple juice.
I’ve been having period like cramps for a few weeks now. At first of course I thought I was about to start, but now I know it is part of early pregnancy. They have subsided this week though. I also am a little light headed at times, and of course pee a lot, lol. In the mornings my stomach is a little upset, but not nauseous thankfully. If I don’t start throwing up in the next few weeks I think I’m home free.
So I called my OBGYN Monday and yesterday they called me back to tell me my first appointment isn't until JANUARY 7TH!! I’ll be 10 weeks! And thats a MONTH AWAY! Most people at least get in at 8 weeks! BOO. They are so overcrowded there. So I only see the nurses at that appointment, to go over family history and do some lab work. Then at 12 weeks I see the actual doctor and maybe have a ultrasound or hear the heart beat! I’m so excited about that.
But not that I won’t be getting in until after new years! Grr.
We have to come up with about $1,200 at our first appointment and then we have a balance of about another $1200 or so more to pay over four months. We are just trusting God that He is going to get us what we need. I know He will.
We are trying to sell Lees ‘65 mustang that he was going to restore. We bought it for $1,000 a few years ago so hopefully it will sell for that or more. Its on ebay and craigslist. We’ve had a few bites on craigslist, but no follow through yet. Three bids on ebay but they haven’t reached the reserve of 1,000 yet. It goes till Monday.
I’ve got my bow and accessories I could sell, Lee’s got a nice revolver…so we will see. I’m just glad we have stuff we can sell that has value.
YAWN, I could use a nap right NOW. So sleepy. I have started exercising, lol. I walk around in a big circle in the store in the morning for 30 minutes. Hey, it works! I just read my bible first and then grab another book and just walk around reading. I’ve done it three days in a row so far. I think after a week or so I might bring my 8lb weight and start lifting it as I walk. Hey, I have to be here anyway I might as well do something useful! Lee thinks I’m crazy. What does he know!
Well guess thats about all for now, until later!
That I wrote about yesterday? That thing I was sort of kind of freaking out about and dedicated a whole paragraph to??
Well, um, this is what it was about:
Yeah, IM PREGNANT!!! *faint*
*deep breath* Okay, I’m back. I still am in total unbelieving shock. But it doesn’t get too much more real at this point. I took myself off to the OBGYN first thing this morning to take a test there and guess what? The nurse came in smiling and said CONGRATULATIONS! *faint*
Okay, back again. Phew, I am not breathing right! All last night I was in turmoil.
Lets back up. So the month of October was my last period. In November I was supposed to start on the 22 or 23. I didn’t really think about that at the time because I don’t keep track of it that well. But after I got to Wednesday of this week and still there was not hide nor hair of it, I started thinking hmmm…actually it was Tuesday night that I suddenly said to Lee after we got in bed that I should have had it already. He was like “what are you trying to say?” and I said “I’m trying not to say ANYTHING” lol!
So Wednesday I went to walgreens before work and bought a pack of two pregnancy tests. Side note: Those freakin things are EXPENSIVE! A pack of 2 of the name brand are TWENTY DOLLARS. I got these for $10 because they were off brand.
Anywho, I didn’t take the test till late that night. I had to work and then I had choir practice. So I went in the bedroom and got in my pjs then grabbed a plastic cup out of the kitchen, lol, and snuck it by Lee who was watching tv. I did my thing and stuck the test in there, put the cap back on and I went away! I didn’t want to watch it. So 5 minutes later I came back and I was like, okay, here we go. I was afraid to look at it! I was sure it was going to be negative. And I was kind of wanting the other…and kind of not!
Well I finally worked up the nerve to look and then I had to do a double and triple take because it was POSITIVE!! I grabbed it and took off down the hall going "uh, LEE” he looked up from eating dinner and said “what??” in a voice like, uh oh, lol!
So after I showed him at first he said “are you kidding me?” And I was like UH NO I can’t fake that! Then he hugged me and I was about crying and we were like OH MAN! And then I kept going I can’t be pregnant, I can’t be pregnant! Lee was so sweet just holding me and saying nice things. Then I was like I need to talk to your mom!
So we called over there, it was like 10:30, thankfully they were still awake, and we drove over and I got her to talk to me in private. She was like is something wrong? I think I scared her! So after we got in the room I showed her the positive test and she said “are you pregnant??” and I was like I think so, I don’t know! And then I just LOST IT! I was crying and laughing and mostly just freaking out. Thinking of all the bad things that cold happen, how we have no insurance, etc. Thinking this can’t be happening!
So anyway she hugged me and sat down on the bed with me and we talked for a long time and she got me calmed down. Then Lee came in and we talked some more and it was just fun. We went back in the living room after about an hour and Lees dad was just pleased as punch you could tell! He has been wanting a grandchild for a while! We chatted a bit more and then went home.
It took me FOREVER to fall asleep! I bet I didn’t sleep till 1:00. Then I woke up at 2 to go to the bathroom and then couldn’t go back to sleep again until nearly 4! Then I was up with Lee at 6:30. So I’m going to be tired! I just couldn’t shut my mind off! I had to get Lee to distract me and tell me about work that day etc Then I started counting sheep/horses then just counting my breaths, ugh. It was torture! I just kept wishing it was tomorrow and I knew if I was pregnant or not!
Well tomorrow it is and I am apparently!! My stomach has been ucky all morning. Not throwing up but you know…not fun! I think its just a combination of my taco bell dinner, lol, and nerves. I have got to calm down! I called a good friend of mine from college on the way to work and we both had a huge freak out on the phone together. She is pregnant as well! Due in February. She was so excited. Its going to be nice to have her to talk to about things since she has been through it recently and is my age and my friend. Unlike the moms, etc.
I called Lees mom on the way home first. She knew I was going in that morning. She was super excited too and kept telling me how I was going to be great and wonderful and everything would be great. She is going to be a lifesaver. Shes so sweet, but also will tell you like it is. She is def going to be in the delivery room with me! I will need her to whip the drs and nurses around and get me what I need/want! She gets the job done now!
Did I just say delivery room?? *double faint*
So thats all the drama for now! I will keep this updated! I want to record everything that goes on so I don’t forget it.
I did get a new puppy!
I have already taught her to sit and speak and sit up, we are working on laying down. That one is really hard for her. She did it once! Haven’t seen it again, lol.
I’ve been thinking about something ever since last night. Something I’m afraid to say out loud to anyone but Lee…something that scares the you know what out of me, but also excites me to unheard of heights. Something that is probably totally not what I’m thinking it is…but at the same time could be… Something that I really hope is not, and yet if it is not, I’ll be more disappointed then I want to be…shhh, just pretend I didn’t say anything!!
I will definitely be updating if this something comes about/is true. But I gotta keep my mouth shut. I gotta stop thinking about it! Okay! No more.
Gosh its only 4:30 and it looks like 6 outside. I hate when it gets dark so early. Doesn’t help that its really cloudy out.
Choir practice tonight. We have been practicing for the Christmas service lately. Its all the same songs we do every year and we all know them backwards and forwards, but its fun to sing them. And just hang out with each other. I have to close at work though and that means I have to rush home change to a skirt and run back to church. I only have to close the first Wednesday of the month though, thankfully.
I hate working here around Christmas. It gets really busy and I have to work more hours/days. I have to work the next two Saturdays after this. BOO, and Christmas Eve. Ugh. This is the first year where its only me and the boss. We usually have one other co worker to take the pressure of one of us if we are sick, worked too much, have a party, etc. But now its jus us two. I’ll be glad when December is over!
Well Lee and I went deer hunting last Saturday morning. That was fun. We got up at about 5:30 and went out there before it got light. I wasn’t too keen on getting up in the tree stand, even though its pretty substantial compared to some! Its a two seater.
Well thats about it! Almost time to head home. Ta ta!
I'm pretty excited about what went on last night! A few days ago my bro sent Lee a picture on his phone of a '88 toyota land cruiser that was for sale to use for off roading. We were like, yeah, we wish, but of course we don't have $600 laying around. So then a couple days went by and we heard the guy might be interested in trading for Lees .357 revolver. Which is like his FAV gun, lol. So he thought about it a bit, and then we called the guy and met up with him last night to look at it. It is the coolest lookin thing! Heres a pic:

Okay, I know some of you are like, ick, haha, but its perfect for going on on the trails! The guy that owned it before him had started to convert it into a rock crawler, so it has a 3 inch lift on it already. I love that! (dont know what a rock crawler is?? check this out:
So anyway Lee showed the guy his gun and he said he acted like he really liked it, but wasn't sure about trading even for it...and we don't have any extra, maybe another 100, but we'd rather the guy said he let us know today sometime! I hope he says yes! I'm super excited about it. So then we would have something to go off roading when my bro and them go, and Lees always wanted something like that to mess around in. We'll see!
So gotta go get hay for the horsies for the winter tomorrow. Hopefully it won't rain. Its up in the barn, but we still have to get it home! Not sure we have that many tarps! Then Tuesday the horse shoer comes. I'm hoping Tuff is a good boy and doesn't act up like last time! (although I was not there, he sounds like he was a total beast!) We've been working on it, so he should be a good boy. If not, he will wish he had!! muahahha ;)
And at church this weekend we are doing something fun! We are having our annual Old Fashion Day, where we get to dress up in old time clothes and the guys get to wear overalls, etc. Lee of course does not do overalls, haha, so we usually buy him a new pair of wranglers (he works in them so he is always needing a new pair that aren't trashy looking!)
This year I think I'm going to wear a hat, gotta find a ribbon that matches my shirt to go around the brim. Time to head to hobby lobby! hehehe
Lets see, guess thats about all. Till later!
So not a whole lot of anything has been going on. Just livin life. Did have fun Sunday night though. A couple from our small group, and the bro and sis and law and us all went to the couples house and brought papa johns and watched a movie in their new movie room in the basement. (We watched Taken for the 4th time for me, haha, but I love it) And us girls sat and talked awhile while the boys went to my parents to get something.
Lee and I went to Lowes last week. I found out we were going to have a little extra money that week so made up a list of improvements that need to be done around the house. Like laying the tile in the guest bathroom that has never been done, cleaning the windows, hanging up pictures, putting the rest of the knobs on the kitchen cabinets, etc. So we spent about 60$ and got everything we need just about! I still want to get some plants for outside but that can wait.
We are trying to get ready for next month. Every Sunday of October we are hosting the small group at our house. Eep, so we went it to look good!
I also found a room sized rug for the living room that I really like. Its kinda shaggy, but not overly so, and goes great in there. After I get my pictures/shelves up I'm going to really like the dining room/living room area I think.
So my birthday is coming up! About 2 weeks, little over. Its oct 12th. I better start coming up with stuff I want! Lee and his family will be dogging me about it soon, lol. I really dont know...sure I have lots of stuff I want but they are way out of everyones price range! Lol. I'd like money! But thats impossible to get people to give you, well my family might. But his won't! They are very big on being personal etc.
Id also like a new camera, but I want to move up in quality, and that starts costing from 400-800 dollars! Um, what else...I guess I'd like a shotgun, but I don't want one that bad...we haven't hunted in about 2 weeks. Mostly because of the rain. It has rained EVERYDAY for like 2 weeks straight. No joke. We hare having all kinds of flooding. Thankfully not around us though. Finally they said its going to clear up after this week. That has definitely put a stop to my riding -_-. I was watching a few videos on trail competitions, that looks really fun. I want to set up a course out in the pasture and try Daisy through it, hehe, I bet she'd do great! The Alabama Horse Fair is at the end of January, and they have a Trail Horse Competition that any and all horses and riders can enter. Here's a run from last year a girl did on her pretty paint mare:
I think she did great for it being her first competition. Which also tells me anyone and everything enters these things. There is another video of a fat appy that a girl rides through, she doesn't get through but maybe 2 obstacles, lol. I know for a FACT Daisy and I could do better then THAT. That high jump up and down thing though, I think thatd be our worst, lol, that thing looks scary! But the pain mare does GREAT over it.
I like these type of trail competitions. The kind of stuff you would actually maybe encounter out on an actual trail. Not the crap AQHA does with all those crazy intricate poles and junk and their heads at their hooves and going SO SLOW.
Frankly I just want to get out and do SOMETHING with my horse in public. Its been over 2 years! Right before we found out Daisy was pregnant with Tuff Tuff. I'm also kinda worried about her lameness though. I'm definitely not taking a lame horse out in public. I need to get her to a vet to find out just what is going on. I can guess all day but that won't do any good.
So the boss showed up, better skidattle, adios!
Only 30 more minutes to go though! Its been a pretty fast week so far. I loved having Monday off to spend with Lee and the fam. We just lounged around all morning, then went over to his parents for a bit, then on over to my mom and dads for a b-que. That was pretty fun. Dawson was in fine form, sooo funny and cute! Dad b-qued chicken, soo good. And my grandma made homemade macaroni and potato salad, AND fried okra. Can you say TUMMY ACHE, haha. So good. Then my dad also had homemade ice cream making, and it was really good, peach. You just cant beat homemade ice cream. Why can't they make it that good for the store? I mean blue bell gets close but not there.
Here's a few pics!
Anywho, mostly just sat around and talked. My grandma from Arizona is in town this week, and that was fun to spend some time with her. I was around her my whole childhood, but after we moved to Alabama I have missed her. It is good to get to be around my dads grandpa tho, she lives here now and I did not see her much in my childhood; she lived in Oregon.
The boys got a old playhouse of my nieces out and converted it into a shooting house, lol. They still need to put a roof and sides on it, but its a good base! They drug it up the hill to where they are going to try to shoot deer when season opens.
So I'm pretty excited about this Saturday! We may be going to Tennessee!! The Smokey Mountains baby!! Okay, just Pigeon Forge, but still, its up there! 5 hours away. But totally doable. Apparently there is a really big car show up there that dad and them want to go to, so we are invited too. Sounds fun! Well, Im not a big car show fan, but I am a fan of Tennessee :) Wow, that looks really strange if you look at it real close. Weird work.
Anywho, got choir practice tonight. Gotta be there early for some reason. I'm in a worship team, so I guess we are having a meeting about that.
I got my violin out yesterday and played a VERY little bit and my fingers/wrist are sore today! Way out of practice. I even cut my finger nails, sniff. They were so pretty too, lol. It is very hard to play with long nails though. I need some new strings, a new bow would not be amiss either.
Well, short post, for me, I know. But almost time to leave. Until later!
So had a good weekend! The week was a little rocky, Lee and I fell off our happy wagon a bit. Not that we were unhappy, but sometimes you are just in the groove and things are going good you know, and then sometimes its just a little eh, your just living with each other...I dunno, I may not be making any sense at all. I was also really bored at work all last week. I need to find another game to play, lol. I was playing an online rpg (role playing game) but it got boring...that kept me interested.
So just went and got some lunch from guthries, now dad is on the phone in front of me trying to get a real person at bank of america. Thats a feat! Just tried calling the mother, she is wanting to make dinner for the in laws. The mother in law had surgery last week and is out of commission for a while. Shes not answering tho! Urgh.
So back to the weekend! Friday night we did our becoming-a-tradition thing and went to Salsas, its a mexican/american restaurant, one of both of our faves. Which is unusual that we both like a place that much. They have the BEST chips and salsa. Yumm, and I usually get a chimichanga with shrimp or beef. I like it because its pretty quiet and fast, and the waitresses are nice. A lot of what makes a difference to me is the atmosphere and how I'm treated. If one of those is off bad enough, I won't go back.
So then we headed home and Lee decided to use up our last batting cage tokens, hehe. I found out I really suck at hitting softballs! I don't have a clue what I'm doing, lol. Better learn before next year if we get a church womens team going!
Oh and Lee bought me FLOWERS Friday. I KNOW. That like, never happens. Well except for like V-day or my birthday. They are all red roses and daisys and stuff. Very pretty! I don't know what came over him, lol! But I like itttt, heheheh. I guess my trying to change my attitude is working! He put them in a vase near the door but I totally missed them. I noticed my fake flowers were laying on the counter, and then saw some flower food, but thought he had got some for his mom. Then I went towards the bedroom and saw finally saw them.
Saturday we got up about 7:30 or so, Lee had to go do some work with his boss for a few hours. So I decided to call the dog groomer and go with him. I dropped Lee off at his boss' house and then headed over to the dog groomer, dropped Bowser off and then went to the job Lee was working on. He was cutting seams in some concrete they poured the day before (probably about 10k worth of concrete, no kidding its like 110 a yard here now) so it won't crack. So I had a movie I rented that I hadn't finished yet (slumdog millionaire) so that kept me occupied. Then off we went to town waiting for Bowser to get done. Took them like 3 hours. We went to the hunting/gun store we both like, then I persuaded him to take me to hobby lobby, hehe. I got some GREAT stuff there. I have a really pretty frame that I have been wanting to put up, so I got another picture that is similar to it, and then a shelf and some gorgeous flowers for under 20 bucks! So excited to put them up. Just gotta get some different hanger things. I'm gonna put them in my dining room.
Then we went to a few other stores and finally Bowser was done. Went and got him and headed home. Lee had said something bout going to the Bass Pro Shop that day, so we took Bowser home, loaded up the lawn mower and went and mowed the church yard. Came back home AGAIN and got ready to head up to the Bass Pro Shop. We love that place. It has a feeling of being a long ways from home, but is only about an hour, and its got the neatest stuff in there. We can spend 2 hours in there easy. And we were so good, didn't buy anything! ;) Although Lee tried on some camo coveralls that are just awesome. They can also be turned inside out to be just brown, so he could wear them to work and hunt in them. They're insulated and he said they are really comfy. About a 100 bucks for them, so he might have to wait for his birthday, hehe.
Then we headed home and Sunday was church. It was a great service this weekend, our choir song we sang got me so worked up that I actually was crying a little bit, that is not usual for me. It is called Worthy Is The Lamb, and He is SO worthy. It works me up every time, I just love it. Its an indescribable feeling. I'm getting teary thinking about it now! God is so good. And Preachers message was just great.
I kinda wanted to go to the b-ham Barons baseball game, but we decided to just go get some groceries and a movie and head home. That was fun, we watched Duplicity, good couples movie.
Before we did that we put out another bag of cracked corn for the doves out in the pasture. We saw quite a few out there! Yeah! I think the cooler weather is bringing them in. Opening day is Saturday! Which is also the day after my grandma from AZ flies in to visit, and the day of my nieces bd party, AND the first day of college football. VERY IMPORTANT in this state, lol. Gonna be a busy weekend! I'm driving to b-ham with the mother to pick grandma up. She doesn't like driving down there. Got the handy dandy GPS to help us out!
Sigh, I'm kinda wanting to get out of here and get off the same time as Lee, 2:30. But I will prolly have to be here until 4. Boo. Yawwnn. So I guess I will quit boring yall and go.
So the weekend before last was pretty fun. Saturday was a little boring, mostly was at my dads shop all day putting up two new car lifts. Yeah. But Sunday a group of us went out and did some four wheeling/off roading at wilborns (the place about 2 mins down the road from our house)
So long story short, we got stuck in some major mud puddles, but got out, haha. And had a lot of fun doing it! Heres a vid after it was stuck and our friend pulling it out. Thats Lee and the sis in law in the back.
Great, huh?? LOL, I was glad I got out before they went through it! The water was like 2 inches high in the floor board Jamie said, lol. Here's a few pics:

So this past week went really fast for me for some reason. I love when Friday gets there and you barely realize it! I've been trying to be a better wife to Lee lately and so far its really working out. I've gotten in a bad habit of criticizing everything he does basically. And getting mad about the littlest stuff. He doesn't deserve that. Now I've been trying to just love and support him, no matter what, and miraculously things just fall together. I know thats the way I should be all the time, its just hard sometimes! We had a great weekend together though.
Jamie stayed with us Sat and Sun night. My brother has gone off on a trip for a week to Stark ? FL to study lightening. So she hates staying at her house by herself and usually stays with Lee and I and my mom and dad throughout. And a few nights by herself, lol, sometimes. She brings Sophie (her boxer) with her to our house, and her and Bowser have fun playing. She is a little annoying though, lol. A bit large for our house! And her manners are not the best, but she is not a beast either.
Friday night we went to the new Academy Sports & Outdoors in Decatur. That was fun. Lee found some sketchers he liked there that were on sale, and I found some pink ear muffs for shooting guns to wear, they work GREAT.
We went to the flea market in Lacon Saturday morning. Lee found a leather wallet, but that was about it. They had some super cute husky puppies there, only $125.
We also got a shotgun from Lee's boss to try for me that afternoon. He bought it for his daughter a while ago and she shot it like once and then decided she didn't like it, lol. Its a youth .20 gauge pump. What I thought I wanted! Well I shot about 25-30 shells through it and decided yesterday evening I'm not a big fan. I think it is too short for me. I picked up Lees huge pump and shot it 3 times in a row and got all three skeets I was shooting at. It felt better too. I have a nice, UGLY bruise on my arm right now from the smaller one. It was also smacking me in the cheek. So I guess we'll keep looking. Lee thinks his size is too big, and the youth is too small, so what the heck do I need??? Sigh. I'm wanting to get one for dove season, opening day is the first Sat in September. We're going to have a little shindig, invite my dad and grandpa out, the bro, and do a shoot and maybe eat or something.
So we grilled ribs Sat night and watched a movie. Then off to church Sunday! That afternoon we couldn't come up with a thing to do, so just headed back to our house after small groups. We layed around being lazy most of the afternoon and then all of a sudden my mom and dad showed up! They haven't been to my house in like a year, lol. (they live about 30 mins away on the other side of the county)
They were out driving and ended up near our road so came to visit. We just sat and talked for awhile and then they left. I made some chili and corn bread and we watched Far And Away (one of my faves!) and then off to bed! Although Lee and I did't get to sleep actually until 12:30, but we won't go there, hahaha.
Yesterday I worked at Dads, and then went over to the in laws afterwards. His mom is feeling really bad right now, somehow she tore a muscle in her shoulder, got to have surgery on it. She is pretty much immune to any kind of pain killer so it hurts all the TIME. :(
I made lasagna and cheese bread for them all last monday. They all LOVED it. I was so pleased. And the men in that family are SO PICKY. I even liked it and I'm not much of a lasagna fan, but Lee likes it so I try to make it.
So today is pretty quiet so far. The store was DEAD last week. Not good.
I guess thats all, until later!
So got an event tomarrow, one I'm so not looking forward to. The OBGYN. :shudder: I really hate going there. This will be my first 'examination', yeah, I've gotten away with it for 3 years, but she flat out refused to fill my birth control this time until I came in. GREAT. Boo. So I'm trying not to think about it so I don't get nervous. I know its not THAT bad, but its bad enough! I'm also kinda worried about the money. I DID have a hundred saved up, but that went, as usual. So I'm hoping to get an advance on my money here with dad for this week and next. He paid me last week, so hopefully he is planning on paying me this week too.
Mortage has to be paid this week. And I need to pay another loan as well. And the money is just dwindling away. Lee is going to do some sidework this week, but he can't do it if it is raining, and there is a chance every day this week, GREAT. Oh well, I'm putting it in Gods hands, He will get us through.
So the sea doo is running again! We've took it out twice now, does great. Well it did start smoking a LOT when I first took it out, so I let Lee get on and he said its just because its a 2 stroke motor and it hadn't been run in awhile. Otay.

So lots of crazy stuff going on right now at the shop. My dad had two car lifts taken out of the cement in his shop, so he could put bigger/better ones in. Well for those guys to do that, they have to cut up the cement and then jack hammer it out. REALLY REALLY loud and annoying. Add to that, there are guys on the other lift they took out already, putting in gravel and concrete to fill in the hole. Then my uncle is here, and two other guys (customers) waiting on dad to help them. Craziness!! Oh! And I just looked out the window, the tool truck guy is here, geesh.
So yesterday we did some more geocaching. We found it this time! So far we were 1 for 4 or 5, lol. But Lee Lee found it! I was too busy trying to get good pictures of the HUGE waterfall near it. Was really neat!

Here's a short video of the waterfall:
So it was fun, but we did get in a few arguments, one because he didnt want to listen to the gps (or me) when I told him about a road to go down, then said I had said this, and I hadn't, yada yada. Then he didn't want to drive through a mud hole with his tuck cause he just spent 10$ at the car wash, (which I told him not to use anyway, wash it yourself!!) then the gps was confusing us so we were getting ill, haha. Such meaningless stuff. Stupid when you think about it now, but not at the time! We'll learn.
So not much else going on. Wish me luck at the drs tomarrow, ughhh. And lets hope I'm not pregnant because I've been off the pill all month, heh.
Sooo. Been trying to get out and play softball a bit with Lee every evening after it cools off. We may be playing in a charity benefit softball tournament soon. So I best be up to par! I'm getting better. I can throw decent now, and my catching is getting there, needs lots of work still. I am probably going to be playing the hind catcher, so I practiced that a bit, having Lee pitch me balls. Its a lot harder then it looks! Besides the fact your thighs start killing you.
So Friday we had planned a family bque thing. We all brought stuff and dad grilled steaks. And we played some v-ball and then kicked the soccer ball around. Kirsty and I brought our bows and we shot a bit. Then we went down to the theatre room and played some call of duty on the x-box and then the new tiger woods golf game. Which I WON! hehehe, first time playing ever! It sounds boring, but is actually quite fun.
Then sat morning we slept in a bit, and then headed over to my oldest bros. He bought a HUGE playset for Dawson. It was $1500!! Its 3 stories! Spoiled much?? Haha. He was SO loving it though. After we got a bunch put together, all but the swings and monkey bars, he was playing on it and was just smiling and laughing!
Bowser came with us and he had a lot of fun too. He loves little kids. When Dawson started going down the slide he was getting so excited and wanted to play with him.

Then after that they were going to go to a friends moms house on the lake and swim, etc. Well I REALLY wanted to go. I love the water, lake, swimming, sea dooing, tanning, etc. All that was going to be going on. And Jamie and them was going...well of course Lee doesn't like any of these things much, especially at a persons house he doesnt know, and it was a long ways away, and he has to get up at like 5. So we went back and forth for awhile with the welll, if YOU want to go fine, or if you dont want to go fine, etc. And he won. I just said to myself, fine, I know he'll be uncomfortable, and we always do what I want to, so I will sacrifice. Well, I TRIED to be in a good mood, but it didn't work, and I gave myself a headache wishing I was with them, and not there, and trying not to show it. NOT A GOOD DAY.
So Lee asked me if I wanted to go find some geocaches, so I was like okay, that will get my mind off it. So we went trying to find one near where we were that I had put in my GPS. We searched forever and never found it. I brought home two ticks on me tho, -_-. Thankfully just crawling and not attached yet. Then we had the GPS try to take us home a diff way, and it took us up in someones gravel driveway, there was no road there. It was weird. The GPS had the road going all the way back to the highway. But it DIDN'T. Great.
So we headed back to our town, and got fast and furious to watch. It sucked. I was expecting a lot more. Oh well. It was watchable. Although I could have done without all the stupid girls making out with each other and the bootys and boobs swinging around. GAG ME. Seriously. Def not one I want to watch again. So I was pretty happy when yesterday was over. I feel kinda ill at Lee, its his fault I had such a crappy time, but whatever. I need to grow up and get over it. I'm trying. :shrug:
We played a little ball that night too, I was doing pretty decent! Lee was just happy to see me out of my funk I think. I just talked to my bro he said they had a supercharged sea doo, and the mom made them dinner, then they road arounc on the lake at dark. Wow, I really feel sucky now...whatever.
So wednesday we are doing something fun. Taking off work and going to the water park! hehe, six flags whitewater for the sis in laws birthday. Hopefully it wont rain, supposed to be scattered t-storms. 40%. Hopefully it will miss us! I also hope Lee will be okay with it. He's as you all know, not a fan of water, and especially getting water over his head. He said he will be fine, but we'll see!
So anywho, guess thats all for now. Adios!
So not a whole lot has been going on. We worked at the fireworks stand all day Fri and Sat. Wasn't as bad as I was thinking it would be. Still havent seen the moola yet though. -_-' I found a few hotels that look promising, if we decide to go to the beach. One is in Fort Walton, FL, the other Gulf Shores, AL. The one in AL is 3 miles from the beach, the one in FL 20 mins, ugh. But it is nicer and cheaper. Go figure. We shall see... I kinda feel bad though if we DO go, because the bro and sis in law were kinda planning on going to the beach in August with the pop up together. But its not romantic if you go with someone else, you know?? And Lee and I haven't had a trip together since our honeymoon over 3 years ago. But I don't want to shaft them either.
So I slept till like 10:30 today. UNHEARD OF! I was tired though, we were out late swimming in a friends pool and I was tired from the weekend still. So then I only had like 20 mins to lay out and then had to get a shower and go to work. Oh well. I got it all done, though not as tan as I'd hoped. I want to get a good start going before Sat, we are planning on taking the boat and sea doo out to the lake. YESSS. Hopefully the sea doo is fixed. Dad put a new oil filter on it, so PLEASE GOD let that be what was wrong with it! (the old one was cracked)
I think Lee and I should prolly take it out Friday afternoon just to see if it is okay, instead of dragging it out with everyone else and having it screw up and then being stuck with it, you know?
So there is a 4-wheeler/off road place like 3 mins down the road from our house, so we went to that one. I didn't have a whole lot of fun at the time, but looking back on it, it was pretty fun, lol. I just don't like not being in control. When I am in a vehicle being driven by someone else, doing things like leaning sideways and going up and down steep hills, etc, I get VERY NERVOUS!! I really wanted to be on a four wheeler, not stuck in the back seat!

The Land Rover And The Ruts from Britnieann on Vimeo.
Anywho, we made it past that and nothing else was a problem, thank goodness!! Here we are after we survived, hehe.

After that we headed back to my house, well minus amanda and ryan, and I ordered some Dominos and me and Jamie went and got it and a movie. We got Push, which was really weird and not something I'd watch again. Then they went home and that was about it!
So its about time to close and Lee is out waiting on me, so I guess I will go, adios!
So Lee has had 2 more softball games. Lost both, sadly. They haven't been playing real well lately. Thurs game started good, got REALLY BAD, then ended good, they did a good ralley. Lee would have had a run in but the person got out right when he was getting to home plate, so it didn't count. Oh well.

So anyway on Friday night we had planned a pool party at a friends house. He was out of town in panama city so we took over his house, hehe. He has a kind of in ground/above ground pool. Its like got a deck built up around it, so it looks like an in ground, but it isn't. It doesn't have a deep end. Which is okay for playing in and such. I brought buns for the hamburgers and a desert that everyone loves. (its got a layer of angel food cake, strawberries, then vanilla pudding, then whip cream, and you do it 2 or 3 layers. Pretty good! Jamie calles it Yum Yum, lol)

Anywho, so we got home about 12 that night, and had to get up at 6 the next morning, UGH! My dad acquired a new rental house (I think he has 5 or 6 now!) so he need us to come help lay some flooring and clean up a bit. The last tenants left a HUGE mess. Roaches everywhere, stunk, dirty, dog poo in the tub, etc. NASTY! And it was soooo hot in there. I was just dripping sweat. Thankfully after we did a bit of work, Jamie and I got away to go to the mall to go shopping. Yeah! That was fun. She needed some new church clothes so we walked up and down the mall, both stories, all afternoon shopping. We also took some photo booth pics, they are so funny! I will have to post them, left it at home. I wanted to get an air brush tattoo, but Jamie didn't seem too keen on it, so I felt bad making her wait on me to get one, plus my shirt was in the way of where I wanted it, and they were 5$, so I didn't. I wish I had tho! I wanted the chinese symbol for serenity on my left shoulder.

I also got some of the CUTEST SHOES EVER! Thats them to the right, they're madden girls. They were originally like 40$ and I got them for NINE. Scoreeee. Jamie also got some really cute ones for 9$. Heres were made by some weird etienne aigner or something name. I wore them Sunday and felt SO sexy, lol. The night before I put them on and I was WAY taller then Lee, who was barefoot, in them, heheheh, that was fun. I was about the same height as him with his shoes on tho. He's 6ft.
So thats all the money I could spend, thankfully lees shorts were half off so they were 18 something. Tight money week again, as usual. Although this Fri Sat we are going to make 300$, yeah! There is a guy in church that owns fireworks stands. Lees mom and his little bro have been working at 2 diff ones. Well they need more people for the 4th this weekend, so he is going to pay us to work Fri and Sat. But its going to be from 10 to 9 Fri (possibly later) and 10 to whenever people stop buying on Sat. Which is like midnight or later I'm sure! UGH. We also have to miss our family 4th of July party...sniff. Not cool. I'm about to get bummed out about that, better stop thinking about it. It WAS going to be this past Sat, but they changed it all of a sudden, thanks. So now we are going to miss it. -_-
I've been thinking about what to do with the money...I want to go to the beach SO BAD. But I dunno if 400 is enough! (I was thinking we could swing an extra 100 of our own money to make it 4) I was looking at hotels and the decent ones are at least a 100 bucks a night. Sniff. I mean, I guess we COULD stay in a 60$ hotel room, but is it worth it?? I wanted to be in walking distance of the beach, but they are so expensive...I was thinking about taking the sea doo so we could play in the ocean with it, how fun would that be!! But we need at least 100 for gas, AT LEAST 100 for food, then if the hotel costs 100 a night...I dunno. Mobile is cheaper then Gulf Shores, but not near as nice...
So we went back to the rental after the mall and did some more cleaning, watched the boys do some more floor (they were putting down that laminate snap together wood stuff in the WHOLE house) and then I got Sims out of the truck and let Jamie play that for awhile. We finally got to leave about 7 something and got home, let the dog play a while, then went to BED.
Next day was church, then small group. I was wanting to go swimming again, but then we decided to go see Transformers 2. It was REALLY good. Although a lot more sexual innuendo then was needed, as well as cussing. I mean, this is a FAMILY movie, with 5 and 6 year olds! Come on you morons!
After that we went on home and it was like, sighhh, so good to be home! I made chili dogs and we watched Shooter. Well, part of it, it got close to 11 so we took our butts off to bed. Now I'm at work, so I can be off Friday for the fireworks stand. Lee and Josh are working 10 hour days this week to make up for missing work Fri.
So speaking of work. Dad said last Monday that he is needing to hire a full time person to work in his office at his shop soon, if it keeps on being so busy. I WANT TO SO BAD. But heres whats stopping me:
1. The Aunt - I've worked for her nearly 5 years here, and I feel like she would be DEVASTATED if I leave. She'd have to find someone else to work and we have gone through at LEAST 6 girls that all quit. I'm the only one that has stayed. We also had one get fired cause she was stealing from another girl who worked here. Stupid girl. Plus its like, okay, sorry, I like my daddy better then you so seeee yaaa, I don't want her to think that...
And its a lot of responsibility, the stuff I do. Something you don't trust to just anyone. It would have to be a very special person that she would trust to do what I do. I wish she could have her daughter work, but she has 2 small girls and I doubt she would have anyone else take care of them during the day...but you never know. That would make me feel a LOT better though if she did take my place. I wouldnt feel bad at all about leaving.
2. Money - I'm not sure how serious he is about employing me full time. Is this just something that is for a little while, and if it gets slow I can't work? Or what? I mean, I know its hard to say if he is going to be busy...and it seems like summer is always busy because of the heat messing cars up. So is it going to be slow in the winter?? Will he keep me on?? I mean, I'm pretty sure those wont be probs but I worry. And what if something happened to him and he couldn't work anymore, I'm out of a job. But that could happen to my aunt too...
Although its not like I make much at all. 8$ an hour won't break anyone, lol.
1. Possible insurance. YES, I think that is a possibility, dad and mom need some, so they had a guy out the other day. I asked mom, jokingly, if dad was going to have insurance for me when I started working there, and she goes, maybe! I was like, REALLY? That would be SO GREAT. Then we could start planning a family...I'm starting to move that way a bit. I took care of my nephew yesterday afternoon and he is just SO ADORABLE!! It was so fun. But I dunno...
2. Happiness. I really do not enjoy working here. Yeah, its nice to be able to get on the comp for quite a bit, and not have to do a whole lot. But I don't like messing with people, and I don't like always worrying if I'm not doing what she wants me to, or not good enough, etc. I don't feel like that with dad. I know what I'm supposed to do and I do it. There is no gray areas like there is here. Plus, hes my dad, I'm much more comfy with him. And I don't deal with people much at all there, if I do its to take there money, not help them pick out a purse or jewelry and then when it breaks have to deal with them.
3. Motivation. I would be SO much more motivated to help dad out with his business. Because I care about it more. Id be more willing to work harder, do more for him, etc. Like advertising, PR, whatever.
4. Freedom. I never have to work saturdays, and I get to get out and go get lunch, put in deposits, run errands I'm not stuck there.
So anyway, sorry for the boring monologue. It helps me get my head straight. So I'll shut up for now, ta ta!
So our first softball game went GREAT! They won! 5 to 4. It was a good game, the teams were pretty evenly matched, which I LOVE. I hate getting killed by a much better team, and then its kinda sad when you do it to another one, lol. They practiced against the redneck white trash team again Saturday night, and killed them again, lol. Although Lee didn't play as good this time, he wasn't hitting real well and he was running to 3rd and couldn't stop on top of the base and ran past it, so he was out :(. Of course now he is saying things like, I'm not much of a contribution to the team, etc. Ugh, he didn't get any points in the real game either, he did get on base though. Just the other people batting after him didn't hit good enough to get him to home.
I'm not sure if he is going to make it tonight to the game. He has been working late this week, and its early, 6:30. So we will see. I will probably go even if he doesn't to hang out with my peeps. I'm glad if he does go, that I have my camera this week. The younger bro had it last week when he went chasing tornadoes. (which they didn't find)
So I really hope he does good tonight and feels good about himself...
Annnyway, I got the sea doo tagged! And a battery in it! YEAH. Dad actually bought the battery, for working up at this shop on mondays. Yesss. Haven't taken it out yet, but probably will this weekend if not before. Speaking of money, we spent SO much this weekend, ughhh. Stupid!! I think we will be okay, but its going to be close. We ate out WAY too many times, and then went to the movies.
Speaking of movies, our 3rd wedding anniversary was last Wednesday. We didn't have the money to do much, but decided to go up to the Monaco and watch Terminator. But it takes an hour to get there (huntsville) and we got there RIGHT on time, and the seats were full. So we changed it to UP, which we LOVED. It was soooo funny! I had a lot of fun, and I think Lee did too. We wanted to eat somewhere too, but Lee got home kinda late to go before and it was after 10 when we got out of the movie. Oh well. The Monaco is in this new mall near us, it looks like a European city kinda, its outside and has water running through it, SO pretty. I love it. This is it: Bridge Street Town Center
Speaking of movies AGAIN, I am SO excited about The Proposal (sandra bullock) it looks HILARIOUS. Although I'm a little annoyed when I just saw it has nudity in it. What the?? Its PG-13!! Geezeee, ridiculous.
So had a pretty decent day yesterday. I got up with Lee to make his lunch and then just stayed up and cleaned the kitchen and living room. Then went back to bed for an hour, lol. I worked at dads till about 1pm or so and then stopped by walgreens and then went home. Got suited up for the heat and all sunscreened up and mowed the lawn for a few hours. Got it all done! Worked on my tan too, yeahhh. Then Lee finally got home and he grilled pork steaks for us. I made some blueberry muffins and corn and it was gooood. We watched Gran Torino while we ate. Not my fav movie so I played Sims3 while I watched, lol.
So pretty slow at work so far, kinda excited about after work. I love games, its fun to get out and about. I hope Lee can make it, I don't think he really wants to...sigh. Hes got to finish a side job, hopefully today so we can get the money from it. But his stupid boss has been working them late, so he can't get it done. It only likes about 2 hours.
So I guess thats all for now. Ta ta!
So! Had a pretty fun weekend, even though I had to work Saturday. But lets backtrack a bit to catch up.
Last few weeks have been really tight in the money area, kinda nervous about that. We had 5 weeks last month and that screwed my schedule all up. So we have quite a few things to pay for these next two weeks and I'm worried the money is going to run out. :( But God willing we will make it. Lee also has a old friend that used to go to our church, wanting him to do some remodeling on his house. So that will be some extra money, whenever he gets over there to do it.
Oh, guess what! I convinced Lee to get on the church softball team this year! He did it the first year we started it, right before we got married. He was actually on our honeymoon the first game, haha. But he didn't get to play much and didn't like it. Then, we had a lot of older guys on there who got upset if they didn't get to play so the coach coddled them, etc. Wel the next two years Lee didn't play, and so this year came around and now its a different coach, with mostly younger guys his age and lower playing. So my bro convinced him to sign up. Yeah! I like it because it gets him doing something (he always says he has no hobbies) and out socializing, and I get to be out socializing with my sis in law and we are now getting to be good friends with the sis in laws best friend from high school and her husband.
So they have games every Tues and Thurs night, which might get old pretty quick. I like practices, but game make me SO NERVOUS! Its like he is my little kid, I want him to be good and do good, and to feel good about himself. And if he does bad I feel bad cause HE feels bad, etc, lol. And they he will get upset and say stuff like, I knew I'm not good, I shouldn't have sighed up, I TOLD YOU SO, lol.
Anyway, he did quite well in their first practice last Thurs, and REALLY good this Sat at practice. They actually got asked by another softball team if they wanted to do a scrimmage game. (not a church team tho, these guys were REDNECK WHITE TRASH to the core it was hilarious. Mullets and tatoos and smoking while playing and snaggletoothed wives with 2 teeth in their heads, hahaha. NO JOKE! It was like something out of a movie)
Anyway, he got like 4 or 5 runs in! And did sooo good, I was so proud, it was a good confidence builder for him. Hes never been an athletic guy, physical, but not athletic. But he can do good if he practices. Sat morning before I left for work I threw some balls with him to help him practice, it was fun. He was laughing at the way I catch balls, saying he didn't know how I caught them, I guess he thought I was holding my mitt in a weird angle when I caught, whatever, it works for me!
Anywho, first real game is Tues night, then I believe another Thurs. I hope he does good!! They usually don't win many though, lol. Also gotta come up with 40$ for sign up and then another 12$ for a shirt...gahhh.
So about not much besides that has been going on, work, etc. I'm at work again today because the boss had family in town so she swapped me for tomarrow, so I will be off Tues instead of Mon. I guess Im working at my dads garage on Mons till about lunch time now. For free, apparently. Yeah. Lee is not happy about that. Can't say I am either, I sure could use some extra money this week. Its not looking good at all. I've been messing with my budget for about 30 mins now with little luck of stretching it at all. Need more moollaaa! Mortgage is prolly gonna be late this month. :( Lee wants me to call up and see if we can refinance and get a lower interest rate and lower our monthly payment. We heard about one couple that did and went from 6 to THREE percent and then lowered their payment a LOT. Thatd be nice...
So Sat after work we had ball practice, and then Sunday was church and then small group. Chris called the night befoe to tell us to bring our bathing suits cause they were taking the boat out the next afternoon. Yeah! So after small group we got changed and got the boat hooked up and headed out! Amanda and Ryan (the couple I talked about earlier) came with as well. They are fun. Amanda is a bit girly girl, but she does okay. (shes also gorgeous with a really nice tan and body, just love that -_- yeah, she wore a bikini)
So we drove around a bit then stopped and the boys all jumped in to swim. We layed out a bit then I jumped in, but got out pretty quick cause it was COLD still! Then we got the tube aired up and Jamie and I rode that for a bit, SO FUNNNN! Then Ryan wanted to try it, so I rode with him, then he wanted to go some more and tried to get Lee on it, but he wasn't having any of it. (he does NOT want his head under water, and thats what would happen if he fell off, lol) so Jamie jumped back in with him. My butt was so sore from the water beating it, and of course my abs too cause I was laughing so hard the whole time. It was great fun though. So after that Chris wanted to boogie board (knee board) so that meant I had to drive the boat since no one else has a license. Well that always makes me nervous, tho I try not to show it. I did okay though! Lee said I did good, lol. I've only drove it like 2 times, lol. That being my 2nd, haha. There was also a lot of trash in the water, so I had to keep dodging that, not fun. I piled 2 life jackets up under me so I could see over the windshield, haha, the seat should be made higher. Chris sits on his knee, but that is sooo uncomfy.
So after that we decided to head on in since it was getting late. Got the boat back on the trailer and Lee and I headed out to go get some dominoes while they took the boat back to mom and dads. Then we went back to chris n jamies and ate pizza and watched Bolt, again, lol, ryan and amanda had not seen it. I love it though, so I don't mind watching it! Its hysterical.
And then Lee and I headed home and that was it! We have been having a good few days together. I feel closer to him, its been getting a little shakey last week or two. I need a lot to keep me happy in my relationship with him. And he doesn't always get that, but he is doing better.
So that is long enough! I'm hoping to get some pictures from amanda from yesterday. She took a lot while we were on the tube, lol. Should be pretty funny!
Ta ta!
So Friday, gotta try and remember what went on, geesh my memory is bad. Okay, I'm having a total blank. Anyway, Sat we got up and decided to go to Lacon (flea market) and check it out, we hadn't been in awhile. And I'm so glad we did! We found some SUPER good deals. This little mexican woman was selling this 3 tier metal rack thing, its about 3.5ft tall, that you can put plants on, books, whatever, for 5$! Not sure what I'm gonna do with it yet. Lee likes it on the porch, but I want to decorate the house not the PORCH. Anyway, we also found an old coleman camping stove for SIX BUCKS! Then I found a decorator table, you know those ones that are just wood with 3 legs and you put a table cloth over them? I needed another one for the bedroom but didn't want to spend the money on it, lol, and found that for 4$! Thennn I found a fold up lounge chair for tanning for ONE DOLLAR, yessss. It looks brand new but dirty. Very excited, been wanting one of those for like 2 years, lol, no more laying on the ground with the bugs/ants! HALLELUJAH! I think that was it, we had a lot of fun. I also saw this little kitten I wanted so bad. It was SO CUTE!!! I know better then to go over by the animals but I heard their little high pitched meows and I couldn't resist!! This little light cream one was adorable, I stuck my finger in there and it just rubbed and rubbed on it, then licked it!! So CUTE!! It was so sweet and friendly. But alas, Lee said NO, and I knew better anyway...sniff.
So after that we headed back to town, I told Lee I wanted to go to hobby lobby and buy a picture that was 50% off this week, that I didn't have money for earlier. It is SO PRETTY. I'll have to take a pic. Its like wood that looks like something off a barn, kinda has slats, and its painted white, with hydrangeas on it and Live Well Laugh Often Love Much. So pretty, and in the middle it has a spot for a 5x7.
GOOD GRIEF!! The durn UPS man is here at 10 oclock!! Oh great, and he is getting out the dolly. That means I'm going to be stuck with a bunch of work. Okay, maybe not too much, he just put 2 boxes, one is big, they have luggage in them. Yeah, not much at all.
Okay, trying to beep Lee (on the nextel) to tell him about Bowser. He was acting REALLY strange this morning. He was limping??? And then after he came in from going potty I touched his head and he YELPED. This dog NEVER yelps, even when I beat the crap out of him for something. I did it a few more times and he yelped, but theres nothing there! I have no idea whats wrong with him. He was cowering around acting scared, etc. So strange. Dumb dog, I swear if its not one thing its another with him!! I'll prolly have the bro in law check on him a little later...
Okay, Lee has no clue...and its raining at his job, great. He's worried they wont get 40 hours in this week becaue its supposed to rain like EVERY BLOODY DAY and he already didn't work monday, I highly doubt his boss will pay them for it. He sucks. They only have a little bit of inside work...GO AWAY STUPID RAIN!
Okay, so on Sat I got my picture and then we called Chris and Jamie to see what they were doing, Lee thought he might have picked up a Land Rover Jamies dad was giving them. Its to play in the woods/trails with. So finally got a hold of him, no he hadnt, but wanted to know if we would go get it with him cause our truck is bigger then his and it has to be hauled (needs a water pump). So by that time Lee and I had already gotten all the way home. So we unloaded our loot and went to the inlaws real quick to help with a four wheeler problem (what would they do without Lee?? lol) and get some chains to hold the rover on the trailer with and then Lee got stuck helping his mom with something too. His dad did get our new stove working tho, so that is good.
Then we went over to a church friend who has a good car trailer, picked that up (saw some SUPER cute baby goats) and then picked up chris at his house. Got to his inlaws, FINALLY got the rover running long enough to get it on the trailer, and headed went to a car wash to clean it up. I mostly slept in the truck, I was so sleepy and headachey that day. Although I did watch a horse in the pasture near there for quite a while. He was upset his buddy was gone and was trotting around and calling a lot. Got back to their house and got the rover unloaded (jamie was at a bd party) and they messed with it for quite awhile. I slept some more, lol.
So finally Jamie got home and we decided to go out and eat. She and I wanted Olive Garden, of course the boys vetoed that, so we finally settled on Carrabas, since my mom and dad and a few other pepole have been telling us how GREAT it is. Lee, total homebody, didn't see why we had to go all the way to huntsville to eat (hour away) since we have plenty of places here. I was like yeah, and we eat at them ALL THE TIME. I like to try new stuff. Anyway, we had to take the trailer back, so we did that and met up later. They have a really nice '03 chevy avalance that we ride in everywhere, hehe.
So got up there (its in a mall) and got our little buzzer thing and walked around the mall a bit. Jamie wanted to go into forever 21 (never been in one) so we ditched the guys and had A LOT of fun looking in there. They have GREAT prices, and such cute stuff!! Then we walked out and Lee had found a buddy of his and was talking to him, and Jamie happened to know the buddies sis in law, so she talked to her, lol. Lees buddy had a little 4 month old boy, cute cute, and he was like, so, about time for yall to have one, right?? We both went EHHHH...and looked aside, hahaha.
So our thingie went off so we went and got our table. And about gagged at the prices. UGH! So I got a chicken pasta thing with mushrooms and peas and it was REALLY GOOD. REALLY good. Jamie liked hers all right, the boys were NOT IMPRESSED, lol. So there went 35$ bucks! But it was still fun. Our waiter was kinda ugh tho, he thought he was funny, but wasn't, and you could tell he had the same speel for EVERYONE. He did get us a free desert though since it was our first time :).
So we drove back to our town and got dropped off, then went on home. Church the next day, then small group, then we decided to drive around the lake a bit, to see if our old ramps were still there for the sea doo. They were, also found some other ones. And got caught in torrential rain and loud thunder storms. Lee was going to show me a huge house he built on the lake but I wouldn't let him go down the driveway it was STEEP and its someones house! He got kinda ill with me, and then I got ill with him for being ill with me, and well, not good, lol. So we went on home, and did a buncha nothing, then I made some fish sticks and fries and we watched tv, and then to bed.
Yesterday I was hoping someone was going to call and say hey, we're having a memorial day thing, come bring some food and party with us! Well, no one did. Oh well. My dad is sick and so I kinda figured we wouldn't do anything. So we went over to lees parents and hung around there all day. It was okay. She fixed us biscuits and gravy (which we didnt eat till 1:30!! They are so late with everything) and then we sat around and talked, oh and lees younger brothers went to the store and got stuff to make bombs with. -_- Something with toilet cleaner shaken up in a bottle?? They were kinda scary, lol.
I also went out and to feed the new mare with Jesse. I grabbed Tuff while I was out there and brushed his mane and tail out, got some more of his shedding hair off. Then messed with his feet some. I remembered they had lunged Skip the other day so I got the lunge line out to see if he remembered his lessons from last year. He did, and was a good boy. We mostly walked but did a little slow trot. It was sloppy out there. And SUPER humid, with the gnats driving you bonkers!!
Then we decided to do a cook out, so lees dad and us went and got some ribs and other things and he grilled those and I fixed these appetizers I've been wanting to try, and it was all REALLY good. I loved the appetizers, these are them: Won Ton Appetizer. They are UNBELIEVABLE! And so easy. Everyone seemed to really like them. Your supposed to use won ton wraps but our little hick stores don't have those, so I used some premade bowls from the freezer section. Worked great.
So then we watched Australia, well most of it, at 11 we decided to head home, since they had like 40 more mins, lol. That movie is forever long. Its good though.
Okay, so now we are on Tuesday, yeah, I like having another day that feels like the weekend, cause that gets the NEXT weekend there much earlier!
Okay, shutting up now, gosh I'm boring!!
I leave you with a simply adorable picture of my nephew Dawson in dads '66 GTO from the grand opening last sat.