So Lee has had 2 more softball games. Lost both, sadly. They haven't been playing real well lately. Thurs game started good, got REALLY BAD, then ended good, they did a good ralley. Lee would have had a run in but the person got out right when he was getting to home plate, so it didn't count. Oh well.

So anyway on Friday night we had planned a pool party at a friends house. He was out of town in panama city so we took over his house, hehe. He has a kind of in ground/above ground pool. Its like got a deck built up around it, so it looks like an in ground, but it isn't. It doesn't have a deep end. Which is okay for playing in and such. I brought buns for the hamburgers and a desert that everyone loves. (its got a layer of angel food cake, strawberries, then vanilla pudding, then whip cream, and you do it 2 or 3 layers. Pretty good! Jamie calles it Yum Yum, lol)

Anywho, so we got home about 12 that night, and had to get up at 6 the next morning, UGH! My dad acquired a new rental house (I think he has 5 or 6 now!) so he need us to come help lay some flooring and clean up a bit. The last tenants left a HUGE mess. Roaches everywhere, stunk, dirty, dog poo in the tub, etc. NASTY! And it was soooo hot in there. I was just dripping sweat. Thankfully after we did a bit of work, Jamie and I got away to go to the mall to go shopping. Yeah! That was fun. She needed some new church clothes so we walked up and down the mall, both stories, all afternoon shopping. We also took some photo booth pics, they are so funny! I will have to post them, left it at home. I wanted to get an air brush tattoo, but Jamie didn't seem too keen on it, so I felt bad making her wait on me to get one, plus my shirt was in the way of where I wanted it, and they were 5$, so I didn't. I wish I had tho! I wanted the chinese symbol for serenity on my left shoulder.

I also got some of the CUTEST SHOES EVER! Thats them to the right, they're madden girls. They were originally like 40$ and I got them for NINE. Scoreeee. Jamie also got some really cute ones for 9$. Heres were made by some weird etienne aigner or something name. I wore them Sunday and felt SO sexy, lol. The night before I put them on and I was WAY taller then Lee, who was barefoot, in them, heheheh, that was fun. I was about the same height as him with his shoes on tho. He's 6ft.
So thats all the money I could spend, thankfully lees shorts were half off so they were 18 something. Tight money week again, as usual. Although this Fri Sat we are going to make 300$, yeah! There is a guy in church that owns fireworks stands. Lees mom and his little bro have been working at 2 diff ones. Well they need more people for the 4th this weekend, so he is going to pay us to work Fri and Sat. But its going to be from 10 to 9 Fri (possibly later) and 10 to whenever people stop buying on Sat. Which is like midnight or later I'm sure! UGH. We also have to miss our family 4th of July party...sniff. Not cool. I'm about to get bummed out about that, better stop thinking about it. It WAS going to be this past Sat, but they changed it all of a sudden, thanks. So now we are going to miss it. -_-
I've been thinking about what to do with the money...I want to go to the beach SO BAD. But I dunno if 400 is enough! (I was thinking we could swing an extra 100 of our own money to make it 4) I was looking at hotels and the decent ones are at least a 100 bucks a night. Sniff. I mean, I guess we COULD stay in a 60$ hotel room, but is it worth it?? I wanted to be in walking distance of the beach, but they are so expensive...I was thinking about taking the sea doo so we could play in the ocean with it, how fun would that be!! But we need at least 100 for gas, AT LEAST 100 for food, then if the hotel costs 100 a night...I dunno. Mobile is cheaper then Gulf Shores, but not near as nice...
So we went back to the rental after the mall and did some more cleaning, watched the boys do some more floor (they were putting down that laminate snap together wood stuff in the WHOLE house) and then I got Sims out of the truck and let Jamie play that for awhile. We finally got to leave about 7 something and got home, let the dog play a while, then went to BED.
Next day was church, then small group. I was wanting to go swimming again, but then we decided to go see Transformers 2. It was REALLY good. Although a lot more sexual innuendo then was needed, as well as cussing. I mean, this is a FAMILY movie, with 5 and 6 year olds! Come on you morons!
After that we went on home and it was like, sighhh, so good to be home! I made chili dogs and we watched Shooter. Well, part of it, it got close to 11 so we took our butts off to bed. Now I'm at work, so I can be off Friday for the fireworks stand. Lee and Josh are working 10 hour days this week to make up for missing work Fri.
So speaking of work. Dad said last Monday that he is needing to hire a full time person to work in his office at his shop soon, if it keeps on being so busy. I WANT TO SO BAD. But heres whats stopping me:
1. The Aunt - I've worked for her nearly 5 years here, and I feel like she would be DEVASTATED if I leave. She'd have to find someone else to work and we have gone through at LEAST 6 girls that all quit. I'm the only one that has stayed. We also had one get fired cause she was stealing from another girl who worked here. Stupid girl. Plus its like, okay, sorry, I like my daddy better then you so seeee yaaa, I don't want her to think that...
And its a lot of responsibility, the stuff I do. Something you don't trust to just anyone. It would have to be a very special person that she would trust to do what I do. I wish she could have her daughter work, but she has 2 small girls and I doubt she would have anyone else take care of them during the day...but you never know. That would make me feel a LOT better though if she did take my place. I wouldnt feel bad at all about leaving.
2. Money - I'm not sure how serious he is about employing me full time. Is this just something that is for a little while, and if it gets slow I can't work? Or what? I mean, I know its hard to say if he is going to be busy...and it seems like summer is always busy because of the heat messing cars up. So is it going to be slow in the winter?? Will he keep me on?? I mean, I'm pretty sure those wont be probs but I worry. And what if something happened to him and he couldn't work anymore, I'm out of a job. But that could happen to my aunt too...
Although its not like I make much at all. 8$ an hour won't break anyone, lol.
1. Possible insurance. YES, I think that is a possibility, dad and mom need some, so they had a guy out the other day. I asked mom, jokingly, if dad was going to have insurance for me when I started working there, and she goes, maybe! I was like, REALLY? That would be SO GREAT. Then we could start planning a family...I'm starting to move that way a bit. I took care of my nephew yesterday afternoon and he is just SO ADORABLE!! It was so fun. But I dunno...
2. Happiness. I really do not enjoy working here. Yeah, its nice to be able to get on the comp for quite a bit, and not have to do a whole lot. But I don't like messing with people, and I don't like always worrying if I'm not doing what she wants me to, or not good enough, etc. I don't feel like that with dad. I know what I'm supposed to do and I do it. There is no gray areas like there is here. Plus, hes my dad, I'm much more comfy with him. And I don't deal with people much at all there, if I do its to take there money, not help them pick out a purse or jewelry and then when it breaks have to deal with them.
3. Motivation. I would be SO much more motivated to help dad out with his business. Because I care about it more. Id be more willing to work harder, do more for him, etc. Like advertising, PR, whatever.
4. Freedom. I never have to work saturdays, and I get to get out and go get lunch, put in deposits, run errands I'm not stuck there.
So anyway, sorry for the boring monologue. It helps me get my head straight. So I'll shut up for now, ta ta!
Ooo the pool sounded like fun. Our pool still hasn't opened :(
The beach trip sounds nice. Maybe save up and put it off for a little while so you can stay in the hotels you want to. It'll be worth it then!
I'm sure once you get more information about your dad's job like pay, insurance, security, etc it will make your decision easier.
LOL, look at your getting an airbrush tattoo! What did Lee think about it?
Oh and the type of horses they have are Fox Trotter, Selle Francis and a TB mix. I grazed the Selle Francis and it was such a brat. No ground manners whatsoever.
Glad to hear Transformers was good! I don't think Megan Fox is hot ... I just don't care for her at all.
Haha, lee just looked at me like your crazy, but he knows that already lol! I wish I had gotten it!!! GRR
How weird!! they have a missouri fox trotter there? Strange! Ive never seen a in person Selle Francis, they are kinda tbey lookin, arent they?
Gosh, you dont think megan fox is pretty?? Geeze, I wish I was that not pretty, lol.
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