First off, lets get the belly pictures done! Here I am at 27 weeks!

So my appointment is tomorrow! :D Lee's momma is going to meet me here at work around 3:45 and then we are going to head up there. I can't drink or eat anything after 2:00 and then have to chug that glucose drink down around 3:00. Then get there around 4:00, write down when I drank it, then sit there till an hour has passed from when I drank it. Then they take me back and prick my finger to check my sugar. HOPEFULLY they will tell me the results then, and not make me wait. I think in the 120's to low 130's I pass.
They may also schedule me for my 3D ultrasound! The doctor said they do it around 30 weeks, and I'll be nearly 28 at this appointment. So we'll see! I hope Lee's mom has fun! I may also pay my hospital bill tomorrow, we got paid part of the money for that house we are painting. I put the check in this morning, but they said it won't clear for 2 days, sigh. So I will have to try and see if the hospital will hold my check till Monday. It may or may not be in there Friday. I also need to sign up for my baby class in June. My sis in laws cousin took it last month and she said it was 'interesting'. Lol, and that they show you quite a bit. UGH. Lee is so not looking forward to it, lol. I'm pretty interested in the breastfeeding class though, I want to know as much as I can so that it will go as easy as possible.
Well! I just heard back from a lady I called yesterday about the insurance for the baby. She said I can pick up a paper from her and fill everything out and bring all our pay stubs from June to her, and she will have it so right when the baby is born she will be covered. Phew, thats great. I just hope we for sure qualify!
Anywho, the baby shower planning seems to be on target. My mom is getting a few things today, shes excited, lol, we are supposed to all go out Friday morning to get everything. I have the cutest things for candles that I found at Hobby Lobby. They are little glass holders that look like flower pots, and I'm getting this granulated wax in pink and green to fill them with. SO cute. The theme is basically daisys and green and pink. So my cake is going to be a two layer circle with a smaller one on top, the bottom hot pink, the top lime green. Then we are going to put daisys on it. I wanted to find some pacifiers with flowers on it to set around it, but haven't had any luck so far. The sis in law is doing my centerpiece and making signs for the road. Shes pretty excited too, lol.
The nursery is coming along! We got a crib last week too! :D We decided on the same green that I have in my master bathroom, lol. I picked it out without even knowing it was the same one until Lee started looking at old paint cans we have from like 2 years ago, and found a FULL brand new one of that color! So that helped with the money! Heres a few pics!

So I'll let yall know how the appointment and the baby shower goes! My mom just came by here a few minutes ago and showed me these cute hot pink and green flower pots she got for prizes (she's planting plants in them) and then a baby bingo game, lol, and she found a really good price on water. Oh! And some cute baby socks for another game we are playing. You have 2 teams of 5 people and each team has 10 pairs of baby socks all mixed up in front of them. The first team to get all their sock pairs put together wins!
So anywho, ta ta!
I know I've already told you, but the room looks so fantastic! It's really nice that Lee is so handy and you guys are able to do that on your own!
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