Anyway, everything went pretty well. Though it wasn't as great/wonderful as I was building it up and hoping for it to be. :/ For one thing, four women out shopping who all have differing opinions and who most of the time don't have a problem sharing them, can be a bad combination, lol. So Friday was a bit stressful. But nothing like Saturday. Ugh. The weather really was what made everything worse. I thought it was going to be perfect but it ended up being very cool and WINDY. So annoying. We were out there wrestling with table cloths forever and getting no where. Finally we figured out how to keep them on though, but they didn't look exactly like we were hoping...oh well. They still looked good. And it was COOL. Especially that night, being on the back porch became a little hard.
And then my mom and I got into it a few times, which culminated with me crying two or three times that day, yeah! I just love those pregnancy hormones. And being stressed and tired didn't help. But it wasn't all her fault, things just weren't going well and add it all together and you get a sniffly me. Lee was so sweet though. One time when I went out to the porch by myself trying to hold it together he came out with me and held me and said really sweet things to me and was just wonderful. I love that man. After that I was better and everything came together in the end.
The actual shower went well, everyone seemed to have fun. It still didn't live up to my expectations though...but I guess I kind of set myself up for that. A lot of people came, though 3 couples in particular that I was expecting did not come. Quite a few of Lee's family came, so that was good. And we had enough food, drinks, etc. Everyone looked happy, so yeah for that!
We got some good stuff. I was most excited about the stroller!! Its SO CUTE. Exactly the one I was wanting. My grandma in AZ and my aunts in CA bought it for me. We also got a mattress from Lee's parents and a lot of cute outfits, blankets, a ton of bath soap and lotions, wipes and a few bags of diapers. The sis in law made her a cute bucket with her name on it, and my aunt made her a sign with her name on it! I love it, I think it will be put over her crib.
Here's some pics!

So anywho! That was Friday and Saturday. Lets back up and go over my appointment Thursday now!
It started out a bit rocky. The MIL was about 10 mins late, but I wasn't ready either. I popped my hood just to check my coolant because I had been noticing my temp gauge a little high lately. Well of course it was almost empty. So dad had to come and put some stop leak and water, etc in it and that took a while. Then she finally got there and we headed out. Get there and I wrote down when I took my glucose stuff (which was suprisingly good!) and we sat for about 15 minutes. Then I went up and told them my hour was almost up so they sent me back there and pricked my finger (which hurt like a mother! I hate that thing, I'd rather have blood taken!) and then we sat there and watched the little machines she plugged my blood into. I didn't THINK I would fail the test, so I was pretty surprised when it popped up 148, which is about 9 points higher then they want. SNIFF. So I FAILED. :(
So, then they had to take blood from me to send of to the lab to find out if I really do have gestational diabetes or not. Great, another lab bill. The last one I had was over $200. Yay. Into the scary chair I went and got another taciturn nurse who poked me and immediately it felt like took it out. I was like thats it? Apparently my blood is ready to come out! LOL. After that we were sent back to the nurses station where my doctors offices are. They had me do my peeing in the cup and then took my weight. 138! So I gained 5lbs instead of 4 this month. Then we had to wait a bit for a room to open up. Finally got in there and got the HOTTEST room they have, no window, icky. I had to use a magazine to fan myself, bleck. Then the nurse came in and took my blood pressure, which was thankfully good at least.
Anyway the doctor came in and I introduced her to my 'other momma' lol, then she preceded to tell me my iron was lower then she liked. Sigh. But then she said just barely like .1 percent. Well geesh. Anyway, she game me a whole pack of sample iron pills to take till I deliver, so I don't have to buy any. Thank goodness. Then she measured my tummy, said that looked good, and we got to hear the heartbeat again, which was also great. Chloe kicked the monitor! Haha, that was pretty funny. Lets see...I think that was about it. She then told me that I will be coming back in 3 weeks for another ultrasound and then a appointment right after with her. But this is not my last ultrasound like I though, NOR is it the one I have paid for already. Sigh. So there is another 80$ that will have to come out of pocket. And apparently I do not get a 3D one like I thought...oh well, I'll be seeing her in a few months anyway! But I swear, the hits kept on coming!!
Anyway, that was definitely a different appointment, geesh. After that we headed out and made my appointment and my last payment, yeah! Then I told her I wanted to take her out for mothers day to eat so we went out to my favorite mexican restaurant. Then I dropped her off at a hair appointment she had and went on to where Lee was working on that house we are STILL painting.
So! That about covers it. I did not pay my hospital bill, it was late by the time we got out there and I really wanted to be sure it would be put in my back account before I wrote a check. Its not a big deal yet. I also didn't get my baby classes paid for, need to call and do that. But I also need to get the horses trimmed this week and the dog to the vet, and the groomer and UGH. Lets just add that up:
Horses: $60
Dog Vet: Est $25
Dogs Groomer: $60
Baby Classes: $70
= $215!!!!!!!!
Anyway, we have $200 in the savings now, but I really need to keep that for the ultrasound and lab work coming up. I know Lee will probably make some more this weekend...and we are getting $300+ from the state taxes SOMETIME, but who knows when...but the mortgage is also do next week, among other bills. But really and truly, I'm not that worried about it. God has blessed us so fully and I know He will continue to. We need to just keep being faithful with our tithe and good stewards of our money.
Well guess I need to do my belly pics! It is not as cute as it used to be. Its getting taller and lumpy. Here we are at 28 weeks! I just entered my 3rd and final trimester. Yeah for us!

Baby shower looks like it was a lot of fun! I like the punch bowl and cake. Where did the cake come from??
Bills are not fun ... but kudos to you for handling it so well and not being worried about it!
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