Anway, I had my ultrasound/doctors appointment the Tuesday before last. I have good and bad news. The good news is that the baby looks great, heartbeat is great, I am measuring correctly, etc etc. Good!
The bad news is that apparently I have a placenta with issues. :/ When we got back into the room and the doctor came in she said that the reason they had me do another ultrasound is to check on my placenta again. Apparently they have been watching it and hoping it would move but it hasn't. The issue is that it attached low at conception and hasn't moved up, like most of them do, and are supposed to do. The danger with this is bleeding. If I go into labor with my placenta too close to my cervix then it can cause me to hemorrhage. She said it needs to be 2 centimeters away from the cervix to be safe. Its a form of what they call placenta previa, this picture shows it pretty good, mine is the first picture, the low lying one: previa
Anway, what does this mean? Well if the placenta doesn't move up away from the cervix soon then we will have to schedule a c-section. :/ I was pretty upset about it as she was telling me, but now that Lee and I talked about it and I've thought about it, I'm okay with it. And we still have a few more weeks for it to move. The doctor said she wasn't throwing in the towel yet, lol.
So if we do go with the c-section that means I will be scheduled at 38 or 39 weeks for it. Which means baby Chloe could be here in as little as 7 weeks! WOW!
So she told me that I will start my every 2 week appointments now (I go in again next Tuesday) and then in a month (2 weeks from next week) I will have another ultrasound to see how the placenta is doing. I'm assuming at that appointment we will decide on whether we are doing a c-section or not as it will be only 3 weeks till a possible date to do the c-section . The super duper great thing about this ultrasound is that it will also be a vaginal ultrasound. Doesn't that sound like fun?? I can't WAIT! Not. Sigh. She said they need to take some measurements that way. Ugh, oh well, I'll live!
So back to the good stuff! The ultrasound was a lot of fun, though short! We weren't in there more then 15 minutes. Here is our little girl at 30 weeks!

Here is my picture from last week of me at 30 weeks, I haven't done my 31 yet so I'll put that up later.

I do have a few issues, mostly my back. Since about a month or two ago the right lower part of it will just ache and be so annoying, but usually only when I'm sitting. I have to find a different position or put a pillow behind my back. Also the heartburn is pretty annoying at times. Some weeks I will have it and others I won't. Today its pretty annoying. Most of the time a Tums will knock it out though. But today ughhh, its not working.
So really not much else to say. I'll probably blog again after my next appointment Tuesday. Ta ta!
Sorry to hear the bad news. On the bright side, if you do end up having a c-section, I wouldn't be bumming about having to push that baby out!
I did chuckle at your sarcasm about the super duper great ultrasound. LOL. Definitely glad I'm not in your shoes for that one! :p
That ultrasound is pretty neat, I love how you can tell that it's your baby!!
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