Anyway, last Thursdays appointment went well! My mom came with me and we had a lot of fun. We didn't have to wait long, and I did my peeing thing and they weighed me and on into the room! BTW, I've gained another 4 lbs. Which is SO weird because that is exactly what I gained the last two months in a row. So apparently I'm going to gain 4lbs every month, lol. So I am up to 133 now. EEP. 12lbs gained so far. Which compared to some people who have gained like 25 by now, I'm feeling pretty good about!
Once in the room I sit on the little table/bench thing and the nurse takes my blood pressure and this time she asked me if I was feeling the baby moving well. Yup! Then she brought in my glucose test junk. Yeah. Its a bottle of some sort of sugary drink. So 45 minutes before my next appointment I have to drink that stuff. Then after I get there, at exactly an hour after I drank it, they prick my finger and check my blood glucose to see if my sugar is high. If it is, then I have to take a 3 hour test to see if I have gestational diabetes. UGH. If I do have that then they have to put me on a special diet, BUMMER. It also makes your baby grow bigger which means more pain/tearing/pushing, etc. Please God let me pass!! I've been reading that it is not uncommon to fail your first hour test, but that does not mean you have diabetes. In fact, my sis in laws cousin failed it the other day, but passed the other. So I'm going to try not to freak out if I fail the first one!
Anyway after that the doctor was in shortly after and of course was in a hurry again. She asked me if all was well, etc, any questions. Then she got this little measuring tape and measured my tummy! Thats the first for that. I thought they might do that that appointment. Anyway, she said I was measuring 23 cent. which is exactly what I should be! Yeah! They measure from you pubic bone to the top of your uterus. So I was very relieved to hear that we are normal and on target.
After that she put the heartbeat monitor on my belly, and I just though, she didn't put the ultrasound gel on this time, yeah, that stuff is gross. I guess because its getting very easy to hear the heartbeat now. Supposedly Lee can hear it, but he's tried twice with no luck so far.
Anyway she very briefly listened to that and that was it! I was sort of hoping for something a little more exciting for mom, but she didn't mind. She was glad I asked her to come. After that we went out and made my payment (only one more left!!) and then my next appointment, which is 2 days before my baby shower! :)
Anywho, heres the belly pics for week 23 and 24:

Oh, I got Lee to take pictures with me the other day too, here are those.

I can't wait until I'm really showing to take some with him at a really pretty location. We have a neat covered bridge that is also near a waterfall and creek, where we took our engagement pictures. And! When we go to the beach we will be able to get some great ones there, as well. Can't wait! I'll be getting close to 30 weeks by then.
So while we were at the hospital I went down to the financial office to try and figure out how much an epidural was going to cost me and of course they didn't know, she gave me a phone number to call. Wish she would have called it then herself! Also, I found out about the insurance for the baby. I applied for it and heard back from them finally after 2 weeks only to find out that they don't insure the baby until its born. So I can't even APPLY and be accepted until she is born! Which means we will be paying out of pocket for the drs visits until they get her set up. UGH! So I guess I need to have the husband on the phone right after we get her name signed and SS#!
The lady at the financial office gave me a number to a lady that knows all about the AllKids program so I will call her and get her advice on what to do. I was told I can try and call the pediatrician I'm going to use and tell them my situation and they may work something out with me. Hopefully they will not bill me until I can get her coverage started, or something.
Okay, I've yammered on enough, I've got a neat video to show yall! This is little Chloe about 30 minutes ago kicking up a storm. At the end I turned the camera so you can see her from the front but then someone came in and I had to cut it off. Look closely at about 10 secs on the left, then at about 20 secs, then about 35 she moves to the right side, lol. Anyway! Here she is, yall have a great week!