SO, haven't been doing real well keeping my posting up, have I?? Anywho, I'm 22 weeks now! Getting close to 23. And not near what I thought I'd look like by Easter! Its kind of dissapointing! Oh well, I'm sure once I get big I'll be wishing I wasn't! lol
Anyway, here we are this week:

I am happy about my lower stomach getting bigger, but my upper stomach is ALSO getting bigger, and that REALLY is quite annoying. I have this fat roll now when I sit down and it gets in the way! I don't like the feel of it. Not to mentino the look of it! Ugh, Lee says its my uterus/tummy pushing up into it, but I definitely have a layer of fat on there that was not there before, lol. I'm going to be over 130lb when I go to the doctor again next week. Crap, that reminds me, I've got to come up with another $311.00 before then. Sigh. My mom is going to come with me to this appointment, and then Lee's mom is coming to the next months. The appointments are all so much the same now that it really is silly to have Lee get off work early to come with me. Besides, the moms will love hearing the heartbeat.
Anyway, little girl is getting very active. I love it though! And she doesn't do it at inconvenient times either. Just mostly during the day and afternoon. Around 9 or 10 sometimes she will wake up a bit for a little while, but thats it. When I get up to go to the bathroom at night (at least 4 times!) she will sometimes move around a bit, but it doesn't last long. She is a good girl so far! I'm hoping she keeps this schedule up! But I also wonder sometimes if maybe she does move around at night and I just don't feel it...but I am a pretty light sleeper. We'll see!
I'm feeling really good. I get a little sleepy at times, and this past week I've had a lot of trouble getting up in the morning, but other then that (and the constant bathroom breaks) I'm doing good! I feel like I've been eating a lot lately, and that sort of worries me, but I've always been such a light eater, its just weird to get up for seconds, or eat more then I usually do, lol. I still try not to overdo it! And then again, at other times I start eating and am immediately full after just a few bites!
Lee finally felt her move the other day! On Sunday I believe. He felt her again last night. I can actually see her push my stomach out now, that is kind of strange, lol, but neat. I'll have to get that on video!
So we have 2 trips tentatively planned for this spring/summer. The first being a backpacking trip the 27th of this month, and the other a beach trip sometime in May or possibly June. I'd rather it be May, but we are at the mercy of dates that the time share is open. We may go to Mobile, AL, Panama City, FL, or Destin FL. The sis in laws mom has to check dates for us. It will be a 4 day thing. And I know I will be happier in May then June since I will be getting real close to my due date by June!
The backpacking trip is still in the talks...I think us two pregnant girls will be okay, but we have to make sure we've got the money too. I'd like to buy a new backpack, there is one at wal mart I like a lot for 70, so I have to come up with that, and then we have food to buy. Lee really needs a new sleeping bag too...
I'm hoping I will be able to wear my hip strap low enough not to interfere with anything. I know girls are supposed to carry high, but I don't feel like she is right now! She is down low 80% of the time still. Maybe it is when your belly is really getting big that it sits higher rather then lower. :shrug: But if I can't get that hip strap working for me, I won't be going, that takes a LOT of the load off your shoulders and without it you are miserable. I should probably ask my doctor Thurs if its okay if I go too...but what if she says no?? Sniff, lol. I have a trail all picked out already that is supposed to be super easy and near the water the whole time. Its only about 3-5 miles that we will be walking. The first part is 2 miles and then after we branch off onto the next trail we can stop at any time and set up camp wherever we find a good spot. Or keep going! And its got waterfalls on it! :D
Kind of along those lines, the sis and law and I started walking 2 miles twice a week at the park last week. I also went one day without her and did a mile. I would have yesterday too but had to work late after I got off here at dads shop over at Fallalary, ugh. I'm so glad I don't work there anymore! She had to go out of town and needed me for a few hours. Anyway, we are walking again today, she is not in as good of shape as me, but shes not bad. She's also about 13 weeks, right in that "ack, I can't breathe" stage, haha. She will be near 17 weeks by the time we go, I felt pretty good then.
So I think I have a bedding set picked out finally. Its super cute, this is it:
It has a little lime green in it too, you can't see from that picture. We are planning on doing the walls in a sort of light green, with white below the chair rail. I wan't to get the bedding first though so I can take it to the store with me to pick out a color that coordinates.
I can't wait until our baby shower, that is coming up next month on the 8th. I ordered the invitations, should get them Monday! :D They are ADORABLE, perfect for what I want. I want a laid back, fun, summery atmosphere. Thats why we are calling it a 'baby-que', lol.
I just love them! I was hoping to get them in before Easter so I could just hand them out to a lot of people I'll be seeing, but dummy me waited too late. Sigh. I guess I'll just have to go around with a book writing down peoples addresses, lol. Especially his family, ugh. I'm thinking I will be giving out at least 25 invitations, and a lot of them will be couples, so we could have quite a party on our hands! I hope so!
My mom and his mom are putting it on, at my parents house. The guys will be out front playing horseshoes, volleyball, football, whatever and then us girls will be in the house or the back porch doing our games, presents, eating fruit. Then after that we will meet up with the guys to eat some hamburgers and potato salad YUM, and then eat cake/ice cream after that. I'm so excited! I know the party is supposed to be about me and the baby and Lee, but I won't be happy if everyone else isn't!
Anywho, guess I will quit with that! Till later!
So, I think it works now!
See you had to change the layout to get it to work ... boo. I can't believe you want to go camping while you're pregnant! Lugging around a backpack for miles and being pregnant sounds like pure misery to me. Go you though!! The nursery sounds like it's going to be great. I can't wait to see the finished photos.
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