Not a whole lot of change from last week really.
Its been so beautiful out lately. Especially yesterday, it was HOT in the car when I got in it! I had to put the windows down! Hallelujah! Today it is still in the 60's, but cloudy, we are supposed to get rain today and tomorrow. But its held off so far and really been only partly cloudy today. Tomorrow we might get thunder storms. That sounds like warm weather to me! I think I'd WELCOME the sound of thunder!
I got a new haircut! As you probably noticed from the above picture. It is SHORT. And I LOVE IT! I can't believe how easy it is to mess with. I get up, turn it upside down and spray some hair spray in it, then flip it up and do some more spraying each side and BAM! I am DONE!! I'll try and get a pic, hold on...it needs to be washed, looked better yesterday, but oh well...

I'm hoping now I wont get questions like, "What high school do you go to??" or "Oh, I thought you were 17!" anymore! Geesh. No, your about 10 years off. -_-
So I do have one notable thing to tell! I can feel my little swimmer swimming around in there now! And kicking/punching, whatever it is she does. Rolling around, etc. Its SO COOL. No way to describe it. At times it feels more strange then neat, when she is really low and going after it, and I would rather she stop. But most of the time I love it. Although when she is about 5-6 lbs and kicking up in my ribcage, I probably won't love that so much. ;) She has been pretty quiet today. Yesterday she was pretty active. I actually felt her with my hand on the outside! That was too neat. I can't wait till Lee can feel her. If he is ever home! :(
He has been working every night this past week and this week except for Sunday. Not getting home until 10 usually. I feel like a single mom! Well, almost mom. I miss him...and feel so far from him. Not fun. We see each other for maybe 30 minutes to an hour at night and then a few in the morning. BOO! Last week I went over there a few nights after work and brought him dinner. But a lot of times I'm so tired from the day I just don't feel like sitting in the cold house/garage watching him. There really isn't a lot for me to do. And there is so much more to be done, really not even half way. And when he is not there he has 2 other side jobs he is working on. I am sooo happy we have this chance to make extra money and pay our doctor/hospital bills but it is hard too. Thank God he is a good hard worker.
Enough complaining! At least I get to spend time with him Thursday at our doctor appointment. I want to sign up for our birthing classes that day too. I'm not sure what will go on at this appointment. I know they will do the normal pee in a cup, weigh me, and we will hear the heartbeat. But I wonder what else since she will have looked at our ultrasound from last week. I pray she has nothing bad to say about it.
I'm about to get pretty hungry! Its Wednesday now, didn't get to finish my post yesterday. I am pretty excited about the leftover spaghetti from last night I get to eat! YUMMY. Jamie (my sis in law) came over and staid with us last night. She staid over Sunday night as well. My brother is out of town the whole week and she doesn't like staying at home by herself. We don't mind having her at all! She came to work and sat with me until I closed and we went and checked out the new TJ Maxx that opened Sunday just down from our store. I got a cute stretchy white shirt to wear and she bought a brown one.
So Chloe got a little more active last night. I could feel her with my hand but when I tried to get Lee to feel it she would quit! I tried again later that night after we went to bed and she stopped moving again! Argh! I guess we will just have to keep trying! Lee thinks she likes how warm his hand is and just wants to be still, haha.
Anway, thats about it! I'll let yall know how the appointment goes tomorrow!