They say that your uterus becomes too big to fit inside your hip bones anymore, so it starts moving up and out. So I guess thats what happend! Here's a few pics for comparison!

Still haven't felt my baby move yet, I can't wait for that. I hope its soon! Although I'm also kind of worried about it because then you have to start worrying about it. Like, oh, it hasn't moved since -- and then you wonder why, is it okay, sleeping, what? Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to tell myself to cut it out and just enjoy it and trust God.
So! I don't remember if I mentioned it but we cleaned out the nursery a few weeks ago. One Saturday we just got in there and cleaned it out and threw a bunch of stuff away and got it and the room that we moved a lot of the stuff from there into, all organized! We have 3 extra rooms, but none of them are very big, and the nursery is the smallest. The other room is a guest bedroom and then we have the workout room which is now also the office since we moved the desk and computer in there. As well as a bookshelf! I'm so glad it all fit!
Here is the nursery, lots of work to be done! But at least it is cleaned out. This is like the only room that was a reasonable color when we moved in, so we didn't paint it. But I have plans on doing that soon! More on that in a minute.

from people for 'baby Mickle'. Those other things are air mattresses
that need to go back to my mom and dads!

So its not a very big room, but we think big enough for a crib, glider, and some sort of changing table. Lee and I are thinking of buying an old desk or dresser and refinishing it, instead of a baby changing table. You never use that again, but you can definitely use a dresser or desk later! (cheaper too!) All you have to do is buy a changing pad and set it on top and you are good to go. Lots of people are going this way no a days I have noticed.
As for the theme, or decorating I want to do, I think I am going to base it all around a crib set I found at Babies R Us. Its called Bunny Meadow and is SO STINKING CUTE! I just love it. Its in greens and browns and tans and its very outdoorsey without being wildernessy, if that makes sense. We both love being outdoors and summer, etc, so I think it will be great. Its also pretty gender friendly. It leans towards boy, but a few pink accents here and there would work fine.
Here it is!

Theres just ONE small problem...hehehe....the set is $180.00. Yeah. CHOKE! I would have to pick an expensive one. I swear. I'm hoping some one will take mercy and go in together on it for my shower, lol.
Anyway, I also have found a crib I am in LOVE with. This item also has a problem though. No, its not expensive, quite cheap actually! Its just out of stock. -_- I emailed wal mart asking if they knew when they would get it back in and of course they sent me some generic email that helped non at all. Here it is though! Cape Cod Crib - Cherry
Well thats about all for now. Until later!