Wednesday, April 22, 2009 1 comments

2 More Days!!

I'm getting pretty excited!! I wish it was Thursday today, I don't like Wed. I do like being at work shorter by an hour, but its the middle of the week and usually boring and I like excitement and things to look forward to! And we will prolly have choir practice tonight which is usually quite boring...sooo.

Last night we had fun. Lee finally figured out a way to blow up our mattresses we are taking on our trip and we figured out that they will NOT fit in the tent we bought. -_- sooo there was another one we had looked at at wal mart so we decided to pack the old one up and take it back to k mart and get the one from wal mart, which was 2$ cheaper, yay, haha. We also got a battery operated mattress pump. Yessss.

So after that we were heading back home and I have been wanting to try out the track at the college that is near our house, so we decided to go check it out since we hadn't done our walking/jogging that day. We usually go with the bro and sis in law at the high school track near their house. So it took us a bit to find it, the campus is pretty confusing at night lol, but we did! And it was pretty nice. Deserted though! But that was fine with us. So we did about 2 miles in all. Jogged a bit of it, one full time and then 2 halfs nearly. The problem was Lee has a MUCH bigger stride and faster pace then I do, and it kills him to jog my pace lol. So the first time jogging I tried my best to keep up with him but he was STILL pulling away from me! So the next time we jogged I told him to stay MY pace, he kept whining about how he couldn't etc, but he tried for a little bit and then I just sped up to help him out and I think we found a happy medium we could both deal with because the next time we jogged we were both pretty pleased with the pace. Yeah!

So he felt pretty good afterwards but I was still puffing, I think that first running pace he made me do did me in! I can usually jog half a mile easy in one whack, but last night I was so out of breath after just once around, and never really recovered all the way. The night before I did 2 laps and a half the first jog, and was pretty pleased. But not last night! I also had ate dinner about 2 hours before, that never helps!

Argghh I'm trying to watch a prerecorded show jumping thing online but it keeps jumping and doing still images instead of streaming video. I hate realplayer!! >:( Oh oh, I can see a little, MAN these jumps are freakin HUGE, heres what I'm watching: Jumping.

Anyway, we got home and put in the red box movie we rented (which was pretty dumb but not that dumb) and Lee put up the tent and I tried out the new mattress pump. Worked GREAT, aired the whole thing up in less then 2 mins, yeahhh. The tent I'm not too thrilled with, its a lot cheaper made then the other one, and just doesn't seem real steady. We may end up taking it back after this trip and trying to find one we like better. We loved the other one it was just too small :(.

So he put the tent back down and I rolled up the mattresses and packed mine back in my backpack. Then Lee sat down and tried to get all his stuff in the one we bought for him. And it is a TIGHT fit. And he won't be able to carry his food. :( So basically we should have gotten him a bigger backpack. Sigh. He may end up using the old one my bros used to use for boy scout camping. Its a LOT bigger, but the straps are hard as rocks.

Oh BOO, ups man just brought a butt load of work for me, thankssss. I guess it will keep me busy though, although bored.

So Friday we are going to do our grocery shopping for the trip,a nd the last nick knacks me need. Like batteries, etc. We ran OUT of money this week, I had to put my savings in there, which I plan on taking back OUT as soon as our checks get in there. I hope we didnt overdraw :( I hate doing that. Oh yeah! I checked it out and we are in the green yeahhh, lol.

So I guess thats about it for now, better get on to unpacking yeah...
Saturday, April 18, 2009 1 comments


Well you guessed it, at work again, but a little different because its Saturday, boooo. I hate working saturdays, I feel like I'm missing out on so much! Especially today. There is a car show a couple towns north and EVERYONE is there but me. Sniff. The boss told me about it awhile ago, so I knew it was coming, but I didn't know everyone was going. Lee even went. Sniff again. Oh, well, I guess theres no reason for him not to, he might as well have some fun, lol. My dad took his '69 GTO I think, and Chris and Jamie took their mustang, and the boss and husband (my uncle) took their Monte Carlo. I hope they have fun. But I also hope my work day goes fast too! Nobody has come in yet...not sure when I'm getting off. Whever she gets back from the show, which is who knows when. Prolly wont be any sooner then 3:00 and more like 4:00.

So enough whining. Look what we bought!! More stuff for our trip, hehe. Firsttt A TENT, its specifically for backpacking, small and light weight. We will be snug as bugs!

And yes, it is set up in our dining room, lol. I came home yesterday and found it there!! And its still there today, lol.

And next! My new backpack!!

Isn't it cute! Its a pretty light/soft green color. We went to Academy Sports and Outdoors last night (took us over an hour, it was way down in birmingham) and we found it, was only 39$! So I'm happy. I was sorta getting worried since its a week from today and it really would have been too late to order anything. I didn't win that other one on ebay, stupid suckers got into a bidding war with us at the last minute and they wanted to pay more for it then we did. Oh well. This is the back, duh, lol:

So now we are all set! Lee and I just need to decide if we are toting our blow up mattresses with us or buying pads for under our sleeping bags. I think we will just take the mattresses. Gonna be fun blowing them up tho, ugh. We have a foot pump but that will still take forever. We might just buy a battery powered one from kmart for 10 bucks. But that is also another possibly heavy thing to carry, gosh. This bag could have been a tad bigger, I'm having a rough time with my sleeping bag. I tried tieing it on the outside underneath but it bangs into my legs when I walk and looks really goofy too. So I'm trying different things...with it stuffed in the bottom and then my blow up mattress up top, there is very little room for anything else. And I still have to get my change of clothes, mess kit, water, food and such in there. Ughhh.

So anyway, I guess thats all for now, not much else going on. Well, we are throwing a suprise birthday party for mom tomorrow. Its not till next Thurs but they are leaving on a trip to Arizona that day. They wanted to go before my dad gets tied down with his new mechanic shop he is opening next month. (which I will be helping him as secretary in! :) ) So we are going over there to do Easter since we had our play last week and didn't have time, so she will be suprised. Which reminds me, I've still got to color easter eggs, geez, annd figure out what to get mom. Well I just talked to the big bro and I think we're both just gonna give her 25$ to spend on clothes or whatever. Gotta get a card tho...and Jamie and I are supposed to decorate my grandmas tomorrow, we got some streamers last night, just need some balloooons. :)

Oh, almost forgot, we went to a neat place to eat last night, Shogun. Jamie and chris always talk about how much they love it so we put it into the GPS and it found on close for us, hehe. It was pretty neat, lots of tricks and fire from the chef, and the food was pretty good. I get to eat it for lunch today, there was a HUGE helping. I couldn't even eat a quarter.

Okay shutting up now.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 1 comments

Work work workkk

Well here I be again. Pretty bored of course. Its my 'monday' and I have an extra work day this week, so not real thrilled. I'm working Sat for the boss, she wants to go with her husband to a car show (they have a Monte Carlo muscle car) . So I am working till 3:30. Not terrible, still have the afternoon to get around I guess.

Lets see, well first off our Easter Play went awesome! We had at least 10 people get saved!! (from Hell that is!!) And no mishaps, all 3 showings went great. I am so glad its over though, man it was getting old, lol. My grandparents and aunt and uncle came the last show and they loved it. My aunt (who is also my boss) said it was the best easter play she had ever seen, and they have seen a LOT. They go to a huge church in another town.

So all weekend was took up by the play, we were out all saturday and sunday. Fri night we had practice too. Poor Bowser got the worst of it, he was in his room a lot poor guy. I was so glad to be home when we finally got there! Sat night I was exausted. I have picsss!!!

Lee Lee getting dressed, hehe

The tomb!

Aren't we adorable, UGH, I had like the ugliest one.
(Kristy [Lees sis], Lee, Me, Mom, and Jamie [sis in law])

It was fun though, I think its going to be a yearly thing. We might even do one Christmas. Thatd be neat. A group of us went out to cracker barrel that night to celebrate it being over haha. I have leftovers to eat for lunch ooo yaaa. We had a really good waitress too, like one with a PERSONALITY. That is SO RARE. Lee gave her a niiice tip.

So Sunday night we had a bad wind storm go through and demolish a lot of stuff. Trees were down EVERYWHERE. Thank God not at our house though. The woman behind us had one fall on hers and it hurt a car and messed up the roof over her living room. Eep. And the worst part is we have had NO POWER since Sunday night at about 2:00am. Lovely. I mean, you really appreciate it after its gone!! I actually saw what made it go out. I got up around 2:00 to go to the bathroom and looked out the window to see how windy it was (sounded like a tornado!) and all of a sudden across the cow pasture I saw this huge fire ball and heard a loud POP. I was like WHAT THE?! and my heart started going 90 mph, lol. I kept watching to see if it was going to light up again, to see if something was on fire. But it didnt, then I thought it was probably a transformer that blew. And it was. I ran in there and told Lee and he was like what?? Haha, not thrilled about being woke up.

Anyway I REALLY hope we have power when I get home today. But even if we don't we probably won't be home long. (although I am starting to worry about our food in the refrigerator!!) I was talking to my bro on facebook and we are planning on going to the bass pro shop this evening. Might hit the acadamy sports too. That is if Lee gets off in time. His boss up and decided that they werent working thurs and fri so they have been working late. I was like, you tell him that not all of us have money coming out of our butts and can just take off whenever!!! I mean, we have MORTGAGES TO PAY THIS WEEKKKK! I'm really getting stressed about this money situation. I have it all figured out where it SHOULD work but if we don't get a full paycheck.... :( And we have to CURB our spending. So hard. I do have almost 200$ saved up that will save us if we need it, but I don't want to use it.

I ordered Lee a backpack today! This one: Backpack.
I hope it works good! I still havent found one that I really like. Def not one that cheap! I'll keep a lookin tho, but its getting down to only 10 days out! We need to find a tent. I found one for 5$ buy it now on ebay but the shipping its TWENTY five bucks. I emailed him to see if he can lower it. It should not cost more then 10$ to ship that thing. Thats rediculous.
I also want some walking sticks. Or trekking sticks as the call them. I found these, they are PURPLE!! I know that my clumsy butt is going to need them! Its going to take some getting used to tho! I might should buy them with my saved money and get to practising now lol.

So I guess thats all for now, adios.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 2 comments

Lots to Catch-Up On!

Helloooo, sorry its been so long between posts. Been a tad busy!

Gosh, I'm not even going to try and recap the whole last few days, lets just do the highlights.

Main BIG news is this! My bro and his wife and Lee and I are going to go BACKPACKING!! We are all sooo excited. We thought of this Sunday afternoon at lunch between play practice and church at the steakhouse. Lee and I have been talking about it for awhile, ever since I found out from a church friend there is a nice place NW of us that you can ride bikes/hike in. Well I started looking in to it and found out you can also hike in there and just find a campsite and camp! Cool, right?? I mean, that is REAL camping! I didn't know you could do that anywhere around here. Well, we mentioned it to my bro that day and he was like, when are we going?? Hahaha, so!

The date is is set at the 25th of this month. Leave out early that Sat morning and hike in, maybe find a camp pitch our tent etc, and go exploring. Then camp that night and come back Sunday. Although both Jamie and I are off that next Monday, haha, we couuullld stay another dayyy. But who knows, we might not enjoy it! I'm kinda worried about myself. I in general kinda like my creature comforts. And I HATE creatures, lol. Bugs, spiders, ACK. So you can be sure I am bringing tons of bug spray/repellant. I even saw these sticks you can put in the ground around the perimeter of your camp, that will keep em out! YESSS. ;-)

Anyway, we tent camped with Lees parents twice before, and I was not a big fan. We've also camped with Jamie and Chris in the pop up trailer, and I liked that MUCH better. Sooo, this is gonna be even farther to the left then just regular tent camping...and we will be doing lots of hiking...which Im not generally a fan of. Sssooo, why am I so excited? I'm probably going to hate it!!

But, the pros, its going to be fun getting all our bags packed, sleeping bags, tents, etc, and getting the food together, and driving out there and getting out in the pretty weather and nature. This place is supposed to be gorgeous. Like you can't go 100 feet without finding a waterfall or a creek or a river. So cool. There is supposed to be TONS of watefalls. I'm hoping we can find a really pretty spot near the water to camp. Shouldn't be tooo hard.

So we shall see!! My mom looked at us like we were crazy, lol. But thats mom.

So we've already spent nearly 100$ on this trip, geez. We bought me some hiking shoes, sleeping bag, and lee bought a little cooker thing for our food. And we got some mess kits sleeping bag for Lee from Dicks sporting goods the other night. And so now we are out of money for the week. Its gonna be a race to see whether our bank account is + or - by the time I get my check in there tomarrow (hopefully, shes been acting like she wants to start getting it to me Fri, not cool)

Gahh, I'm so sick of having a headache everrryyy dayyyy. I brought pain meds with me today too, well, I was GOING to and I had them all set out and of course forgot them at home. GEEZ. I'm such an idiot. I've got some PMS meds that has pain killer in it, but those mothers are horse pillssss. Might just need to get over it. Okay back, went and grabbed a coke and my ranch wrap from mcdonalds that got left here on Fri. Lee brought it for me for dinner before we went to the movies but I was more interested in my mcflurry lol. We went and watched 12 Rounds. It wasn't that great. I just have a strange liking for John Cena, so thats why I wanted to watch it, lol. (The Marine was better) I want to see Fast & Furious 4 next. Prolly would have seen that Fri if it wasn't opening night. The line to get into that theatre was nearly out the door, lol.

Soo, get off at 3 on Wed, ohh yeahhh. Think I'm gona go home and mow the grass a bit. Its nicer today. It froze yesterday and the day before in the morning. ITS APRIL!! But I think that was just the last hurrah, so we should be in the nice 70s for the next week or so.

We went walking on the high school track last night with the bro and sis n law. Gotta start getting in shape! I was happy with myself. I walked around with Jamie 3 times and then jogged the last. At the end of I ran at a pretty good clip and it was actually kinda fun! I can't wait till I get in better shape and can book it. Its much more fun then running mindlessly/endlessly on the treadmill. After that we went and played tennis for a bit. That was fun. I sucked to begin with but got a little better, lol. Then we went back to their house and plotted our trip a bit more, lol. Chris printed out a bunch of maps for us and got a GPS from his work. Then we headed home! We got in bed late the night before so we were both pretty tired, specially poor Lee Lee. I felt bad too cause I didn't wash his clothes...and forgot to make his lunch today too! What a sorry wife I am!! :(

Oh speaking of food, I had some pretty good cooking/baking triumphs last few days! I got this wild hair that I wanted to try to make homemade cinnamon rolls. See the husbands granny that lives in OK is like a legend with them things. They all cant stop talkin about how good they are after they get back. So I was like, hmmm, maybe I can find a good recipe. So I went to my fav food site ( and looked through till I found a good sounding one. It was one that called for a bread maker, which was good, cause it does all the kneading and junk. So I gave them a try Sat night. They were doing good until I had to put filling on the dough and roll it up to cut it into individual ones. It got all soggy and mushy and stuff was coming out EVERYWHERE! So I just did what I could with it and stuck them in the 200 degree oven to rise again. Well then I cooked em and put the frosting on and wonder of wonders they came out great! Lee is very pleased with them, says they are better then Grannies, hehehe. I took some over to his mom and dads last night, hopefully they will say the same thing.

I also tried some clam chowder last night. It came out good, but not what I was wanting it to taste like. I wanted it to be like the ones from Red Lobster or Red Robin. But it wasnt...might try different was still good though but VERY rich and like OH I JUST GAINED 10 LBS! Lol, I only ate half a bowl and felt so full. It was this one: Clam Chowder. And here is the cinnamon rolls.

So not a whole lot else going on. We have our Easter play this sat night, sun morning, and sun night. Yeah! We are practicing thurs, fri, and sat. Whew. Hope it all goes like we want and lots of people come to Christ. It should be pretty darn awesome. I can't wait to see Lee in his costume, hehe, he wasn't at the last dress rehersal. I think we are doing one tomarrow night though. Yeah!

So I guess I'll shut up now, only about 2 more hours of work yeahhh. Adios!