Lets see, well first off our Easter Play went awesome! We had at least 10 people get saved!! (from Hell that is!!) And no mishaps, all 3 showings went great. I am so glad its over though, man it was getting old, lol. My grandparents and aunt and uncle came the last show and they loved it. My aunt (who is also my boss) said it was the best easter play she had ever seen, and they have seen a LOT. They go to a huge church in another town.
So all weekend was took up by the play, we were out all saturday and sunday. Fri night we had practice too. Poor Bowser got the worst of it, he was in his room a lot poor guy. I was so glad to be home when we finally got there! Sat night I was exausted. I have picsss!!!

(Kristy [Lees sis], Lee, Me, Mom, and Jamie [sis in law])
It was fun though, I think its going to be a yearly thing. We might even do one Christmas. Thatd be neat. A group of us went out to cracker barrel that night to celebrate it being over haha. I have leftovers to eat for lunch ooo yaaa. We had a really good waitress too, like one with a PERSONALITY. That is SO RARE. Lee gave her a niiice tip.
So Sunday night we had a bad wind storm go through and demolish a lot of stuff. Trees were down EVERYWHERE. Thank God not at our house though. The woman behind us had one fall on hers and it hurt a car and messed up the roof over her living room. Eep. And the worst part is we have had NO POWER since Sunday night at about 2:00am. Lovely. I mean, you really appreciate it after its gone!! I actually saw what made it go out. I got up around 2:00 to go to the bathroom and looked out the window to see how windy it was (sounded like a tornado!) and all of a sudden across the cow pasture I saw this huge fire ball and heard a loud POP. I was like WHAT THE?! and my heart started going 90 mph, lol. I kept watching to see if it was going to light up again, to see if something was on fire. But it didnt, then I thought it was probably a transformer that blew. And it was. I ran in there and told Lee and he was like what?? Haha, not thrilled about being woke up.
Anyway I REALLY hope we have power when I get home today. But even if we don't we probably won't be home long. (although I am starting to worry about our food in the refrigerator!!) I was talking to my bro on facebook and we are planning on going to the bass pro shop this evening. Might hit the acadamy sports too. That is if Lee gets off in time. His boss up and decided that they werent working thurs and fri so they have been working late. I was like, you tell him that not all of us have money coming out of our butts and can just take off whenever!!! I mean, we have MORTGAGES TO PAY THIS WEEKKKK! I'm really getting stressed about this money situation. I have it all figured out where it SHOULD work but if we don't get a full paycheck.... :( And we have to CURB our spending. So hard. I do have almost 200$ saved up that will save us if we need it, but I don't want to use it.
I ordered Lee a backpack today! This one: Backpack.
I hope it works good! I still havent found one that I really like. Def not one that cheap! I'll keep a lookin tho, but its getting down to only 10 days out! We need to find a tent. I found one for 5$ buy it now on ebay but the shipping its TWENTY five bucks. I emailed him to see if he can lower it. It should not cost more then 10$ to ship that thing. Thats rediculous.
I also want some walking sticks. Or trekking sticks as the call them. I found these, they are PURPLE!! I know that my clumsy butt is going to need them! Its going to take some getting used to tho! I might should buy them with my saved money and get to practising now lol.
So I guess thats all for now, adios.
That's great the play went well!
Ugh, that sucks about the power. Hope it came back on soon for you guys. It was miserable in FL when people had to go days, weeks, without power! Hot and muggy.
Do you know Suze Orman? She's a personal finance expert. She says we should all have 6 months of our bills in our savings accounts in case of emergencies. That's a lot of money! I don't know how people do it, it'd take us like a year to save up that much. But sounds like any savings you have is a good idea if his boss takes unexpected hours away. Pretty lame of him!
Neat backpack, you are the Ebay queen!
Where are you in Eclipse??
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