I guess you probably figured out that I was COMPLETELY wrong about the gender. DEF not a boy, lol. Another baby girl! Which is what I kind of wanted to begin with! But then I convinced myself it was a boy and that I wanted a boy, so therefore it has taken me a week to readjust. I really am not sure that I am fully adjusted even now about it. I keep getting confused on whether I'm having a boy or girl when I am looking at clothes or something, lol. It's getting better, though. I'm not going to lie, I was dissapointed. I really did want to have a boy, since I have a girl. And I wanted Lee to have a little buddy, you know? I feel like Chloe is more 'mine' since she is a girl and we relate so well. Oh well, the 3rd baby is always an option. Although I will not be able to work anymore, and that is definitely not an option anytime soon. Maybe in a few years, we will see.
So, the big question now is WHAT DO WE NAME HER?!? We are all set and settled on Gage, just trying to come up with a middle name. We even kind of picked that the other day, Gage Irvin Mickle, after his paw paw's name. But now we have had to start all over. Like I said before, the husband does not like any of my girl names. I have thrown out another half a dozen at least and he doesn't like any of those either! Here are my front runners at the moment:
- Kennedy (Kennadie?)
- Felicity
- Noelle
- Krysta
- Lena
- Brynne
So of all of them I really like Kennedy, so does everyone else I list all the names to. But is it the one? I dunno. I'm about to get burnt out looking for names!
So I now also have to get rid of like 4 things I bought that are boy things. Huge bag of clothes, another lot of sleepers, a bedding set, and I may get rid of a winter car seat cover that is brown. Boo! I have bought one set of sleepers for a girl and a cute diaper bag. Also a super cute neck/head rest for an infant. Still need more clothes and to decide if I am going to keep her in Chloe s' bedding or get her another one. I am definitely not buying/asking for a new set, but if I come across a cute one on the online yard sale site I will probably buy it, if its the right price. (the boy set I bought was $20 and it was SO cute and SUCH good quality, ugh!)
Also got to figure out what color I want to paint her room. Don't want to keep the green. I know exactly what I want in Chloe's room but I can't do anything until I get the flipping bedroom set out of there I'm trying to sell. There is a lady from church says she wants it but she keeps dragging her feet -_-.
Anyway its going to be a kind of teal/blue on the walls and then purple and teal bedding. I'm going to get her this daybed:
As for the baby room I'm going between a purple or grey. Not positive on anything yet, really. Also have to come up with a small dresser for Chloe's room. Ugh, so much money going out! On that front thankfully I got a nice chunk of change from my dad for finishing a insurance list for him. Although the entire $500 went to bills except for $100 I used to get my contact prescription redone. $100 to Chloes insurance, $100 towards a dentist bill, $100 for a bill we were behind on, $100 for car tags. UGH.
We also went ahead and decided to sell our '71 Mustang. We were both pretty heartbroken about it, but I think we are getting over it. We are going to hopefully get 12k out of it at least so we can pay off our car loan and free up about $400 a month. We are then going to get another small personal loan for the dr/hospital bills. Lee also wants to put another 3-4k on that to buy a travel trailer but then I'm like, ok, we are back in the same spot we were before with a $300 payment! We shall see. The mustang has been up for 2 weeks now with no bites, so boo. Might have to get the father to buy it if it doesn't sell within the month so we can get the money we need now and then he can get the money from the sale. I'm so thankful my parents are well off enough to help us out if we need it!!
So Sunday afternoon I had a rare day off from church. Usually I'm there from 8-12 and then back again at 2:30 for practice and sometimes have to stay all the way till after 4th service which ends around 6:15 or so. UGH. But we had no practice and I didn't have to play violin 4th so we got the mustang out after Chloe's nap and cleaned it all up and went to the park! There is a cute, really quiet park in a town near us that has swings and some toys, a slide, etc. But its also got a little water feature and is next to a really pretty creek. Unfortunately the water feature is only on till 4 in the afternoon so after Chloe played at the playground a bit we walked down to the creek and splashed around in there for a while. It was COLD! But after you had the initial shock wear off it was comfortable. Chloe had so much fun! We had to hold her hands the whole time because it was a little slick! Here are a few pics from that day:
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Headed to the park with the top down! |
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Splashing in the creek! |
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Love it! |
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Looking cool cruisin' through town for no particular reason |
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Usins' :) |
So not much else going on right now. My sister in law is about to pop! She has about 4 weeks left, I bet she goes early though! She is having a little girl, Olivia. I'll try to take pics of my 19 week belly and post them later. Tata!