Monday, April 29, 2013 0 comments

First Appointment! (Second time around ;)

Well its two weeks later, but I am finally blogging about it! I think I was mostly just kind of depressed about it. Everything went well, don't get me wrong, the thing that bothered me was they told me I was two weeks BEHIND what I thought I was. So disheartening!! I was only 7 weeks when I thought I was 9. -_-

Anyway the mother in law went with me because Lee had to work an hour away. So it would have been him  driving to work, coming back to the hospital, driving back to work and then back home. Just ridiculous  If it had been our first baby we probably would have done it, but we are both a little more relaxed this time, lol.

So I met the new doctor! He was really nice. Funny and easy to talk to. The nurse was awesome too, shes so sweet. She stayed in there most of the time which was nice. 

So first they had me sit in the room and wait for a bit and then the nurse came in and did the family history run down. Then he came in for a bit and talked to me. After that the chair at the lab opened up so I went and gave them like six vials of blood, good grief. Then back to the room to get naked, yeah, so he could do my pap smear I was due for. I let the mother in law out of the room for that one, haha. It was so great she came, I would never have been able to handle all that AND Chloe. Speaking of her, she sat as still and quiet as a mouse. I think she was afraid we were at the doctor for her! And was not going to make her self known, haha.

So he said my cervix and all looked good, nice healthy pregnancy look to it. Then he proceeds to inform me I have a backward tipped uterus. What?? I'm nearly 30 years old and have been having regular OBGYN appts for years and I am just NOW hearing this?? Thanks previous doctor.  So anyway, its no big deal. Like 1 in 3 women have one that tips forward or backward. Just thought it was something I'd like to have known.

After that I got to get dressed and head to the ULTRASOUND ROOOOMM! Yeah! Here is our little butter bean! We also got to hear the heartbeat, it sounded so strong and good!! The baby was too small to be moving much so we just sorta saw a blob. The black stuff is the amniotic fluid, and the whole rest of the area is my uterus.

This was when I found out I was way off on my due date. So instead of mid Nov I am due the first of Dec, the 3rd. UGH!! I really, really didn't want a December baby. So I'm hoping I won't have to evict this one and will go early! But we got to hear the heartbeat and see it and it was so neat. Chloe wasn't sure what to think,  LOL. Oh, I forgot to mention because of how my uterus tips and also I was so early along, she couldn't see anything with a normal ultrasound so I had to drop my pants again and have a vaginal one. Those are SO fun! -_- But it was of course worth it!

So after that we were done! We decided my fav mexican restaurant sounded good so headed there after I stopped by work to show my mom and dad the pictures. 

So after this doctors appointment everything has gone down hill. Actually about the beginning of my 6th week. I feel like CRAP most of the day. EVERY DAY. And some days are worse then others. Like Friday I just didn't feel like getting off the coach all day. Thank goodness it was my day off.

When I feel bad I get so ill and very hard to get along with. At least in regards to my poor husband. I'm nauseous most of the day. And about an hour or two after I eat I get so hungry its ridiculous  I mean that kind of stomach-twisting-I-haven't-eaten-ALL-DAY hunger. It sucks. And what really sucks is even though I'm starving, I'm not. I mean, I don't WANT to eat. It's about impossible to find something I think will stay down. And usually even if it is something I think I want, I usually have to make myself eat it. 

SUCKS! Did I mention that?? And I'm not done. The bloating is HORRENDOUS. I started bloating like a month in. Seriously. I look like I am about 20 weeks most of the time. And its all bloat, no baby. Depressing. So I just look fat really (its all about under my belly button). Plus this means normal clothes are totally out of the question unless they are unbottoned and most times unzipped. I have to use a hair rubber band to keep them up, or use the belly band thing I have. Or just say the heck with it and wear my maternity clothes, which I'm doing today, lol. I really like my maternity capris, they are pretty darn cute. But most of my shirts I have now come to just around the top of my belt (which I can no longer wear) and that is not long enough to cover unbuttoned pants/belly bands, etc. And do you think I have money to buy more clothes? Hahahahaha. NO. Sigh, I'm such a complainer aren't I??

I was nowhere near this bad with Chloe. So does that mean boy? Or just a particularly ornery girl!? lol. Chinese calendar was saying boy, but now that I likely conceived in March instead of Feb it is saying girl. So we will see! My 'mommy feeling' is boy, I had the same feeling with Chloe, but girl. So we will see if my insticts are right around July sometime!

Not much else going on. Next appointment is the 15th!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013 0 comments

Here We Go Again!

Yup, here comes baby dos!!

As you can see I'm pretty excited, quite a bit different reaction from the FIRST time! At that time I was completely freaked out and in a tailspin! I feel so much more relaxed and ready this time. It's a, been there done that, went through HADES and came out! Kind of feeling. I'm good to go. ;)

So I had my period in February, I can't remember exactly what day but I guessed the second week pretty well. They calculate your due date off the first day of your last period. Which would put me due in November! Prolly early to mid. Winter baby this time! I didn't get to really wear winter maternity clothes last time, so that will be fun, hehe.

I already feel SO FAT. My tummy is seriously as big as I was a month from now with Chloe. I have been so bloated and gassy with this one too! It's really been quite different. I haven't been nauseated at all like I was with the her, no headaches. No heartburn (yet, that will come doubtless). I'm eating well. I AM very tired and sleepy a lot of times. When it gets to 8pm I am ready for BED. Which of course little girl still has an hour or two of play in her! Not to mention the husband has an hour or two more of tv he wants to watch -_-.

One thing that is really annoying at this point though is getting off my depression meds. I slowly weaned off them and am now not taking them at all but STILL having withdrawal symptoms  Mainly my head spinning all of a sudden for no reason. So. Freaking. Annoying. I have been trying to get off for nearly a month now. Ugh!! So that is definitely not helping me feel great.

Anyway, I started those in November of last year. I was tired of being a unrelenting, patience-less B**CH. And within days I was a new person. Those things are LEGIT!! (I was on 20mg of a generic brand of Celexa) It sucks the depression meds affect the baby though when your pregnant. They CAN be taken, but there is a certain amount of risk to the baby. (possible miscarriage, birth defects, problems with withdrawal after delivery) and I'm just not going to do it. They say to only take them if the benefits outweigh the risks. Well I know I can survive without them, so I'm going to! The good thing is I should be able to get back on them after the baby is born, (I will probably do a lower dose) whew, so if I can just survive until then!

So my first appointment is next Friday! Can't wait! I am also seeing a new doctor, which I have mixed feelings about. My previous doctor has joined a new practice that is out of Birmingham (about an hour from us) and while she is still seeing patients here in my town, she is only delivering out of Birmingham. Boo. But I was okay with that. What I was not okay with is the policy's of the new practice she is with.

 I went to the office a few days after I took my positive prego test to get them to confirm. They all were nice in there, but didn't seem to really care that I was there, mainly in the lab part. I went in and did my pee thing and came out. There were two nurses in the room right next to the bathroom (the lab) and I stood there waiting, not really knowing what to do?? (Last time I was put in a room, as was my sister in law who found out she was pregnant in Nov) So finally she says, something like, it takes a few minutes, and then says, I have a faint positive. (faint because I was just barely pregnant) So then I proceed to tell them my period was in Feb, so I figured I was due in November.  They don't really say anything and then just give me my paperwork and I'm done. They didn't even try to figure out my due date for me! So I go to the front desk and then am told I have to call the Birmingham office before I can schedule a visit. What the??

Anyway, I finally (after numerous calls and messages) get a hold of them later that week. I tell them what is going on and she proceeds to tell me how much it will cost etc. It is BAD. They want $350 the first visit (for what she never said) and then $2,500 the second. Yeah, no payments. Cough up two grand NOW! And wait until you hear what it covered. Dr's visits and her delivery fee. THAT IS ALL. :choke: No ultrasounds, no lab work. So I ask her, is there any way to make payments on the 2,500. She says she will have to talk to her supervisor. She is gone for at least five minutes before she comes back and tells me that they won't give her a straight answer and she will call me back first thing in the morning! What?? And do you think I have heard from her? Two weeks later? NOPE. Not a word. Where did these people learn to do business??

Well I call Lee and tell him the situation and then it comes to me, why don't I call the OB doctors here and see what they can do for me. Yes, I will have to see a male doctor since all the female doctors went to the new practice, but if its a better situation I will get over it! It was MUCH better. They are $2,500 for everything. Any lab work, ultrasound, and the appts and delivery fee plus when I see the doctor again for post delivery. The best part; they only want $75 the first visit and I can make payments on the rest! They just want it paid by the 5th month if possible. Thank GOD! And I'm really happy about delivering in my town again and not having to worry about an hour drive while I'm in labor! Although it would have been nice to have my doctor appointments here in town instead of out by the hospital, but oh well. I really am quite unsettled about the male doctor. Lee said he wasn't sure he wanted to come to any appointments where the doctor will be doing anything down there, if you know what I mean, haha, he said it was just weird. Tell me about it!! But, this is one of the most sought after doctors for OB in like, the entire northern/central part of my state. Everyone freaking LOVES him, so I should be fine! Who knows, I might like him better then my lady doctor!

Well, sorry for the boring book on all that!

In other news! I am just loving life right now. My baby girl is the light of our life, Lee and I are so happy, he's getting so MANY side jobs all of a sudden. God is taking SUCH good care of us. We are struggling each month to pay bills still, but we are trying and trying to get in the green and out of the red. Our church is doing great, we are going to 4 services now and starting a building program to put more seats in! I am playing violin each service and really enjoying it. I've moved my playing to a higher level then I have ever been before.

Gotta talk about my baby girl! I love going back and reading what she was doing at what age. She is SO FLIPPING FUNNY. The stuff that comes out of her mouth has us laughing multiple times each day. I LOVE the 2's! Who said they were terrible??

The other day our new schnauzer puppy Toto, ran out across the road and she said in the funniest little matter of fact voice, "Toto, your gonna get runned over" I about died! She copies everything we say and remembers  it for later. She also says "I sure will/I sure can" a lot if you ask her a question or to get you something. Too cute, she learned those from her Hami. She has been saying I love you a lot to us the last month or as well, just randomly all day. It's adorable. She is such a sweet, loving, considerate little girl. I love her serving/loving spirit. She can be stubborn (oh Lord, can she be stubborn) and a bit melodramatic, but her good way, way, way outweighs the undesirable. I rarely have to give her spankings anymore, and usually a time out works better then a spanking. She takes them to heart and gets so worked up you can't get her to do much but have a meltdown after one.

I do wish she was more independent  She has gotten better about doing things by herself, but still very needy. She's more timid then I like as well, I want her to stand up for herself and be more confident. But I also don't want her to be rude/a bully or cocky. The more time she spends around her cousin Luke though I see her doing more about not being a push over. Although he takes it too far!
But for now we are just nurturing and molding her as best we know how! I can't help but thinking, how will we top this adorable, beautiful, sweet child?? Or not really top, but is it possible the next will be just as awesome?!

So I'm thinking this little bun cooking is going to be of the male variety. This pregnancy is already so different. Plus the chinese calendar said it was going to be a boy, and of course it can't be wrong! ;) We shall see! I will probably find out in the month of June sometime. We are having an awful time coming up with names. I like a few but Lee has not approved of many. MAYBE two of them. Here is what we have so far:



Boy names are so hard for me to come up with. They all sound girly to me, or weird or I know someone with that name. I'll keep researching!

Well thats about all for now! I'll try to blog after my dr appointment next week!