Been quite a while since I did a post, so figured it was past time!
I can't believe how much little girl has grown up in the past months. This Christmas was SO fun with her since she knew pretty well what was going on! Next year will be even better. She got so excited about Christmas trees and such that we got one like the first week of December, unheard of for us! She loved all her toys too. She kept telling me she wanted a baby violin, a PURPLE baby violin for Christmas so I got her that. And she got a big dollhouse from Nene and Papa and a adorable kitchen from her other grandparents. They are now taking up a quarter of our living room, lol.
She is talking so well now. She has always had the cutest little voice. She pronounciates so well and its rare that we don't understand her! She is always asking "wheres Lukey??" though, which gets old quick! ;)
Shes so sweet, always so quick to share and give to others. Her crying and fits are SO much less frequent and she is much happier. The older she gets the more and more fun we have together. Love my sweet baby! She wakes up so happy and smiley every morning and after her naps, such a blessing. She sleeps very well at night, and takes good two hour or more naps once a day around 12-2.
I still have a hard time getting her to eat anything that isn't sweet though. She eats like a bird when she does eat! Oats are still acceptable but definitely not her favorite anymore, sadly. She loves bread still, any sort of candy and chocolate of course, apple juice, boost (her absolute fav, I told Lee its like her crack!) cereal, eggos, biscuits, 'mini wheats' (what she calls her chocolate cream of wheat her Hami brings over for her breakfast when she takes care of her) french fries, baked beans, and lots of others I'm forgetting.
The hubbys sister watches her on Mondays usually, and his mom watches her Tues and Wed. She comes to work with me Thurs and we are off Fridays! Works well! We are thinking about throwing a wrench in the plans though, well, just a change of plans really, MAYBE.
On Saturday I thought I might be pregnant. (throwing up last weekend, and again this weekend, weird) YEAH. So lately I have been contemplating not even having any more children and now that I know I'm not (period showed up this morning) I wish I was! I think I'm ready again! It also doesn't help that my younger brothers wife (who I was pregnant with the last time) is expecting again! She is about 2 months in. SIGH. I have lots of reasons why now is a good time, but one BIG negative. MONEY. It cost us over $7,000 out of pocket to have Chloe since we have no insurance and can't qualify for medicaid.
1. My sister in law/friend is prego again!
2. I'm going to be 30 in Oct, complications are much more likely 30+
3. Chloe will be 3 by the time I have another, don't really want a bigger gap then that
4. The cost of having a baby is only going to go up
So, I don't know. I'm praying about it as is Lee, and we need to pray together as well. Lee thinks it is kind of irresponsible to have one when we really don't have the money. I kind of agree, but we would have had to find it, and we will find it. But it would be borrowing from my mom and dad, etc...
Wish we had health insurance!!
Anyway, not much else going on, til later...
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago