So anyway, gosh where to start?? Chloe is 7 months and 2 weeks now! She is such a little person now. And man has she got a personality! She is going to be a firecracker, man I'm already praying for her daddy and I when she hits the terrible 2's, lol. Its going to be bad. She got my temper and impatience unfortunately. Sigh. I knew this was going to happen!! Lol, anyway, she is a sweet baby too. I love her smiles and laughs. Adorable. I can't wait until she starts giving kisses and talking, etc.
So right now she sits up very well, starting to reach for me. She is good a picking up her toys and loves to 'shake' them now to see what they do. She is eating baby food well, although we like our fruits much better then our veggies. Though we do love sweet potatoes, hehe. She STILL is breastfeeding. We never did get her on a bottle. She doesn't even like a sippee cup. She likes OUR cups though, lol. She will need breastmilk until her first year and then you can start with cow milk and most foods we eat now. Just cut really small etc.
She loves playing with her daddy and her favorite toys are a big plastic saftey pin with a ribbon on it, her bee, and anything with a big tag on it that she can suck, lol! She is doing very well at nights. She wakes up around 5 or 5:30 to eat after going to bed at 9 or 10. Then I put her back down till around 8 or 9. She has been sleeping in her room in her crib since 6 months. We got one of those baby monitors with a video screen, it is SUCH nice security for me to be able to see her as well as hear her.
She sat on her first horse the other day! Hehe, I cannot wait to teach her to ride! And swim, and tons of other things.
She isnt crawling yet, but trying to get her knees under her a bit. She can scoot around on her belly and roll very well though! I put her on her hands and knees last night and she held her knees under her for a few seconds, hehe.
So! Those are the good things. Bad things, hm, the worst would be her refusal to be away from me. And not letting anyone but Lee or I hold her. Sigh. We have had TWO nights by ourselves for a few hours since she has been born. My mom took care of her and she basically cries hersefl to sleep and I get her up to take her home later. She won't stay in the nursery at church so that means I am distracted the whole service and usually one of us ends up getting up to go out with her because she wont sit still that long. Even with 100+ toys, lol.
She also has a very short span of contentedness. She is happy for a few minutes with one toy, but then its time for something new! She will go through 5 toys in a matter of minutes. Thats a little tiring for mommy! She also does not like to entertain herself for very long. So I don't get a whole lot done around the house unless she is asleep. And even then I have to be quiet so that is difficult.
But that is the joys of children! I love my baby girl and wouldn't trade her for the world. We are at work right now and she is sleeping in her pack n play behind me. She will prolly sleep for another 30 mintues and then it will almost be time to go home! Yeah! The inlaws just got back from a nearly 3 week vacation to OK, so we will probably go and visit them after work. We went with them to AK for a funeral but came back after 3 days. Lee and I can't be away from work longer then that.
We are going on a vacation next weekend though to Tennessee! A couple in our church small group is getting married in Pigeon Forge so we are renting a cabin for 2 nights and making a mini vacation out of it. Lee and I haven't been on one in YEARS! Hopefully we will have fun. Chloe did really well on her first road trip to AK, like 10 HOURS of riding in one day to there and back. She slept most of the way thank God. This will be like a 5 hour trip so that will be cake! Luke (my bro and sis in laws baby, they are coming as well) hasn't been on a trip yet, but he is so laid back, as long as he is fed, lol, that I'm sure he won't be a problem.
So not much else going on! I rode Tuff for the first time the other day! Its on my horse blog here. Haven't worked him again since, no time! Or its raining. He is also a little low on weight from the winter so we are working on getting him plumped back up. Thankfully the grass is coming in!
I guess thats all for now! I'll leave you with some recent pics of my Chloe girl. Ta ta!

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