I'm pretty excited about what went on last night! A few days ago my bro sent Lee a picture on his phone of a '88 toyota land cruiser that was for sale to use for off roading. We were like, yeah, we wish, but of course we don't have $600 laying around. So then a couple days went by and we heard the guy might be interested in trading for Lees .357 revolver. Which is like his FAV gun, lol. So he thought about it a bit, and then we called the guy and met up with him last night to look at it. It is the coolest lookin thing! Heres a pic:

Okay, I know some of you are like, ick, haha, but its perfect for going on on the trails! The guy that owned it before him had started to convert it into a rock crawler, so it has a 3 inch lift on it already. I love that! (dont know what a rock crawler is?? check this out:
So anyway Lee showed the guy his gun and he said he acted like he really liked it, but wasn't sure about trading even for it...and we don't have any extra, maybe another 100, but we'd rather not...so the guy said he let us know today sometime! I hope he says yes! I'm super excited about it. So then we would have something to go off roading when my bro and them go, and Lees always wanted something like that to mess around in. We'll see!
So gotta go get hay for the horsies for the winter tomorrow. Hopefully it won't rain. Its up in the barn, but we still have to get it home! Not sure we have that many tarps! Then Tuesday the horse shoer comes. I'm hoping Tuff is a good boy and doesn't act up like last time! (although I was not there, he sounds like he was a total beast!) We've been working on it, so he should be a good boy. If not, he will wish he had!! muahahha ;)
And at church this weekend we are doing something fun! We are having our annual Old Fashion Day, where we get to dress up in old time clothes and the guys get to wear overalls, etc. Lee of course does not do overalls, haha, so we usually buy him a new pair of wranglers (he works in them so he is always needing a new pair that aren't trashy looking!)
This year I think I'm going to wear a hat, gotta find a ribbon that matches my shirt to go around the brim. Time to head to hobby lobby! hehehe
Lets see, guess thats about all. Till later!