Sooo. Been trying to get out and play softball a bit with Lee every evening after it cools off. We may be playing in a charity benefit softball tournament soon. So I best be up to par! I'm getting better. I can throw decent now, and my catching is getting there, needs lots of work still. I am probably going to be playing the hind catcher, so I practiced that a bit, having Lee pitch me balls. Its a lot harder then it looks! Besides the fact your thighs start killing you.
So Friday we had planned a family bque thing. We all brought stuff and dad grilled steaks. And we played some v-ball and then kicked the soccer ball around. Kirsty and I brought our bows and we shot a bit. Then we went down to the theatre room and played some call of duty on the x-box and then the new tiger woods golf game. Which I WON! hehehe, first time playing ever! It sounds boring, but is actually quite fun.
Then sat morning we slept in a bit, and then headed over to my oldest bros. He bought a HUGE playset for Dawson. It was $1500!! Its 3 stories! Spoiled much?? Haha. He was SO loving it though. After we got a bunch put together, all but the swings and monkey bars, he was playing on it and was just smiling and laughing!
Bowser came with us and he had a lot of fun too. He loves little kids. When Dawson started going down the slide he was getting so excited and wanted to play with him.

Then after that they were going to go to a friends moms house on the lake and swim, etc. Well I REALLY wanted to go. I love the water, lake, swimming, sea dooing, tanning, etc. All that was going to be going on. And Jamie and them was going...well of course Lee doesn't like any of these things much, especially at a persons house he doesnt know, and it was a long ways away, and he has to get up at like 5. So we went back and forth for awhile with the welll, if YOU want to go fine, or if you dont want to go fine, etc. And he won. I just said to myself, fine, I know he'll be uncomfortable, and we always do what I want to, so I will sacrifice. Well, I TRIED to be in a good mood, but it didn't work, and I gave myself a headache wishing I was with them, and not there, and trying not to show it. NOT A GOOD DAY.
So Lee asked me if I wanted to go find some geocaches, so I was like okay, that will get my mind off it. So we went trying to find one near where we were that I had put in my GPS. We searched forever and never found it. I brought home two ticks on me tho, -_-. Thankfully just crawling and not attached yet. Then we had the GPS try to take us home a diff way, and it took us up in someones gravel driveway, there was no road there. It was weird. The GPS had the road going all the way back to the highway. But it DIDN'T. Great.
So we headed back to our town, and got fast and furious to watch. It sucked. I was expecting a lot more. Oh well. It was watchable. Although I could have done without all the stupid girls making out with each other and the bootys and boobs swinging around. GAG ME. Seriously. Def not one I want to watch again. So I was pretty happy when yesterday was over. I feel kinda ill at Lee, its his fault I had such a crappy time, but whatever. I need to grow up and get over it. I'm trying. :shrug:
We played a little ball that night too, I was doing pretty decent! Lee was just happy to see me out of my funk I think. I just talked to my bro he said they had a supercharged sea doo, and the mom made them dinner, then they road arounc on the lake at dark. Wow, I really feel sucky now...whatever.
So wednesday we are doing something fun. Taking off work and going to the water park! hehe, six flags whitewater for the sis in laws birthday. Hopefully it wont rain, supposed to be scattered t-storms. 40%. Hopefully it will miss us! I also hope Lee will be okay with it. He's as you all know, not a fan of water, and especially getting water over his head. He said he will be fine, but we'll see!
So anywho, guess thats all for now. Adios!