So Sunday night we got in kind of late from being at the in laws. They are redoing their bathroom and of course the husband has to do much of the work on it. Well I went to the bathroom just to pee but then thought well apparently I need to do the other as well. So I did my business and while I was I felt kind of a few sharp pains and a lot of pressure but nothing totally awful, you know? So I stand up and by now Chloe is in there with me (of course, a mama can never go to the bathroom alone!) and she goes, oh, red! And I look down and see a toilet with yes, RED in it! I then wiped and wiped bright blood twice. I was shocked and just clueless. My mind was trying to compute and I start thinking, I'm not due for my period, trying to rationalize! I wiped in the back to make sure it wasn't coming from there, and it wasn't. Then I called Lee in there and tell him what is going on and he's like why are you bleeding, and I said I don't know!
So I hurry to my phone and call the hospital and tell them I need to talk to the on call OB. She asks my name and what is going on and then quickly got me in touch with the doctor thank goodness. So I tell him what is going on and he asks me if we have had sex, no, how much blood, am I hurting, etc. Essentially he told me I need to be checked out. I could come to the ER or wait and go in the morning to my doctor. I decided to wait and go in the morning. ER bills are outrageous and of course I have no insurance. He told me if I started hurting worse or bleeding more to def go to the ER though.
THANK GOD I never did bleed anymore after that initial spout. I was crampy/uncomfortable though the rest of the night and next day. Today I feel better thank goodness.
So I get off the phone and am just shaking I'm about to flip out and trying really hard not to think of all the things that could be wrong. I kept holding on to the fact I felt the baby move that morning and that I wasn't bleeding anymore so I was probably fine. Lee was so sweet taking care of Chloe and taking care of me, etc. I was doing ok in the crying department until I had to call my dad to tell him I'd be late that next day at work, then I lost it. My mom talked to me for a bit and that helped some, and I finally calmed down and got in bed. Lee and I watched cooking shows till 12 o'clock lol, I knew I would need to be really sleepy before I could try and nod off.
So the ER doc told me to just show up at my drs office at opening the next day and they would be more likely to get me in. So Lee took off that morning thank God and we got there about ten after they opened at 8:30. And ended up not getting out of there till 11! UGH, mainly it was because my doctor had a dentist appt that morning and it took him forever to get in the office -_-. But I love him and his nurses and they were so sweet with me. I did my normal weigh and pee in a cup thing (128lbs now) and then he came in and asked what was going on etc. Then he told me to get undressed so he could examine me. He said he could tell I had bled a little bit but everything looked good down there, cervix was closed, etc. He said I was measuring good and all. Before all that he listened for the heartbeat. It took him longer then I wanted (which was in reality just seconds) but he found it! Good strong 140 like normal. I was so relieved! The nurse came to my head and said you going cry happy tears now? And I just about lost it!! Thanks! I didn't need help! Lol. So after that he told me to get dressed and we would do an ultrasound to make sure all looked well in there.
He did it himself since the techs were busy. That was really nice of him. He slathered my belly up and here we go! It was SO different then last time! You could see every limb and his hands, toes, etc. Was so neat! He got a really good shot of his heart beating. And then the little guy/gal started bouncing around and moving his hands up by his face, it was so sweet!! He told us he thinks he saw a scrotum but he reserves the right to be wrong, lol! But I'm going with it, I knew it was a boy all along! Anyway, he said he could see where I bled a little, but it looked fine. And that my placenta wasn't abnormally low (we were afraid of that). So basically everything looked fine and really not sure why I had bled! Relief, but kind of frustrating! I'm going with the theory of just busting something sensitive when I pooped, lol.
So I still go back in 2 weeks for my ultrasound and blood test. Thank goodness! I still need confirmation from that one before I go buying boy clothes! (doesn't mean I haven't started looking seriously at boy bedding and nursery's online, though! ;) )
We have kind of settled on a name for him, Gage. (I think Lee just likes it because it sounds like gauge, as in guns, lol) Maybe Gage Anthony Mickle? But Anthony seems overdone...and yes its his daddies middle name but also my sis in laws boys middle name.
As for girl names I like these, although Lee has not signed off on ANY of them o_-
Brynn (Brynne)
So um, yeah, girl names are way easier for me then boy. I kind of like Colin and Cole also for boy names, but I didn't really want to go matchy matchy you know, Chloe and another C name. Kinda cheesy.
So anyway! The cool thing is my ultrasound is on July 3rd, so I can make my big announcement at the 4th of July shindig we do every year at my aunt and uncles. The uncool thing is my own parents won't be there! They are taking a four day weekend, boo! So I guess they get to hear over the phone :(.
Well I am at week 16! Definitely got a pooch now that seems huge to me, but just barely noticeable to everyone else. Although Lee has taking to rubbing it as he passes by me at times, its sweet. I started definitely feeling the baby move Fathers Day, and today he has been very active! The last 10 minutes he has been going at it in there, lol. Thump after thump.
Here is a few weeks ago at week 14 (second trimester began!)
And today, my 16 week picture,
So I have been feeling okay. I have to sit careful almost every time though, if I don't its very uncomfortable. Feels like I'm pushing my uterus up or something, its weird. I don't remember this with Chloe. I am also easily fatigued, breathe hard about just lifting Chloe into the car seat, lol. Which I am much less active with this kid. I just don't feel like getting up and walking every morning, or after work, like I did with Chlo. I get up, go to work, come home, sit on the couch until I have to make dinner. And thats about it! SOMETIMES I can make myself get up and go swimming with Chloe or something. She loves the pool!

Fathers Day was really fun. (Well, aside from that night!!) We grilled chicken and corn, swam, just had fun. Chloe and I got Lee a bunch of neat grilling things. I did have to go back to church to play violin at the 5 o'clock service, but it didn't take too long. We haven't seen Lee much at all lately. The last two weeks he has either been working late or over at his parents with that stinking bathroom. Which thank God is about done.
Well guess that is about it for now!