Hi everyone! Sorry its been so long since I posted, I can't ever seem to find the time. When I have a free moment I always have something else to fill it up with.
Anyway, today my baby girl is 2 months old! She has her 2 month check-up tomorrow morning. I love finding out how much she weighs and has grown.
So anyway, she is doing well! She only wakes up once during the night to eat usually, and then once early in the morning. If I'm getting up for work at 8 I usually feed her when she wakes up at 6 or 7 and just leave her in bed with me. Or I get her up when she starts fussing and when I lay her next to me she will just go back to sleep, lol. I guess she gets tired of being in her bassinet next to the bed by herself and wants to snuggle!
She still is eating every 2 hours if she is awake, otherwise she will sleep for up to 4 hours sometimes. Usually for an hour or two. Still breastfeeding! Yeah! It was rough the first two weeks, SO SORE, but after that it got a lot better. The only problem with feeding we are having is she will NOT take a bottle. No matter how hungry she is! We thought we had her a few weeks ago, she took one that morning from me and one from Lee that night. But then a week later we tried again and she totally refused it. As well as the other 2 times I've tried since. UGH!! Its so frustrating! She will chew on the nipple in the beginning and then just start screaming. Won't even try to suck on it. SIGH. I love breastfeeding her, don't get me wrong, but the husband and I are going to want to get out sometimes for more then two hours, and that will not work if she won't drink from a bottle! Also if something ever happened to me, God forbid, even just something as minor as being in the hospital, what is she going to do? So, we are still working on that, stubborn thing! ;)
Anyway, I'm so in love with her, I'm so glad I get to take her to work with me. I started back at about 5 or 6 weeks post partum. She does really well! I feed her right before I leave home and she will usually fall asleep in the car and then sleep a bit after we get here, then play with me a little (she is smiling so big now! I think a laugh is not too far away either) then she usually wants to eat again or nap. Then we just rinse and repeat. Some days I only have to feed her once before we go home, which I like. It makes me nervous feeding her here, even though I have a cover and all. Its just you know it would make the other person uncomfortable to know what your doing, haha, you know? Thats another reason I want to get her on bottles so I can feed her those in the day at work, and maybe pump once, then feed her regular at home.
So here are a few updated pics of my girlie!

This is her just yesterday laying on the floor at work :)

Here we are out hiking with her for the first time, she loved it!
Well thats all for now!
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