So my appointments have been going well. Two weeks ago I had my first 'examination' appointment. Which means you get to have your doctor dig her hand up to her elbow in you to see if you have dilated/effaced etc. (FYI: dilation is when your cervix starts opening, effacement is when it starts thinning, both need to happen to pop a kid out!)
Well at nearly 37 weeks I was not expecting to be either one, and I wasn't. But the next week I started thinking maybe I might be at least 1 cm dilated, but nope, nada. And I had even been walking a lot and accosting the husband, haha, if you know what I mean. Which are both mostly just old wives tales about getting labor/dilation started, but hey, doesn't hurt, right? Although you really need some sort of contractions to get dilation going, and I had had NONE.
Anyway, that was last Thursday. So the doctor then told me (after she dug up to her ARMPIT in there, lol, which it doesn't hurt, just uncomfy) that she wanted to do an ultrasound next week (this Friday) to make sure that the fluid levels are still good in the babies sack and that her size is good, etc. She then said if I have not done anything by 41 weeks we will 'make a plan' about inducing labor I'm assuming. Which I'd really rather avoid. But I also want what is best for little girl.
The thing is my OB is on vacation all this week. Yeah for her, boo for me! So I have to see a doctor I've never met before Friday after my ultrasound, who could possibly be making a very important decision for me. If the fluid levels dont look good or something, she could possibly recommend me to be induced that weekend. Without my doctor! :/ Which I have heard REALLY good things about this doctor, she is very sought after. My sister in law really likes her...but still, its kind of nerve wracking.
So anyway, lets go back to last night. Well actually even the afternoon before. Monday afternoon the hubby and I went to wal mart to get a few things and I started feeling sort of 'weird'. That whole afternoon I was having the 'weird' feeling, and then was fine that night and the next morning.
Then yesterday afternoon/evening I started feeling that 'weird' feeling again off and on. I don't even really know how to describe it...I've been feeling sort of crampy last two days, and then I will get really short of breath and my belly feels tight...I'm assuming these are some sort of contractions. Yeah! But I really don't know...its not what I thought one would feel like, you know?
Anway, last night we went to bed about 11 or 11:30 (were down in b'ham to see the husbands bro who is in the hospital) and I woke up not long after that with that crampy, mostly just uncomfortable feeling. I kept turning on one side and then the other and it wouldn't help. Could NOT sleep. So finally I got up and got a tums for the heartburn I felt coming on and walked around the kitchen/living room a bit. I was wondering if it was ever going to progress into something more, but it didn't. So I went back to bed and tossed and turned for another hour or so and finally went off to sleep. Was okay after that! Well other then going to the bathroom every hour like normal, lol.
So I'm kind of excited! This is progress! I bet they will tell me I have done something Friday, might not be much, but it will be heartening to hear. To know that I'm not some freak that can't dilate on her own. I have my ultrasound at 1 and then an appointment at 1:30. Lee Lee is going to take off work early to come, yeah! He hasn't been to the last 3 or so of my appointments, mostly just because there really is no need for him to take off work for routine stuff. But we get to see her again this time! :D
In other news! I've pretty much got everything ready for her! All is washed and set up. I have some things packed for Lee and I for the hospital, and everything is packed and ready for her! I found the cutest diaper bag at wal mart that matches her stroller/car seat SO GOOD. Check it out:

Here are a few pics of the nursery! Click on them to make 'em bigger.

I would have taken a picture of the crib but it is totally cluttered with blankets and her wash tub, haha, etc. I need to clear out a space in the closet. for it. Time, energy! I NEED YOU! We have to go paint again this afternoon, yeah. But it shouldn't take real long. Its just will I have energy when I get home to do anything besides get dinner and sit on the couch??
So I mentioned something about getting her car seat inspected the other day at the hospital. Well apparently they don't 'do that there'. Well, fine. Geesh. So we are just going to go with it. It got taken out and hasn't been put back in, so I think I should have the husband reinstall that soon. We have been looking for a truck the last little bit. We've only found one we thought might be pretty good for us, but as soon as we were about to talk to the dealer about it he came over and said he had just sold it. Great!! I was so disappointed. Anyway, Monday I found another one on autotrader that looks promising. Although its a good 3k below any other I've seen for sale just like it...kind of makes me wary, but hey, I will check it out! I called about it and he said they just got it in and it was getting work done on it, so he would call me when it was ready. He thought probably Thursday or Friday. So we will probably go to the hospital down there tomorrow anyway, if its done then, good, if not, I'm sure we will have time Friday to see if after my doctors appointment since he will be off early anyway.
This is it: 2004 F-150 Lariat
Pretty, huh?? Lee thinks its a tad girly looking but I said well, um, 2 girls will be driving it mostly anyway! Haha. There is also another one farther south that seems nice. Might check it out too.
2004 F-150 XLT This one is more moola tho...
Well our pool got a bit neglected and decided to grow green algae, so we haven't been able to swim for a few weeks. We finally got time to shock the crap out of it etc and hopefully it will be ready by the weekend. Gosh those things need a lot of upkeep! I miss swimming!!
So work is going well, we just hired another new guy today, dad has SO much business we are seriously backed up. Which is good but also we don't need to keep stuff too long or people will take it other places! Although around here they keep them WAY longer then we do on a regular basis.
So lets do some belly shots!
Okay, WAY long post, sorry! I will shut up now, I'll try to update after my appointment Friday. Chloe is almost here!! :D

The bag and car seat look like it was a set! That's great! Did you paint the saying or stenciled it in? It looks really pretty. I cringed when you talked about the doctor going in elbow deep ... I didn't know that was possible. Yikes, I hope she had a little arm! The trucks are pretty. I like the white one best, but it is more expensive and has more millage so idk about that!
Nice pics, you look like you're going to pop! You look like you're in good shape otherwise. A good weight with just a cute preggo belly :) One of my good friends here justf out she's pregnant. I remember when it seemed like everyone was getting married ... now it seems like everyone is pregnant or has a baby!
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