Thursday, July 9, 2009

Is It Time To Leave YET??

So sitting at work, and I think time has stopped moving, or at least has slowed down. I think it has been 5 something forEVER. Of course thats because I get off at 6. Lee is supposed to be meeting me here at that time and then we are headed over to his softball game. HOIPEFULLY they won't get massacred again tonight. Although Im not holding my breath. They almost won one last week, but Tues game sucked pretty bad. Lee played good tho! Just wish everyone else would get their act together!!

Me and Lee Lee before a game

So not a whole lot has been going on. We worked at the fireworks stand all day Fri and Sat. Wasn't as bad as I was thinking it would be. Still havent seen the moola yet though. -_-' I found a few hotels that look promising, if we decide to go to the beach. One is in Fort Walton, FL, the other Gulf Shores, AL. The one in AL is 3 miles from the beach, the one in FL 20 mins, ugh. But it is nicer and cheaper. Go figure. We shall see... I kinda feel bad though if we DO go, because the bro and sis in law were kinda planning on going to the beach in August with the pop up together. But its not romantic if you go with someone else, you know?? And Lee and I haven't had a trip together since our honeymoon over 3 years ago. But I don't want to shaft them either.

So I slept till like 10:30 today. UNHEARD OF! I was tired though, we were out late swimming in a friends pool and I was tired from the weekend still. So then I only had like 20 mins to lay out and then had to get a shower and go to work. Oh well. I got it all done, though not as tan as I'd hoped. I want to get a good start going before Sat, we are planning on taking the boat and sea doo out to the lake. YESSS. Hopefully the sea doo is fixed. Dad put a new oil filter on it, so PLEASE GOD let that be what was wrong with it! (the old one was cracked)

I think Lee and I should prolly take it out Friday afternoon just to see if it is okay, instead of dragging it out with everyone else and having it screw up and then being stuck with it, you know?

Oh, we did do something interesting last Sunday. My bro got a Land Rover given to him by his in laws. Only a few things wrong with it, which he has fixed, and he wanted to take it out off roading. So our friends amanda and ryan have a FJ Cruiser, and they came along, just in case we needed to be towed, haha. Another friend also came on his four wheeler.

So there is a 4-wheeler/off road place like 3 mins down the road from our house, so we went to that one. I didn't have a whole lot of fun at the time, but looking back on it, it was pretty fun, lol. I just don't like not being in control. When I am in a vehicle being driven by someone else, doing things like leaning sideways and going up and down steep hills, etc, I get VERY NERVOUS!! I really wanted to be on a four wheeler, not stuck in the back seat!

Pretty pictures of the power lines you could see from the

Anyway, we got to a part that went kind of down hill and was REALLY rutted up from the rain the night before. So I was like IM GETTING OUT, haha. Jamie stayed in, shes crazy, and Lee got out to guide him. Well it took like 30+ mins just to navigate that, and he almost turned the sucker over!! I think I lost about 3 years of my life watching it! Scared that crap out of me. Heres the first part of him trying to get down it, not the worst by far!

The Land Rover And The Ruts from Britnieann on Vimeo.

Anywho, we made it past that and nothing else was a problem, thank goodness!! Here we are after we survived, hehe.

After that we headed back to my house, well minus amanda and ryan, and I ordered some Dominos and me and Jamie went and got it and a movie. We got Push, which was really weird and not something I'd watch again. Then they went home and that was about it!

So its about time to close and Lee is out waiting on me, so I guess I will go, adios!


Michelle said...

Hope you had fun with the Sea Do!
That Land Rover is a nice present! My dad would love to take his off roading whenever he'd find somewhere to take it. Sometimes it'd come back covered in mud and it's white so it was kinda funny. 10:30 is unheard of eh? Now that I work mornings I can't remember the last time I slept in till then. Sleeping in till 9 is a challenge.

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