Yup, apparently we are just girl making machines! LOL.
So I really was NOT thinking I would find out at my 16 week appointment last week! But what can I say, my dr is flipping AWESOME. Period.
So he comes in the room and starts talking about how many weeks I am, when I will have my next appointment, which will entail the anatomy ultrasound, etc. And I pop in and was like, Yeah, about that! And I begin to expound how sweet and awesome he was and telling him my birthday is next week and I was SO hoping he would let me do my ultrasound then so I could make an announcement at my birthday dinner.
He starts smiling as he is looking at his paperwork, and goes, well, your just wanting to find out the gender, right? And I was like, yes! And he says well as far as that goes why don't we just look now and see what we can see. And I said HECK YES! :D
So we traipse in there and I lay down, and he finds her right off, a great bottom shot! And I see the LINES. Little silly girl lines! He says, aw, I was sure it was a boy! LOL, join the club!
But I am much less dissapointed this time. I think it's because I really didn't know yet, and hadn't built it up. I did still think she was a boy, going off my cravings and a few things that were different this time. But apparently all the old wives tales don't work on me!!
So he showed me her heart and we listened again, and got to see her bounce a bit and her hand up by her face :). Then we were done! So I DO go back for my 20 week anatomy scan on November 4th, and I am waiting until then for the 'official' announcement on Facebook etc. I have told my close family and all and a few friends too. But from my research online it's definitely NOT unheard of for a 'girl' to turn into a boy when looking as early as 16 weeks! And that is with ultrasound techs doing the scans. My doctor did mine so, we shall see!!
So I was kinda excited because I have a girl name I REALLY like, dare I say love?? And I mentioned it to Lee a few weeks ago and he kind of made a face and said a few things about it, but I thought he kind of liked it! Well now that I want to make that her name he is like NO, I DON'T LIKE IT. Bahh!!!!!!!! Frustrating man! I always have problems with him and names! Well, ever since Chloe that is, but we had already decided we liked that one years before we even got pregnant, lol. (We did have a few arguments over her middle tho!)
Anyway, the name I like is Liberty, Libby for short. IT'S SO CUTE! And goes perfect with her sisters names. Chloe, Shelby, Liberty. Aw.
I don't know, not holing a whole lot of hope that I can convince Lee he likes it, but we shall see. We still have 5 more months :).
I have this fun idea for a photo shoot to announce the gender of baby Mickle #3. I want to get small squeeze bottles of washable paint and put us all in white shirts and jeans and go out in the pasture and squirt the mess out of each other!! While someone takes pics. And also get the girls hand prints on my belly :). It's gonna be so fun!
16 weeks |
I haven't done my 17 week pic yet so here is my 16! I'm still feeling good! Am having a bit of trouble finding something to eat that I really like. And I can't eat much of what I do find. Baby is already taking up lots of space! Amazingly I haven't even gained any weight since last month. I'm still 130. Whoop! I guess the walking and such has helped! I'm still going about 3 times a week for a mile. Still no heartburn (although I did have one bout the other day after mexican, lol, but two tums knocked it out!) or anything. But I am still peeing like ALL. DAY. LONG. And all night long, lol. Poor Lee, I try not to jostle him too much when I get in and out. Sleeping is challenging some times as well. I have a hard time finding a comfy spot to stay. And some nights restless leg likes to visit me. All par for the course!!
So I know of three other ladies that just found out they are prego! They used to be in my small group. Lee and I have since started our own. The other group up and decided all of a sudden that they were going to be a 'no kids' group, and that did NOT work well for us.
So my birthday was yesterday! 32! BLEH. It was a good day though. I had a nice day at work, my Lee Lee greeted me with a happy birthday that morning. And then they gave me a pioneer woman grill pan when I got home! Love it! After that we rushed to Olive Garden and had a great dinner with my family. Though sadly I filled up on stuffed mushrooms, salad, and breadsticks before my soup got there! Lol.
I also have some OTHER BIG NEWS. I don't know if I mentioned this before but Lee and I tentatively got into a house flip partnership with my parents last year sometime. We tried to buy a few houses and they didn't work out or fell through. Well then my dad bought a lake house and he said he was out of money. -_-
SO, fast forward about a year and dad has one of his (7) rentals paid off and is starting to let me talk to him about some houses I've found.
Then the realtor we work with found us THIS one:
It's a 1971 ranch, 4 bedroom 2 bath. Approx 1600 sq ft. In good condition, has been updated a bit, not wood paneling and junk still. Has new carpet. Mainly needs updating in the kitchen and baths and floor/paint. Also a new roof. The front columns are pretty bad and need replaced too, and the garage needs a bit of work. We also want to open the front room up to the dining/kitchen area some more, so will probably knock a wall out somewhere.
I'm SUPER excited. We just have started rolling on it, getting the bank going, appraisals done, etc. So will probably be another month (hopefully less!) before we can start working on it. I'm ready to go TODAY.
I've already went into pinterest planning mode and have all sorts of ideas, lol.
Well that's about all for now! Until later!